Does CorBon's +P Lie Bother Anyone else?

Morgan, your post made something dawn on me. I don't know for sure if what you're saying is true, and I have no evidence to disagree with the posters who say CorBon is great stuff. But (and like Rosie, this is a big but), suppose for a minute that CorBon's stuff is indeed over SAAMI pressures consistently and they know this. OK? Just make this assumption. Then what better way to fight off lawsuits when they get sued for Kbs that to respond "Hey, you (the shooter/plaintiff) knew, or reasonably should have known,this ammo was over normal pressure because of the +P on the box. But did you bother to find a .40 cal gun rated for +P before shooting? No you didn't. Your gun wasn't rated for "+P .40 s&w". So it's not our fault you used the wrong gun". No matter that there is no such animal. Their response is "Hey, we don't make guns - that's in the gun manufacturers' court to make a gun suitable for our premium, different ammo type". They know first of all that people who buy ("premium") CorBon ammo are the same type of people who buy high quality firearms which are in all liklihood going to be pretty strong and can handle technically over pressure stuff anyway, and therefore lawsuits will be rare. But they will still have this argument to fall back on when a Jennings .40 blows a few fingers off and blinds an eye. Cynical? yes. True? Well, who knows.....

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited December 11, 1999).]
Again, Cor-Bon has been producing ammo for around 15 years and I have yet to hear (or read) anything negative about them. In fact, you usually hear excellent recommendations from firearms professionals.
Never heard of any lack of quality and never heard of anyones gun blowing up.
If such is not the case, please let the rest of us in on it.
Kingknives - these wouldn't be the same gun rags that never say anything bad about, say, Taurus, but run several Taurus ads each issue, would they? I've grown sick of such drivel, especially when I know someone who's helped test, found an item severely lacking, and it still gets a glowing review.

I'm surprised you haven't heard anything about Cor Bon and their quality control issues (primer problems, bullets not seated/crimped properly, and, worst of all, squibs). For many years it was the same story when there were problems - a "disgruntled" now-former employee was responsible. Now they simply refuse to talk about it.

I've heard of recent pressure tests of CorBon ammo (9mm 115gr, if I recall) which found it dangerously overpressured, many of the rounds above proof round pressures.

Most guns today are wonderfully engineered, and can take obscene amounts of pressure before blowing, especially with new brass that doesn't blow. I'm still not taking such chances with my guns, face, eyes, and hands.

To top it all off, I've found CorBon to be hilariously inaccurate. I haven't fired any for a while, so it's possible they've improved (I understand their muzzle flash, which used to be a huge, bright orange fireball, is now much more subdued), but I'm unwilling to trust the ammo for testing.

For more on CorBon, go to and go to the CorBon 135gr test in the 40 S&W section.

As I said before, if you're a velocity junkie, Triton's Hi-Vel line (don't get me started on Quik-Shoks :)) seems to be good quality stuff.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with CorBon, ProLoad, Triton, Remington, or any other ammunition maker. Just a concerned and critical thinker.

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited December 14, 1999).]
Am I ever glad I looked at this!!!!!

Based on several sources (data, media, associates) I thought that Cor-Bon was the best of the best.

Not until I was able to try some of their 135gr .40 s&w was I able to decide for myself. My "kid at Christmas" mood was quickly removed when I put about 30 rds. through my HK USP40-c. With this gun I most always, ALWAYS, keep all shots in the x and 10 rings. The make of ammo typically does not matter. All I can say is that I'm glad I was not in a "real" situation or that I was qualifying again. Accuracy at 7 yds.with this stuff was terrible at best.

Just now I got into the Proload site and did some investigating of my own. At this point with what I can see from them and the rest of you folks in here....Proload deserves a very serious look. When people like Wayne Novak, Wiley Clapp, Massad Ayoob and places like Gunsite and Rangemaster (love Rangemaster) can promote, use and support a product like Proloads' I don't need to see much else. Maybe Cor-Bon should go into the beer selling business at Sturgis instead. A crowd of drunks would likely be a better market for their CRAP than an informed and intelligent shooting public.

Good-Bye Bor-Bon

(not meaning to imply that all bikers are drunks or that all drunks are ignorant) just speaking figuratively

yes , i ask perer about that and he said + performance. All of the ammo mfg.s load the 40 up to the 35,000 psi. that what it takes to get the 180 going at 975 +/- fps. I've shot a ton of ballistic gel with all of the makes, thur glass, clothes, auto sheet metal and i still like Federal. It anit how fast the bullet is going or the muzzle energy, it is how the bullet performs when it actually hits the target. TERMINAL ballistics, not gunrag bull-istics.

Morgan- Thanks for the link, looks like quite a bit of useful info. I've been shooting the Cor-Bon 200gr Speer .45 bullet and the 115gr 9mm and my accuracy has been comparable to other brands, though I can honestly say I haven't tried Pro Load

X-Kill; I don't know about the others, but I do know Mr. Ayoob has been a big proponent
of Cor-Bon for many years (one of the reasons I started shooting Cor-Bon), though I'm sure he recommends many other brands also. His company sells Cor-Bon & Triton.

Take care.

Just got off the phone with Pro Load. Man, those guys are really nice. The man I talked to acted as if he were a long time friend and he answered every question I had without stammering one bit. Just thought I'd throw that in the pile.

Time to check out Pro Load.


Accuracy with CorBon varies from gun to gun and caliber to calber, like any other ammo.

FWIW, Kurt Wickmann just completed work on a Hi-Power for me. I sent a box of CB 125gr JHPs +P to use for sighting in purposes.
Kurt's report to me: At 25 yds, from a standing, un-supported stance, 5 shots grouped into 1/2", final 2 shops opened up a 1 hole group!

The only loading from CorBon I've ever seen data stating that it was over SAMMI specs is the 38Spl 110gr +P load, and it was considerably over pressure. This was several years ago and may be fixed now.

I've recently chron'd CorBon loads in .40

.40 Glock 22 CorBon 165gr
vel- 1049fps
ES- 26
Sd- 11

.40 Glock 22 CorBon 135gr
vel- 1257fps
ES- 7
Sd- 3

.40 Glock 22 Federal 180 HS
vel- 910fps
ES- 8
Sd- 3

.40 Glock 22 Fiocchi 170gr FMJ-TC
vel- 992
ES- 39
sd- 14

I bet my life most days to pistols chambered in 9mm. And I thank Peter Pi for making high performance ammo available to me and all civilians, when companies such as Federal restrict such ammo to LE only!
In fairness to CorBon, they don't list any "+P" for .40 stuff at the website linked above - I'll check the boxes at the store next time I'm there. BTW, did everyone read what I said in my prior post above. If not, please read it and tell me what you think.
Futo - I could see it. They've also made a lot of noise about loading such powerful ammo, which they might be able to use in defence of a blown gun.

Lawyer: "You knew this was the most powerful ammunition on earth, and yet you ran hundreds of rounds through your pistol - you are aware that more powerful ammunition causes greater wear on the firearm, aren't you?"

A dumbass jury wouldn't ever get that you must run a lot of your carry ammo through a gun before it can be trusted.

I doubt that there's anything so devious going on, though.
I use Corbon in 9mm-115 grain and .40-165grain and get very good accuracy and plenty of pop at the end.
And I also like Harleys, and I also like beer, and to infer and denigrate the two is impolite and in the ball park with Rosie and her pals.
Sorry, Gents, but Cor-Bon does not lie, cheat, or deceive its customers. We have been making quality ammo for 18 years. You cannot stay in business that long by doing that.

Cor-Bon has a $100,000 dollar underground test facility complete with ranges and the state of the art pressure testing equipment. Anyone is welcome to come and take a tour if they are in the area. All of our ammo meet SAAMI specs for pressure. We even send our ammo out to independent labs to double check our equipment.

We have a 200% money guantee on our products. If you are not 100% satisfied we will give you double your money back. We just gave out 1200 boxes of free ammo on Glock talk to prove it.
Would you offer that offer (free box of ammo) on TFL, Mr. Pi? (im not trying to be rude, just want to see how your load compares to others for my personal test) Thanx, Matt
I took the folks at CorBon up on their offer from the Glock site. They sent me a free box of 115+p 9mm within about a week. I did not chrono or anything, but I can tell you I felt good about shooting their ammo in my
P-11. It felt decisive and not at all unmanageable. Was also as accurate as I needed to be for the use of this type of handgun. As for the mis-labeling------- can't answer to this, but I feel comfortable in dealing with this company.
That being said, I haven't tried every load available in the 9mm spectrum. These other makes may very well be good, also. For now, I carry CorBon.

As a side note, Triton had a similar offer on the Glock site as well around the same time frame. I did what every red blooded shooter would do and requested a box of theirs, too. I'm still waiting for it's arrival.

So many a'holes-- so few bullets!------
Ford Fairlane
As a manufacturer I must say if I didn't make ammo I'd buy Pro Load.

And JK is a goodguy.

"All my ammo is factory ammo"
"these wouldn't be the same gun rags that never say anything bad about, say, Taurus, but run several Taurus ads each issue,"

Or people on this forum that never say anything good about them. Must work for S&W.
wah,wah,wah, i'm going to tell my mommy that cor-bon listed their ammo+p and I took it to mean +pressure maybe she will beat them up for me. I hate complainers that have nothing better to do with their lives than try to find s--t like this to stir something up. Who cares what the anal retentive get-a-life needing people have to say. Why don't you file a good junk law suit (like we don't have enough of them already) and show everyone that your idea of an abbreviation listed was something different than intended, and without investigation on your part you think you were disappointed when actually you are just stirring up s--t.
Peter - What did happen when all of those "disgruntled employee" stories were floating around, and there were occassional problems with the ammo? I'm not trying to be a jerk, and I'm certainly not trying to imply I could do it better, but hey - there were issues. I haven't heard of any recently, however - have new QC measures been enacted in the last year or two? I've also heard (though not seen) that the once terrific muzzle flash of CorBon has been tamed.

What's the scoop?

[This message has been edited by Morgan (edited December 14, 1999).]