Does your husband carry?

You'll probably will have to be a little more specific. Target, concealmment, hunting, etc...
Otherwise he would probably just enjoy something lightweight with a big hole in the end that never misses.
No offense, Pax, but the question is a bit insulting.

Just because we all have Y chromosomes doesn't mean we all have the same preferences, hand size, and emotional drives. I get tired of women thinking we all want a camo-dipped .44 Magnum Loudenbowser because of stereotypes.

My suggestion would be to enroll him in a First Steps or Basic Handgun class and have him make the decision on his own. It's a very personal one, and everyone's different. Don't rush him.

Same goes for us girls. You hear about guys who say that women should have this gun or that gun because its meant for women. Not the case. I will buy the gun that feels right in my hand. Your husband should do the same. Go to a basic handgun class, if he is unfamiliar with guns, and learn the basics. He will have the opportunity to fire at least one gun (I fired 3 - .22 target, .38 revolver and 9mm semi-auto). This will go a long way to him making the right choice.
I'm having an extra special giggle over this.

The BF carries a .38 special snubbie a lot of the time.

*sarcasm* because it's a GREAT start for a little womans CCW.
About time for a bit of light-heartedness!

So many threads get so dadgum serious!

Miss Pax, I read the title and was thinking something along the lines of 'getting a birthday gift' or some such. Your reversal of this eternal question gives me a warm smile - as well as some others, obviously.

I'm pretty good at picking out jewelry for the woman in my life. (Said in a theoretical sense; I've been good at it in the past and no longer have a woman in my life. Other than my daughter, I still do pretty well by her.) On past occasion I've attempted to buy shoes or clothing for whatever woman was in my life at the time. Usually resulting in a 'thank you' with an undercurrent of 'nice try...'

Truthfully, guns - especially concealed carry guns - are about as personal as shoes or undergarments. 'Comfort' is very much a subjective quality defined only by the user.
Girls, you should get "the husband" a gun that has a lot of kick. Because men are all very strong and can't deal well with light recoil guns.

You should get him a gun with a lot of levers and knobs because all men feel lost when their machines are too simple.

You should get him a gun that requires a lot of disassembly and cleaning because all men like to handle and work with their guns before and after trips to the range.

You should get him an expensive gun because once he starts yacking with his buddies, they'll compare the cost. Your man will feel small if his gun is cheap.

You should get him a gun with night sights. There's really no good reason, but men all like that.

You should get him a well known brand name gun like Smith&Wesson, Colt, SigSauer, Glock or at very least Ruger. Don't get him a Rossi or a Taurus or a DayStar or any other "off brand". Similar to the cost parameter, he'll feel embarassed around his buddies that all have Glocks, when he has a Rossi.

And finally, there's no need to go to the extra expense of paying for lessons or training. Men all know how to use guns. It's in their chromosomes. He will only feel embarassed and inadequate if you suggest that he doesn't know something.

Hope that helps...;)

Sgt Lumpy
I'm sure any gun you pick for your husband would be a good one. Just decide for him, that's fine. :D

Kinda of something pink probably.
You should get him something he feels comfortable carrying. As a guy he will obviously have better hand strength and recoil control than you. I recommend something that starts in a 4. A .357 will suffice if he has to carry a snub nose. A .45 is a good middle of the road cartridge but also consider a .44 magnum or even a .454 Casull. These large frame handguns will fit his hand better and will be very easy to conceal in his beer gut.

But if you want to get something you can shoot with him, you'll want a revolver that can handle a really dumbed down .38 special load or maybe an autoloader with a .22 swap out barrel so that you can shoot after he's done and you'll be able to handle the recoil.