Does McCain look petty?

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The GOP didn't want Bush and Cheney anywhere near the convention.

The reason should be obvious.

Well yeah, I remember last night the talking heads going on about how calculated it was that they went straight into (IIRC) the Reagan Video after Bush's satellite address. Or maybe it was another speaker. And then straight into (IIRC) Thompson. Basically not having any pause at all after he finished so that it didn't give the commentators time to discuss him.

Though in fairness, they were just pointing it out as one example of how calculated everything is at these conventions, and they pointed out that it of course applies to both conventions.

Also, @gc70, it's hardly a stretch to suggest that there may be political reasons for not having Cheney speak rather than (or in addition to) the stated reason. But like I said, even assuming the reasoning was political that isn't particularly petty.
Unless you want to speculate on rumor-mongering, there is no question.
It is not exactly rumor mongering when republican convention officials and delegates are sitting on Blitzer's show discussing the behind the scenes discussions. That is pretty much straight from the horse's mouth.
Ugh, you're watching Blitzer's show? Somehow I didn't even notice that. Why would you do that to yourself? ;)

I OD'd on talking heads about half a night into the DNC. Pretty much just started watching all the addresses on online feeds, sans commentary...a policy I'm continuing for the RNC. Better anyway, because I noticed that for whatever reason most of the channels seem to think that 60%-70% of the speakers aren't important enough for their viewers to hear, so they just cut back to the heads and talk over them.

The best is when they'll be talking about the speech currently being given, but not actually showing it. Seriously, guys.

Ugh, you're watching Blitzer's show? Somehow I didn't even notice that. Why would you do that to yourself?
I know...I absolutely hate that guy. I keep hoping I will lose my temper and throw something at the TV...which would give me a reason to buy a new, nicer one. :D
Also, @gc70, it's hardly a stretch to suggest that there may be political reasons for not having Cheney speak rather than (or in addition to) the stated reason. But like I said, even assuming the reasoning was political that isn't particularly petty.

If you want to assume that McCain decided Cheney would not speak, then I agree that there are plenty of good political reasons for that course of action without involving pettiness.

It is not exactly rumor mongering when republican convention officials and delegates are sitting on Blitzer's show discussing the behind the scenes discussions. That is pretty much straight from the horse's mouth.

Did anyone on the show specifically say that they knew for a fact that McCain decided Cheney would not speak and the 'official' reason was a lie? If not, it is only speculation.

As you can see above, I have no problem expressing an opinion on a speculative situation, but I do so without giving credence to the speculation as though it were a fact. The original question slants the discussion against McCain - a direct 'yes' or 'no' answer inherently accepts the premise that McCain lied about Cheney not speaking.
Did anyone on the show specifically say that they knew for a fact that McCain decided Cheney would not speak and the 'official' reason was a lie? If not, it is only speculation.
They clearly stated that McCain was not in favor of Cheney speaking. They even mentioned that the relationship between Cheney and McCain is "chilly at best."
They clearly stated that McCain was not in favor of Cheney speaking. They even mentioned that the relationship between Cheney and McCain is "chilly at best."

So nobody actually stated as a fact that McCain decided Cheney would not speak and the 'official' reason was a lie.

It would be equally valid to speculate that Cheney used weather as an excuse to not have to deal with McCain; then we could ask whether Cheney looks petty.
Who cares about Cheney!!
I'll bet HE couldn't care less about speaking at the RNC.
He's probably laughing his A$$ off!!

This is hilarious.

Cheney is one of the most disliked politicians this country has ever had.

The GOP didn't want him to speak at the convention.

Big surprise.

This is obvious.

What is being debated here?
Once again I find myself asking you t put up or shut up...

Right back at ya, you're the one making outrageous accusations. According to you, we can't question St. Obama on a primary qualification for the Presidency but we can examine the most tender parts of Sarah Palin's children with a microscope.
John McCain is a maverick, a reformer and a bona fide American hero.

Petty is the same old politics of class envy, race and division that is practiced by his opponents.
LOL If you had to pick... Obama now, or McCain 40 years ago???
To quickly address this and get back on topic...Obama is in no way an attractive man. :barf:

Back on topic, it seems most people here have no issue with McCain wishing to snub Cheney. I think the guy on Blitzer said it perfectly when he clarified that "only the people in attendance" would have enjoyed seeing him. In other words, pretty much just the true devotees, the rich, and the well connected.
Right back at ya, you're the one making outrageous accusations

Of course these are ridiculous accusations, and PlayboyPenguin has provided us with absolutely no documentation whatsoever to even backup that Wolf Blitzer said any of these things that he has claimed here, much less than the staff at CNN were engaging in anything other than idle speculation. Obviously, no sources of any kind were revealed on the show, as Playboy Penguin cannot cite them.

Furthermore, he cannot even provide us a link to any transcript at CNN.COM proving that any of this was even said. I would not even trust his reporting of what was allegedly said on CNN, for he is so very biased.

Now if someone was making such a baseless attack on Obama without anything to document it, well, Playboy Penguin's feathers would be really be ruffled big time then.

Playboy Penguin is definitely the one here with the burden of proof on him to prove and document that any of this is in anyway true. And if he doesn't, then he is engaging in pure hypocrisy here, as well as spreading a rumor.

But as HKuser noted, this is not the first example of Playboy Penguin doing this.

In other words, pretty much just the true devotees, the rich, and the well connected.

I guess we can now add republicans to religious folk on PBP's list of those hit by the big broad brush.

I guess you cannot be bothered to actually watch the news. I guess if you close your eyes and plug your ears you can always go through life saying no one could prove anything to you that you did not want to believe. That is pretty sad IMHO.

Of course I am sure when the clips are available on youtube tomorrow you will be a man and offer a complete apology.

BTW, here is a link to an article printed weeks ago that pretty much says the same thing they were repeating today.
Will Vice President Cheney be a no-show at the Republican convention in Minnesota?

Republican officials say yes, citing a desire by Sen. John McCain's campaign to turn the page on the Bush-Cheney years. One GOP official told CNN there's a "mutual understanding" between Cheney's office and the McCain camp that he is "unlikely" to attend the convention.
“The only bit of good news at all brought by Gustav is that it caused the cancellation of both Bush and Cheney speeches. Every Republican was rather dreading these speeches to begin with.”
Some more clips from recent stories in the media...
When the matter first arose, Cheney told the McCain campaign that he would be happy to do whatever he could do to be helpful. The McCain campaign was initially cool to the idea of Cheney speaking and some of its leaders, in the McCain campaign, including the titular campaign chairman Rick Davis, did not want Cheney to speak under any circumstances.
As word spread on Capitol Hill and among conservative activists in Washington, some conservatives began to grumble that the McCain campaign’s treatment of Cheney is yet another sign that the campaign is taking the Republican base for granted
So, just what part of my original post do you feel is somehow biased or without basis?
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