Do You Wear Blaze Orange

Just when required.....ya know, like for pretty much anything in Indiana. Deer Squirrel, Rabbit and most Upland birds.
Not required in Texas....I don't know anyone who wears blaze orange here....Reading the different posts..I did not realize that there were so many states that require it....
For WI gun deer it's required.

And I also wear at least a blaze orange hat when hunting anything. Even while turkey or coyote hunting I wear the orange hat when walking, and take it off when I set up.
I wear the required vest and hat during the big game seasons, but all my coats and coveralls are always camo.
The usage of blaze orange is not to protect you from the majority of folks that frequent forums, gunshops, sporting shows etc. It is to protect you from the city boy that goes sights his gun in once a year and goes hunting once a year.

They hear something break a stick in the woods and their heart starts pounding, adrenaline floods their system, they get tunnel vision and an accident occurs because their brain didn't register human.

Blaze orange helps to interrupt their thoughts by a visual intrusion and gets them to focus on what they are seeing.

I wear blaze orange during all kinds of hunting. Rabbits, squirrels, deer, etc. It is just not worth my life.
I forgot to add in post above, a friend of mine sead he saw a Amish kid hunting on the farm next to his and he was wearing the front and back of a tide box tied with strings as his vest.
Firearms deer hunting in my state requires hunter orange vest or jacket covering all sided, and a hat of hunter orange. Orange camo is not permitted I think there is a minimum sq inches for the vest as well.
I don't rabbit, or bird hunt anymore, but even before the hunter orange, we always wore a bright red cap to be seen by other hunters in our party.
Squirrel hunting, no orange, and usually camo. But that's not usually done with a ton of hunters in the woods.
Yep, i always wear blaze orange when deer and turkey hunting. Its required on Ft. Sill during hog season.

Years ago i knew a guy who was killed by a rifle shot during WV turkey season. He was not wearing blaze orange.
Only when hunting on public land or private land open to other hunters. Then it's just a blaze orange ball cap. Orange is not required here in Idaho during big game season.
I like the post further back about wearing an orange vest over a couple of hundred bucks worth of camo. I find it interesting that camo has become such a fashion statement. I do wear an old red and black mackinaw jacket when hunting. It may not be as cool looking as camo, but it does go with my boots and pack ;)
My vest is orange camo and works great so I wear it when hunting.

One thing to think about, if you or your loved ones run on public land in the fall they should also wear orange or a neon green/yellow traffic vest.
I generally do not as I am not required to by law. However, there are times when I feel it is appropriate, like when I'm in a heavily hunted area. Or this year I was on an antlerless elk hunt, and my dad pointed out that the hood on my coat looked just like an elk's mane (by golly he was right). I definitely draped the orange flap from my pack around the hood.
There was a day when I avoided blaze orange like the plague whenever the law allowed and sometimes when it did not. Fast forward a few years and a couple close calls and I wear it when ever there is the slightest chance someone else may be in the woods or field with a gun.
No, we do t have to in Texas but its a good idea if one is hunting where others are or poachers could be. I hunt about 50 yards behind my house so I don't.
We had problems with poachers at work a couple of seasons a go. Whenever, I would take someone to thier stand or go look for somebody late checking in, I looked like a walking pumpkin.
I would rather wear it and not get shot.

..and as far as deer hunting goes, hunter orange has never made a difference in my success/failure rate in taking deer but may have kept me alive a time or three.

Far as turkey hunting, I carry a hunter orange bag for packing out my querry. More people accidently shot while turkey hunting then any other hunting.