Does your husband carry?

Tom Servo said:
No offense, Pax, but the question is a bit insulting.

Just because we all have Y chromosomes doesn't mean we all have the same preferences, hand size, and emotional drives. I get tired of women thinking we all want a camo-dipped .44 Magnum Loudenbowser because of stereotypes....
I'm sorry, Tom. I have to disagree with you. I think pax is absolutely right.

A mere man can't be expected to be able to choose his own gun. We need to rely on our wives to pick our neckties. How can we expect to be able choose something as important as a gun for ourselves?
Posturing aside, men prefer pink firearms. Hot, phosphorescent, glow-in-the-dark pink. It's ok to accent certain parts of the gun with, perhaps, contrasting colors (teal or purple are obvious choices), but when we go to bed at night, we're all dreaming of pink steel. We just can't admit it to each other is all.

Hmmm... Maybe I'll have to get Dad something pink for Christmas. Especially considering I finagled away his roll of hot pink duct tape.
He'd carry it too. *grin*
Not to divert but my daughter when 14 and 5'2" could rack my semis.

I showed it to her. Gave her the gun and said do it. Zip.

I suggest a little LCP with the raspberry colored grips as they are very attractive.
^ Glen, I hear you.

To be honest, I get a little cufuddled at the concept that a slide is to hard to rack. I was racking slides on semi's from age 8 and up, and I don't recall ever failing to get it. Some of them, I would have a little struggle to get past the learning curve, but I never met a slide I couldn't figure out.

Now loading certain magizines can cause words of an explicit nature to be spewed like a drunk sailor, even with a loader, and there have been some I could not get the last few rounds in, but slides and triggers where never that difficult, even with small hands.
I would prefer to forget mikes weasel.

I may have to burn floppy disks as an offering to the gods to get the mental pictures this thread has caused out of my head.
"I may have to burn floppy disks as an offering to the gods to get the mental pictures this thread has caused out of my head."

That's another discussion from another board.
It was the weasel that got me, I confess. Add in some floppy disks.. floppy weasel?? :eek: Not sure what all I was reading I was LOL'ing so hard... It went downhill from there.. lol I have to agree, this is probably the funniest thread I have yet to read on TFL..