Do You Worry About a Gun Ban?

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wjkuleck said it right

It's death by millimeters.

Yeah, I can prove it by going down to the store looking for .45 long colt.

The rising price of cartridges and separate reloading supplies is sure to price many many people out over the next few years.

Now is the time to get into reloading. Otherwise, as they say here on the forum, you've got an expensive club.

Be afraid; very afraid.

I was feeling sick to my stomach contemplating the erosion of all our rights and what seems to be the greatest straw election in the history of the USA.:eek::confused::eek:

My heart goes out to the fair handed, hard working FFL's of the world. I hate to even contemplate how all this makes them feel about their future.
It's comments like that which make us all look bad and feed the stereotype.

Where is the staff member in his signature that states your are an ambassador for the gun community and your post reflects on all of us. It's something to that effect.
I just remember 911 ....and I am sure if the truth be known most eveyone on here considers that when their running out there buying all the ammo ...AK47's and automatic weapns they can get their hands on ...

I think the anti's have learned a lot of lessons over the years and they are getting better at what they do. Instead of attempting to ban all guns they start by banning just a few. Then they get progressively more bold adding more to the list. Death by a thousand cuts.

Knowing they will never get an outright ban they move to the more clever "backdoor" bans. Taxing ammunition and guns to the point where they can no longer be afforded. The "microstamping" nonsense. etc, etc.

The California legislature was told by the University of California (who they commissioned to do the study) that microstamping does not work and is easily beaten. California adopted it anyway. The intention was never to implement the "technology" to make crimes easier to solve. It was a "backdoor ban". I understand a few companies have already opted to no longer sell handguns in California because the technology is too expensive to implement (and doesn't work).

Exactly what the anti's wanted.

I see a day (soon) when a Remington Model 700 will cost $1400.00. There will be things like:

1. School safety tax.
2. City of New York crime prevention tax (even if you live in the western part of the state).
3. Crime victims fund tax for victims of gun crime.
4. A special handgun tax.
5. Increase in state and federal tax on guns and ammunition.
6. Local taxes on guns and ammunition.
7. Annual "possession fees" to own a gun.

On and on and on.

Look at the Brady Bill II (which thankfully never made it) which had such wonderful provisions such as:

Bans on owning more than 20 guns without a special license, ban on possessing more than 1000 rounds of ammunition (rimfire included), and on and on.

We all need to fight this harder.

At first there will not be mass confiscations of firearms. Odds are they will start by either A. Imposing a huge (10,000%) tax on ammunition or B. Require manufacturers to serial number each round thereby greatly limiting the amount of ammo available and drastically increasing the cost. Both ideas have been discussed for some time now. Next if the commie libs take control, they will stack the courts and rule the 2nd Amendment does not apply to handguns and confiscate them or possibly certain ones (SA) leaving revolvers. Then the snowball rolls outta control.
Voters decision

The voters apparently decided, Mommy and Daddy take care of me and We will sell our rights.
Yes, but I am confident their will be a push back, the Iraq occupation really ****ed gun owners because allot of people will only vote on that issue and not look at the radical anti-gun views of presidential candidates.
All the time

So today i sucombed to the darkside and bought an AR-15 while i still can:D


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Long term, the danger is the number of shooters dropping to a point of being no longer politically significant.
A lot of shooters don't have a clue.

If Bama is comfortable with his post, (at the least poorly phrased) what are you waiting for?

Are you the conscience of the board?

The United States in a nation of immigrants. Pointing the finger at a group because of their heritage or religion would be weak at best, but regardless of coherence, folks should be able to post their thoughts.

For my own part, I am concerned with the potential for legislative action that could impact gun owners/reloaders/gun purchasers in the next Presidential term. None of the three front runners are particularly favorable towards the 2A, so the impetus to purchase guns that you feel might become "illegal" rises.

I'll will buy an M1 in the next few months. Probably a Saiga shotgun as well. A number of the preceding posts have made me think about starting to reload also.

Jeff B.
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I'm in a bit of a worst case scenario right now. 1) I'm low on money 2) I'm in CA 3) I've got other things I need money for and 4) I'm in CA...yes, that's worse than all of the other factors. I hate these stupid politicians. I shouldn't have to care what they think they want to do with my rights or availability of supply. It's none of their damned business what I own or buy.

If Bama is comfortable with his post, (at the least poorly phrased) what are you waiting for?

Are you the conscience of the board?

I dont care what Bama is comfortable with. Vulgarity is not permited on the board. As far as I'm consinderd the words he used are no different than N****. It makes us look bad and for an Arab American like myself its down right insulting.
I dont care what Bama is comfortable with. Vulgarity is not permited on the board. As far as I'm consinderd the words he used are no different than N****. It makes us look bad and for an Arab American like myself its down right insulting.

Interesting, so you are pro gun - but anti free speech?
Using racial slurs and vulgar language is no more free speech than saying perverted things to children is free speech.
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Using racial slurs and vulgar language is no more free speech than saying perverted things to children is free speech.

I just find it funny, people preach freedom for one thing, but not another?

In America it should be well within my right to say what ever I want, just like it should be in my rights to own what ever fire-arm I want.

Once somone limits something, it sets the ability for more limitations to be added, your vulgar might my vastly different then my vulgar - who is right?
It has nothing to do with free speech. If we can't use the S word, F word ect. Why should we be allowed to use racial slurs? Whatever, ill drop it. Something ill just learn to live with I guess....I might as well weigh in like I had intended to before I was side tracked by klansman bama. In the era of the patriot act, I would put anything past our leaders.
do I sense a troll

LostOnem "In America it should be well within my right to say what ever I want, just like it should be in my rights to own what ever fire-arm I want."

23 post and he is already proclaiming himself. HUM!
LostOnem "In America it should be well within my right to say what ever I want, just like it should be in my rights to own what ever fire-arm I want."

23 post and he is already proclaiming himself. HUM!

Hardly, I just recognize the importance of freedom in all aspects of American life,
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