Does your husband carry?

The answer is an easy one.

A revolver.

Its a known fact that guys cant multi task and get frazzled under stress so simplicity is the key in order for a guy to have a chance at being able to operate it.

All they will have to do is point and pull the trigger.

Plastic grips are the best choice for men. They don't know how to dust furniture and wont be able to take care of wood grips so plastic is best.
I get the point of the post, but when most of the threads come up for guns recommended for wives or girlfriends usually it is stated that their significant other has very little and limited experience with guns. Often it is said that they do not have a profound interest in guns either, which only means to me that they will probably not be shooting it often or staying familiar with the controls or fundamentals. When smallish simple easy to use guns are recommended it is not because anyone thinks women are simple minded and puny and cannot figure out all the controls or handle a larger gun, it is because it was expressed that they are new to guns and don't have alot of experience. And in that case I would recommend the same regardless of male or female. Also lets be realistic here, mens hands are larger than womens.

Most full sized guns are designed for men's large hands. I am not going to recommend a Sig 226 or Beretta 92 for a woman due to the large grip size. Another problem for women I have noticed, and I have taken alot of my female friends shooting, is that they have a tough time manipulating the slide on alot of my guns. To ignore the fact that most men are stronger than women, and that manipulating a slide might be a problem for some women, just for the sake of equality, is ridiculous. Lets face it, men and women are not built the same.

A perfect example is my mother. She has her concealed carry license, though she has very little interest in guns. She does not enjoy to shoot and does not do so often. She does not take her gun out every now and then to dry fire or even familiarize herself with it, despite how much me and my father tell her she should. Just about every auto we had her try she had a tough time manipulating the slide. Between me and my father constantly having to show her how the safety works, how to clear jams, how to drop a magazine and insert a new one, and etc every time she was left alone in the house, we recommended a revolver and it was just about the best thing for her. By recommending a simple easy to use revolver we were not insulting her intelligence or ability, it was just the best choice for her and it worked out.
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pax: For this reason, the gun companies have started making models in camo colors to appeal to the masculine market. All men like camo....just like they all want to be Duck Commanders.....

If a lot of your female friends have trouble manipulating the slide, that means you need to learn how to teach someone to manipulate the slide. Racking the slide is not a matter of strength; it is all a matter of technique.

If a lot of your female friends have trouble manipulating the slide, that means you need to learn how to teach someone to manipulate the slide. Racking the slide is not a matter of strength; it is all a matter of technique.

Yes and no. I agree technique is the better part of it, but hand and grip strength do come into play. All of them preferred the overhand method, and I taught them to push forward with their hand gripping the gun while pulling back on the slide. More specifically they had the most trouble with my Ruger SR9C which has a very heavy and stiff dual recoil spring. None of them had a problem with the Beretta which I can rack the slide on using my fingertips if I really wanted too. Eventually they all got it, and some did not have any problem at all, but I noticed this more with my female friends than male friends which leads me to believe strength has something to do with it.
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Agree with Kathy here. Slide manipulation can be mastered by anyone who is able to do everyday manual tasks, such as driving, opening a jar of mustard, or swinging a tennis racket.

The biggest variable among people is the size and shape of the hand. On average, a man's hand is larger than a woman's hand, but there is a lot of overlap and a small man may have a smaller hand size than a tall broad shouldered woman. Also, the length of the fingers has an effect on gun fit. A person with small hands but with long thin fingers may be able to use a fairly thick gun. Another person with a seemingly large hand may have short fingers, and a thick gun does not work. Some people have such thick fingers that small guns don't work.

It is not a man/woman issue, it is a hand size and shape issue.


Sgt Lumpy, I laughed at your post....
I agree with pax on slide manipulation. I'm a male but I'm 17 and I'm 5'6 and 110 lbs. to say nothing of my hand size. I have very small hands. When my dad brought home my CZ 75 from the gunshop (I hadn't held it yet) he told me I had made a mistake. I picked up the gun and couldn't rack the slide. Literally could not get the hammer to go from down to half cock no matter how I struggled.

I bought some snap caps, watched some videos, read The Cornered Cat article dealing with this issue, and spent 6 hours practicing.

It's pretty effortless now but was very hard at first. I've not held a gun since that I couldn't manipulate. Although I haven't tested my luck with a desert eagle yet :D

Thanks Pax!
I use a length of pipe, or perhaps a wooden club if I'm feeling old school. I mean I am a MAN!

Women cannot use such devices they are small and weak and need hands to hold flowers and do house work
Hey JGL...

Don't **** me off. You won't like it when I'm ****** off...

This guy carries a kahr cm9 as a blue collar got to work pocket pistol. a cw9 for basic iwb and a tp40 for when a cover is warranted. All one brand , same function.

I have also met some soft mealy kind of guys at a public range that could not hardly rack a pistol that my 100lb daughter could easily deal with. She can rack my cm9 kahr . Not known to be easy to rack.

I've read enough of your posts to know that you're one tough lady. You have two choices to give to a man new to guns, a cut down 1911 45 auto or a snub-nosed 44 magnum.

If the poor sod limp-wrists the 45 auto and it jams on him or he doesn't hold the magnum tight enough to keep from driving the front sight back into his forehead, you'll know him for a wimp and dump him.

I'm guessing that your post is a parody on the typical 'what kind of a little anemic gun should I get for a woman who is afriad of guns and doesn't much like them.' Any man who takes it as a matter of his birthright that he will always have more competence with firearms than any woman he meets is setting himself up to be humiliated.

In my small experience with teaching new shooters, I've always found women to learn more easily than men because they're not embarrassed to admit that they need help.

I say guys need a gun that points like a remote control. Loads like opening a bag of Doritos. Feels as natural in the hand as a beer. Also it needs a holster that he can reach quickly whenever he is not dragging his knuckles on the ground.
I say guys need a gun that points like a remote control. Loads like opening a bag of Doritos. Feels as natural in the hand as a beer. Also it needs a holster that he can reach quickly whenever he is not dragging his knuckles on the ground.

Win! :D

Also, Mike Irwin's weasel made me laugh.

Um. Wait. There's something wrong with that previous sentence, but I don't know how to fix it.

jglsprings said:
Check out Mike Irwin's web site the Cornered Weasel.

That may well be the funniest post I've ever seen on this site.:D

I can't stand text-speak acronyms but that one literally made me LOL.:p
Posturing aside, men prefer pink firearms. Hot, phosphorescent, glow-in-the-dark pink. It's ok to accent certain parts of the gun with, perhaps, contrasting colors (teal or purple are obvious choices), but when we go to bed at night, we're all dreaming of pink steel. We just can't admit it to each other is all.
Oh boy, threads almost always degenerate to the size of a man's weasel....especially when a woman mentions she laughed at a man's weasel...we all know it's not about the size of the weasel in the fight but rather if Mrs. Weasel gave the weasel permission to be in the fight in the first place.