Do You Worry About a Gun Ban?

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New member
Every now and then I worry about some sort of gun ban, one that either attempts to take away everything I have or makes it illegal to sell or transfer them. Part of my fear is that I look at my guns as an investment, something to sell on down the road if I need to, or at least be able to transfer them to my kids if they want them, as my father did to me.

I don't see myself ever actually stopping from buying guns for my collection, but now and then I wonder "what if". I guess I would feel so much better if I knew there was always going to be a way to recoup the money I have invested back out of them if need be.

I realize that any attempt of the Government to confiscate our weapons would ,I think, throw our Country in to total chaos and I don't want this thread getting into that theory.

I do try to support our gun rights the best I can, and to help others start into the field of gun ownership, whether it's my kids, a girlfriend, or somebody at work. I know there are guys here and all around that have much more invested than I, and some that have less invested. But we all must think about something terrible like that happening now and then...or am I the only one.

Sometimes I wish I had a different stamp collecting. :)
I am more worried about them making all ammo manufacturers serial number the ammo and have it registered to the buyer. Ten states are trying to get it passed now and it will make reloading a no go which is one of my favorite hobbies. I think this time around the powers that be are going to take a more creative approach to limit gun sales and owners than a blanket ban of guns.
Until the 2nd is rewriten or ammended I'm good!

They're trying every day. They may have a pretty good shot at it if Obama gets elected. Even if it happens I don't imagine they'll try to consficate all guns just stop sales of new ones. They'll go after us in other ways tho.
Until the 2nd is rewriten or ammended I'm good!

Yeah, well, tell that to the folks in California, NY and Massachusets, CA particularly: No ARs, no .50 cals, no AKs, no SKSs, no mags over 10 rounds, no full-auto...

It's death by millimeters. With either Obama or Clinton in the White House we are in serious danger of losing gun shows, autoloading rifles, standard capacity pistols (> 10 rounds), and more. Concealed carry reciprocity? In danger. Hollow point bullets? Cop-killers. FMJ bullets? Armor-piercing. Unjacketed lead bullets? Wildlife-poisoning toxic waste.

There's no limit to the imagination of the narcisstic hoplophoic autocracy.

Be afraid; very afraid.

Regards, and afraid,

I fear that there will be a day that we will spray paint rocks and sharp sticks flat black and OD-green to make them more tactial than everyone elses rocks and sticks.

I think that guns will be banned ammo first, then they'll start banning all the evil features.
Micro stamping is the most recent tactic.

Lead as an environmental hazard is all tee'd up ready to go.

International "agreements" will be used to implement some more gun control inside the US. Want to simple clue? Pay attention to all the BS coming out of Mexico about how US gunshows are the source of its violence problems.

Neither party will attack head on. Loser politically.
That's why I finally bought some ARs. I figure if the Dems get into office, we will see at least another Clinton-era AWB, if not something worse. Better to get them now before they are gone! Unfortunately, 8 years of Republican leadership is viewed almost entirely within the confines of the GWOT, the trouble in Iraq, high gas prices, and not at all on the core of what is wrong in this world.

I fear for much worse than an AWB or any gun control legislation...
It's exactly why I bought an M1A that I really didn't need and really couldn't afford. The ban is coming as soon as one of the socialists gets power. And this time it will cover a lot more. Something like the Louisiana bill to ban all semiautomatic rifles and all repeating shotguns and most semiautomatic handguns as assault weapons.
I don't worry about them being banned in our lifetime. I do believe that they are going to become harder and more expensive to get as well as ammo. I believe that the gun grabbers and others have moved on from out and out ban and are now imposing production limitations on makers that will in effect ban guns.

For example, ammo serialization and micro stamping would be added costs to gun and ammo makers and might force many companies out of the market. The fact that ammo serialzation made its way around quite a few states legislatures in 2008 is case and point. Forget the fact that it hasn't been proven to work, sportsman have to pay for the cost and there is no governing body to administer the program, some thing like this would be a nightmare for ammo makers. Force ammo makers out, or increase the cost of ammo to the end user so much that it is unaffordable, and you ban guns by banning ammo.
I worry about all types of gun control, whether it be back door or an all out gun ban. That's why I joined the NRA, and I fax/call/email local reps every time something new comes up. I think you have to do BOTH, not one or the other...and if every gun owner (or even just 75%) did this, we would be in much better shape than we are now. If you're just hoping that stupid laws won't pass, then enjoy your guns now while you can, cause you (or your children, or your children's children) will not have them to enjoy.
If you're just hoping that stupid laws won't pass, then enjoy your guns now while you can, cause you (or your children, or your children's children) will not have them to enjoy.

Well, along with supporting the NRA, I also make a habit of bugging my represenatives, and they know me well. I "do" hope they don't pass any more stupid laws, but I realize that that isn't enough.
If guns are banned, they would be as hard to find as illegal drugs or illegal border-crossers.
Problem with that is that unless supressors become commonplace, it will be very hard to actively enjoy firearms without drawing attention to oneself and thus be hunted down by the LEO's. You can use illegal drugs and employ illegal aliens without getting noticed. Not so with anything larger than a .22.
I am mildly concerned though in my lifetime I doubt it will be an outright ban. Restriction of ammo appears to be the primary attack right now and will likely be adopted to some level. Many countries already ban ammo in "military calibers" which would knock out the 223, 308, 9mm and possibly the 06 and 45 auto. A secondary concern which has also been attempted, without any success yet is taxation of firearms (registration would be required). Having to pay a $25 or more tax per gun per year is gonna take a serious bite out of gun ownership.
Im not rocket scientest but it seems to me the fact that because there are so many civilian gun owners in the US might be the deturant that has kept those towel heads from using suicide bombers bombs and other means of terrior here ...I would think the powers that be here is the US has let the top camel jockeys in Iran and Iraq know that if something like that were to happen again that we would declare open season on their brethern...of cousre this is just my opinion

Im not rocket scientest but it seems to me the fact that because there are so many civilian gun owners in the US might be the deturant that has kept those towel heads from using suicide bombers bombs and other means of terrior here ...I would think the powers that be here is the US has let the top camel jockeys in Iran and Iraq know that if something like that were to happen again that we would declare open season on their brethern...of cousre this is just my opinion


In my opinion you're a racist who should chosse better words to discribe people who dont look like you. Why dont you do the decent thing and edit your ignorant post, lest we should all look like uneducated biggots. Of course, thats just my opinion.
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