Do You Wear Blaze Orange

It's required during firearms seasons in NY, so yes, I do. I would wear it during gun season even if it wasn't required, kind of like a seat belt. I've had enough animals at arms length (and closer even) to know that they couldn't care less what color the blob is as long as it doesn't move or smell funny.
Same in Colorado during rifle season. I agree 100% with Brian. If it's not moving and doesn't smell weird, it could be a hot pink pole dancer and a deer wouldn't think twice.
I wear it when mandated by the state during deer season and if my sister is up and about when I leave for a duck expedition, usually I wear it then too.
When its legally required, yes. But my "hunting vest" is half blaze orange and half camo, so i am wearing the "legal" amount of blaze orange anytime i go out.
You're required to in Alabama when hunting deer in gun season. I don't when bow, turkey or dove hunting. If you're in bow range of the target, and can't tell that it is a human, not a deer, you should really not be hunting. I hunt on my own private land, so no one should see me when I'm hunting anyway.
Since it is required I generally wear an orange cap on our deer lease. If I am hunting public land I wear an orange vest and hat.
When required by law. I don't really like buy hundreds of dollars worth of camo clothes and then covering it up with a $3 orange vest, though.
Required by law. ...So, I wear it.

Plus, I'd rather be visible, than dead.

During certain hunts, in certain areas, there are very few people in the area (and few hike in as far as we do). And, I've never seen a game warden where I hunt Elk. It would be easy to ditch the orange. But, I still follow the law.

When required by law. I don't really like buy hundreds of dollars worth of camo clothes and then covering it up with a $3 orange vest, though.
So, buy a better vest, or don't spend so much on camo. ;)
It is also required in my current state of residence. In fact a certain sq. in. amount is required. I guess in the area where I deer hunted last time, the game officials didn't have enough to do as I was stopped twice in the same day to check my license. The second time, I was done hunting, had unloaded my rifle and was walking back to my cabin with my orange hat off. I still had a long orange jacket, and orange gloves on yet was chastised by the game commission officer for not wearing my hat and not having enough sq. in. of orange on. I explained I was NOT hunting, that I was travelling back to my domicile with my rifle unloaded, slung over my arm. He said it did'nt matter, that I could be written up anyway. He let me go with a verbal warning, but it still left a bad taste in my mouth.
Since I live in the middle of the woods(all posted,private property) and have run trespassing slob hunters off, literally within feet of our yard boundary, hunter orange is worn during firearm season hunting or not.

If I'm out and about in the yard or woods, carrying a gun or not, I've got a hunter orange hooded jacket that just becomes normal wear.

Too, having had several close calls , again caused by trespassing slob hunters hunting squirrels with a .22 , while I have been sitting in tree stands during our deer bow season in which I was totally camo'd out, I'm considering wearing orange during our bow season as well.
We all wear Orange during deer season, usually not during turkey season. I do like to wear a blaze vest or at least a blaze orange hat when bird hunting.;)
Decades ago (40+ years) I used to hunt in an area where you literally had to pack out your kill on your back at least a mile to the first access road. I used the frame from an open framed backpack and, after field dressing the deer, would carry it out lashed to the pack frame. I always covered the deer with my orange coat and put an orange hat or rag on the deer's head. I had this weird fear of someone shooting at the carcass as I had it strapped to my back. Must have worked because I'm still here :rolleyes:

I always wear some orange if there is a chance of any other hunters in the area I am in.
When calling coyotes I'm in full camo.

When deer hunting during gun season orange hat, vest, and sometimes depending on how cold it is a orange hoodie.

If I'm out on a horse during gun season I also make sure to have my orange clothing on, even though I'm not hunting.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
It's required by law here, but if it wasn't required I'd still wear it.

You can spot orange a long ways. Since no critters I know of wear orange, hunters would assume it was another hunter.

When hunting horse back, my horses look like Christmas trees. I carry a seperat vest plus a roll of orange tape for any game I may be packing.
You can spot orange a long ways. Since no critters I know of wear orange, hunters would assume it was another hunter.


Seriously, though. I wear it when I'm hunting denser areas, but not when I'm out in the small-game seasons or bird seasons. I also don't wear it during bow season.
Orange outerwear while hunting is not my preferred color of choice. But everyone else has it on so why not blend in. :cool:

P.S. Nice pix there chewie146. "I like it!!"