Do you volunteer you have a ccw if pulled over?

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I pass my driver's license and CCW permit when stopped

Exactly. I have one of those wallets with the pull out ID holder. It's got two clear plastic windows to put things in. One has my DL one has my CHP. That way the officer has both right in front of him as a package.

Also makes it easy to keep up with both.
I answered the door one night to find one of Colorado Springs finest standing there. I told him "I'm sorry, but I'm holding a handgun; do you mind if I put it away?" His response was "I would prefer you did."

I had a Sheriff's Deputy show up one day at my door unexpectedly and had the same situation. "Sir, there's a pistol in my waistband in a holster. What would you prefer I did with it?" "Can you remove both pistol and holster together and place them on that table please?" "No Problem". He asked a few questions about my neighbors a few doors down (domestic stuff going on). I barely knew them so really didn't have much to offer.

Another time my father in law and I had to call the Sheriff's office because of a problem at his rental house. Previous tenants had been busted by the DEA and they'd got most of them. The ones that werent in jail kept trying to break back into the house (apparently the ones still on the outside had no keys). Over the course of 3 or 4 nights doors and windows were damaged. They weren't terribly adept at breaking and entering as it took several nights to finally gain entry. Several reports to LE after we'd go check it out in the mornings for damages. On the first day when we made the initial report to the deputy who handled the case I put my handgun and holster on the front porch in plain sight when I heard him coming down the driveway. I then stepped away about 10 or 15 feet. When he got out of his car I told him, "That's my gun on the porch. Now that you're here I'll put it back in the car if that's OK with you." He said, "Thank you".
Of course I offer it. I also turn on the inside light of my car so the LEO can clearly see into my vehicle. By the time they get to me I already have my license, registration, and CCW permit in my hands. Which by the way are firmly on the wheel and well with in sight.

After doing that job I learned what makes LEO's more relaxed. This helps by:

1. Increasing my chance of getting a warning.
2. Greatly reduces the chance of a misunderstanding.
3. Helps that person do their job.

Yes I do, in Texas it is not voluntary! Why not show your CHL with your DL? It lets the LEO know you have a clean background and that you are one of the good guys.
It lets the LEO know you have a clean background and that you are one of the good guys.

Once again, does NOT showing it mean that you dont have a clean background and that youre not a good guy? If not, what makes you think that a LEO would assume that your a good guy for even showing it?
what makes you think that a LEO would assume that your a good guy for even showing it?

He sure as hell would not think you are a good guy for not showing it after he finds out you may be carrying. Why even let it get to the point of the LEO being uneasy and approaching you now with his hand on his gun? It is not voluntary in Texas.
M1911, how much of the state of MA does this fellow now own?
No more than he owned before the traffic stop. If you think you'll get a large settlement for having eaten pavement and been detained for 90 minutes, with no arrest or charges, then you surely don't know MA.
No more than he owned before the traffic stop. If you think you'll get a large settlement for having eaten pavement and been detained for 90 minutes, with no arrest or charges, then you surely don't know MA.
You obviously do not know a good lawyer. :)
The answer to the legal question is simple. If your State requires it, then you inform.

If you are in another State, you had better know its laws. A responsible gun owner with a CCL, knows the laws of his State and those of any State he may also be in. Period.

Anything else is opinion (and or common curtesy). As is most of this thread. There is a thread in the General Discussion forum that is dealing with this. And... It was started before this thread.

Go here if you wish to continue, as this one is mostly off topic, a duplicate and therefore closed.
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