Do You Worry About a Gun Ban?

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do I sense a troll

LostOne "In America it should be well within my right to say what ever I want, just like it should be in my rights to own what ever fire-arm I want."

23 post and he is already proclaiming himself. HUM!

LostOne free speech does not guarantee you listeners. And this Board has no obligation to allow your use of free speech in a manner inconsistent with the use of this private forum.
LostOne free speech does not guarantee you listeners. And this Board has no obligation to allow your use of free speech in a manner inconsistent with the use of this private forum.

I would love to know what I have done that violates any forum rules.

I support peoples rights, I fully support you having the ability to disagree with me as thats what America is all about.

Free speech is vital to America staying free, just like the 2nd amendment.
Everything I have posted I believe is within the guidelines.

If you believe in the restriction of rights which includes the 2nd amendment, please post why and I would love to have a discussion on it, but please avoid directly attacking the poster.
I think many of you are missing the point and going off topic...

I will too. I would say that most if not all TFL members support the 1st amendment. This being said, just because you can say / do something doesn't mean you should.

Another point is that TFL is not the USA. While you do have freedom of speech in the USA, TFL has rules, just as the USA has laws. Racial Slurs and Offensive speech should not be tolerated by anyone, as it reflects poorly on gun owners, this forum and that member specifically. I hope that all of you want to represent yourselves and us as intelligent and respectful people.

Being Asian American myself, I've heard jokes and slurs at my expense, a couple of times in reference to Virginia Tech (not really funny in my book), and honestly I wasn't offended, instead i felt proud, proud that I had the maturity to be above someone who would use racial slurs as a part of their vocabulary. Easiest way to put it is "you can't teach smart."

oh yea... gun ban...
I'm sure there will be increased restrictions on gun ownership, sales, and transfers very soon.
Globe don't hold your breath waiting on me editing my comments ... I am not the one who has 3 or 4 AR15s ...3 or 4 M1,s ....or several AK47's with enough ammo to hold off a regiment ...if one does not have a concern of these "imigrants" over running our country then why would one need all this fire power .... Im being honest when I say I hold a grudge with what happend on 911 pure and simple BUT I do not own an arsenal like some

Bama, if you can't get above "
towel heads
camel jockeys
then you need to find somewhere else to go. I'm damn surprised the staff hasn't shut down this thread yet for your comments alone. They've done it for similar language in the past. I guess you are too new to know that?

Conscience? No I don't think so. I'm just saying you're outside the rules. You want to listen? Fine. If not, fine. I'm not limiting your free speach in the slightest, just trying to convey a simple fact you are out of line in terms of the rules. I enjoy a good political discussion with like minded folks. I tend to learn new angles on things by hearing others viewpoints that I don't get where I am at. After all, we share some common interests or we wouldn't be chatting on this board

If you and me were sitting around the campfire bsing, would we go down that path? Probably. I've got more reason than most to resent those folks performing those deplorable acts agains humanity.
Lost One
Everything I have posted I believe is within the guidelines.

If you believe in the restriction of rights which includes the 2nd amendment, please post why and I would love to have a discussion on it, but please avoid directly attacking the poster.

LostOne, don't sweat it. Maybe you came into the forum when everyone is having a bad day at the same time. Just take a deep breath and try another thread and maybe you'll have better luck.

I'm for freedom of speech too. Most forums I visit like to put limits on it though. It's a fact of life we all have to deal with... otherwise some of these threads would be total chaos.
On review, I agree that derogatory terms, labels and phrases are offensive when spoken or written. There are certainly many service members of Middle Eastern descent who have served our country in the finest manner, and some who have made the ultimate sacrifice. There are also undoubtedly many fine citizens from those regions that could or should take offense at such language.

The point was also made about our being guests on this great website and having to conform to the standards of behavior, which is accepted without debate.

So, I'm acknowledging that Bamanuts post could easily be construed to be over the line and reprehensible.

I'm wrong on this one...

Jeff B.

BTW, they will still try to slowly constrict our 2A rights.
LostOne said:
In America it should be well within my right to say what ever I want, just like it should be in my rights to own what ever fire-arm I want.
Generally speaking it is. Specificly however, you are a guest in Rich Lucibellas Living Room and subject to his rules, just like you would be in someone else's house.

Here, we don't use speech that would be offensive to strangers or in the presence of minors. Don't like it? The door is that-a-way ---->

As for you, Bamanut... using the broad brush to paint all Arabs/Muslims/Middle Easterners as the same will get you nothing but the door. This kind of blatant out-and-out racism has no place on TFL. :mad:
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