Do You Wear Blaze Orange

I hate wearing orange

Seems silly to put on a full set of camo clothes and then plunk an orange hat on your head, (100 sq inches) but that's what AL requires in areas open to gun deer huntng.

Except that, once you get up in an elevates stand a certan height, it is no longer required. So a popular item is a reversible hat. But..........I do the vast bulk of my deer hunting on public land that is usually closed to gun hunts, but open for archery. Somehow, I feel cleaner.........
Seems silly to put on a full set of camo clothes and then plunk an orange hat on your head, (100 sq inches) but that's what AL requires in areas open to gun deer huntng.

Deer's eyes are different than human's and they don't perceive red and orange the way we do. To them it's just another shade of green.

Orange clothing is not required in CA, but I wear orange or orange camo clothing when out in the woods during rifle season whether hunting or not. The only exception is turkey hunting.
We should not have to wear orange, but unfortunately a small percentage of hunters who are idiots make it a necessity.

It doesn't take an idiot to accidentally shoot something they don't even know is there. Fact is that shooters can and do miss, bullets do go thru critters. If you're on the other side of that critter and not wearing orange than it's 100% on you if you get your ass shot. Not on the guy pullin the trigger. The idiot is the guy not wearing orange.

Seems silly to put on a full set of camo clothes and then plunk an orange hat on your head, (100 sq inches) but that's what AL requires in areas open to gun deer huntng.

Yep pretty silly. But then again for most hunting putting on a full set of camo is silly all by itself. It's not the orange that's over rated it's the camo you put underneath it.
Well said L_K.

Too, some may not know but there are anti-hunting organizations out there that the main topic they use to promote their anti-hunting agenda is hunting related shootings/accidents. These groups are not hard to find with a quick 'Google'...

...soooo, since I love to hunt, and wearing orange whether required or not is a proven method of helping preserve what I love to do by cutting down on hunting related shootings , it seems a small thing to do.

FWIW, putting hunter orange on a camo ground blind is a good idea as well. Animals just don't pay attention to it but another hunter can see it from afar.
Growing up in FL, there was an orange requirement during deer gun season. A vest met the requirements, but I would usually shed it once I got in the stand. Why wear orange when I've got all this camo, thought I.

First assignment at Fairchild AFB in Spokane, WA, and shortly after arrival I found myself invited to hunt some private land for the ongoing gun season. Despite my most ardent searching, I could not find my vest.

The landowner chuckled at my conundrum, and offered me a huge orange parka. So I hit the woods looking much akin to a blaze orange marshmallow with this huge parka, never once thinking I would actually see something.

I sit on the ground, back against a blowdown, at the top of a ravine, thinking every animal in sight will know I am there, when I see movement coming up the ravine. I count a handful of deer. I shoulder my rifle and wait. Lead deer is a buck, 5 point, and he's working his way STRAIGHT towards me. I wonder how long he will continue this suicidal trek, as its obvious he MUST see this blaze orange blimp sitting there, and certainly one of those does is going to blow soon.

He kept up his casual death march.

Finally, with him at 25 yards, and more deer spread out behind him casually browsing, I decided to end my "how close will be get without seeing me" experiment with a shot to the chest, head on and slightly downward. Game over.

Now, there was nothing of significance between me and him or the others for that matter. By all accounts, he should have seen me. They all should have. But, they didn't. That's when I started believing about how deer see orange.

Don't get me wrong, I still think camo helps, and don't voluntarily wear orange during archery, but I am also not concerned about it during gun season.
globemaster3 said:
They all should have. But, they didn't. That's when I started believing about how deer see orange.

Don't get me wrong, I still think camo helps, and don't voluntarily wear orange during archery, but I am also not concerned about it during gun season.

The most recent research I've seen indicates that not only do deer not see Orange, or rather see it as another shade of brown, they also do not see small details beyond a distance of about 30 yards.

In other words, almost all of the currently marketed camo, with it's high-detail, dark-colored visualizations of various forest background, looks essentially like a solid color to any deer farther away than about 30 yards.

The most effective patterns, therefore, are those that have large patches of highly contrasting sections, or a light background with SMALL patches of dark colors. ASAT and the LIGHT COLOR version of the newer Scent Lock Vertigo being two examples.
Keg, comment #42

You are right that Texas does not require Blaze Orange - ON PRIVATE LAND.

But when you hunt National Forest (Davey Crocket, Angelina, Sam Houston, etc.), and/or the numerous Wildlife Management Areas, and/or numerous Type II areas, BO is required.

Fort Hood (Killeen), Fort Bliss (El Paso), Camp Bullis (San Antonio), etc.

I'm just saying.:rolleyes:
During Rifle season for Deer: Yes, as it is required by law(here).

During Spring Turkey Season: No, as it is not required.

During Bow Season for Deer: No(not required)

Basically, i won't wear it unless the law requires it. However, in my area there isn't much Turkey pressure, or pressure during bow season. If i hunted in a high pressure area, i might change my tune. I also hunt on private property, so that makes my situation a bit different.
During Firearms deer seasons, absolutely yes, vest and hat or coat and hat depending on weather. Missouri specifically says the "camo orange" doesn't count so its not an option for me.

If on a hunt with other people, example running rabbits with beagles where we are spread out and its easy to loose track of others, an orange hat is mandatory (or I don't unload my dogs).

If hunting with my son, absolutely.

Otherwise woods wandering, and hunting privately land for small game by myself generally not.

I have laughed at myself many times for wearing camo clothing and putting orange on over it, real reason for the camo its usually my favorite because it has lots of pockets and I like pockets. And I always carry an extra $5 vest in my fanny pack during deer season, have given one away to another person twice so far, once to a young kid who was looking for his dad, the kid was dressed in a mish mash of muted green and brown during rifle season.
In RI 200 sqs is required during bow season to and from treestand and 500 sqs during both deer muzzleloader and all shotgun season (deer/bird) so yes I do. As far as I am concerned it is a good idea even with orange there have been accidents here I do feel that it does help prevent some thats just my opinion though.
Required in NYS?

Unless I missed a change in regs - It is strongly encouraged but not required in NY. Personally the family all wears it now but grew up with just Hunter plaid.
I do prefere a blaze orange camo pattern to break up the silouette. NJ requires 200 square inches visible from all sides a hat alone does qualify. Always wear it moving but when sitting I'll sometimes take it off to avoid attention from hikers and dog walkers.
I always carry an extra $5 vest in my fanny pack during deer season
I too do this, with a hat instead of a vest.

If I could buy blaze orange silk long johns I would wear them. I would love a blaze orange wool parka, or bibs.

My bibs are camo which is a bummer, if I want to go whole hog I need to wear coveralls, which are not as warm.
In RI we can't even wear blaze orange with a camo pattern has to be just plain orange. Kinda sucks but its not too bad because all you need is a vest and hat.