Does McCain look petty?

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More like I am dealing with people that have been indoctrinated by Karl Rove and his ilk into seeing a bias that does not exist and who cannot overcome the fact that they are so far right that the middle looks biased to them. The far left screams about the same bias as the far right does.

If you're that far gone, I can't help you. Somewhere, in a land of fire and shadow, there is a long hard road. You'll have to go a long way to catch up to Andrew Sullivan. He's been on that road longer than you have, but he's only crawling now.
If you're that far gone, I can't help you. Somewhere, in a land of fire and shadow, there is a long hard road. You'll have to go a long way to catch up to Andrew Sullivan. He's been on that road longer than you have, but he's only crawling now.
Both sides scream about media bias. Neither side can actual prove it. Both sides are so blinded by their own ideology that they actually think they are the middle when they are not even close.
Both sides scream about media bias. Neither side can actual prove it. Both sides are so blinded by their own ideology that they actually think they are the middle when they are not even close.

Leftist media bias is one of the most conspicuous phenomena in the universe. It's second only to gravity.

Is it possible to be Left of the MSM and to complain? I guess. Pol Pot might have a few trifling nits to pick here and there. But the MSM struggles even to imagine the thoughts that go through the heads of normal Americans. Sarah Palin is essentially incomprehensible to them. And yet she's pretty representative of a large segment of the American population.
Only to the right wing mind and those weak willed enough to believe Fox News is "unbiased."

You're barking up the wrong tree there. I don't watch Fox News. Know why? Too Liberal.

It's worse than you thought.
Give Me A Break!

Petty for not having Chaney there? I think the best thing that happened to him last week was not having Bush or Chaney there! And with the approval rating Bush has and the scoundrel that Chaney is he was better off without both! If I were him I would not have even entertained the idea of having either one of them there. The convention was not simply about the Republican base but setting the stage for winning the election and those two would have just mad things more difficult.
Does Cheney look evil?

It all depends on your viewpoint. To many, this is how Cheney looks:

What is it about Cheney that makes him a scoundrel? Or are you talking about Lon Chaney?

You mean that they are not one in the same? Many Democrats will be disappointed. They thought they were the same man, seen below:

This thread has violated the little-known "wolfman rule of TFL" and must be closed immediately.

Just kidding.

This one is long past off-topic and is deep in the heart of silliness.

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