Do you use a safety or no safety on your firearm?

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Balancing safety and quick access, I'd rate the following from best to worst:

:D DA/SA and DAO

:) Glock-style striker with no separate manual safety

:( Manual safety switch

:eek: Carrying on empty chamber
I like DA/SA for carrying too.

I carry mine AIWB with one in the chamber, but de-cocked and with the safety engaged.

The 13lbs DA trigger when the hammer is down cannot be actuated with the safety on, and these two combined safety features make me think that the only way to have an accidental discharge in my groin is if lighting strikes the pistol. And in that case I think the 9mm projectile would be the least of my concerns.

I did carry on an empty chamber when I first started to carry, but as I became more informed I realized how dangerous it was in a time of need. Youtube videos from Active Self Protection were an eye opener in this regard.
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I have been shooting and EDCing Glocks since 2013 with no external safety. When I first started I always thought an external safety was best but the more I read I changed my mind. The only way the gun will fire is if the trigger is pressed. I use holsters that completely cover the trigger guard and I practice good trigger finger awareness. I am never concerned about accidental discharge when carrying or when reholstering. When reholstering I make sure all cover garments, draw strings, etc. are clear of the holster mouth and I reholster slowly. There is no need to reholster fast.

I was at the range with a friend a couple of weeks ago. When he tried to shoot this CZ 9mm it wouldn't fire. It took him several seconds to determine that the external safety was ON and he didn't know it. When SHTF that would have cost him several valuable seconds - even if he knew the safety was ON and he had to switch it OFF.
Balancing safety and quick access, I'd rate the following from worst to best:

:mad:Glock-style striker with no separate manual safety

:(DA/SA and DAO

:confused:Carrying on empty chamber

:)Manual safety switch

FIFY :cool:
Anyone who carries with an empty chamber had better practice racking the slide with one hand under stress. Because when someone is wrestling you to the ground or assaulting you, your other hand may be busy. It's folly to think you will perceive the threat with enough time or ability to load your gun. Even if you have the time, it's at those extreme stressful moments where you're likely to bungle the effort and cause a failure to feed. The motto is "train as you will fight".
As for forgetting the safety, I have swiped the safety off on the draw for so long it's unconscious .... I swipe the "safety" off on guns that don't have them ..... noticed this at bowling pin matches years ago, when shooting revolvers- thumb just does it without thinking about it.
I use the safety unless it's a true double action pull as in revolver or FS 92 type trigger. Haven't convinced myself to carry the Glock yet. May practice with it Israely style. One guy on the tube was able to do it under a second, this would be fast enough but still slower than true D/A or flicking off a safety.
Anyone who carries with an empty chamber had better practice racking the slide with one hand under stress. Because when someone is wrestling you to the ground or assaulting you, your other hand may be busy. It's folly to think you will perceive the threat with enough time or ability to load your gun. Even if you have the time, it's at those extreme stressful moments where you're likely to bungle the effort and cause a failure to feed. The motto is "train as you will fight".

Couldn’t have said it better myself. If ya can’t carry with one in the chamber then maybe you don’t need to be carrying.

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As for forgetting the safety, I have swiped the safety off on the draw for so long it's unconscious .... I swipe the "safety" off on guns that don't have them ..... noticed this at bowling pin matches years ago, when shooting revolvers- thumb just does it without thinking about it.

That’s good I guess. That’s good you feel confident enough in your abilities to never ever forget to swipe that safety off in any situation. I however.... don’t, so that’s why all my Storms have no safety and why my primary carry- my Springfield XDE, gets carried with the safety off.

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Balancing safety and quick access, I'd rate the following from worst to best:

:mad:Glock-style striker with no separate manual safety

:(DA/SA and DAO

:confused:Carrying on empty chamber

:)Manual safety switch

FIFY :cool:

Wow.... that sure is seriously flawed there but uh, ok. To each is own.

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I've carried both and it really depends on the trigger. So long as the weapon has a trigger that is either heavy or otherwise has a passive safety built in to prevent it from going off without a deliberate pull, then I don't care if it has a manual safety.

That said, manual safeties can just as easily be ignored, so I don't let the presence of a manual safety deter me from purchasing a firearm that I feel is otherwise safe to carry. Case in point, I'm planning on purchasing a M&P as my next carry gun, and M&Ps come either with or without a manual safety. I think that the M&P is safe to carry without a manual safety because the trigger isn't especially light and has a built-in passive safety on the trigger, but that doesn't mean that if all I can find is one with a manual safety that I won't buy it, because I can always just leave the safety in the off position and forget about it.
Wow.... that sure is seriously flawed there but uh, ok. To each is own.

Always willing to listen to reason. Please explain why I am "flawed" in my thinking?
In my case I carry with a round chambered,

but since I have young kids in the house, while I sleep the pistol under my mattress has no round in the chamber (and safety engaged so the slide cannot be racked).
If ya can’t carry with one in the chamber then maybe you don’t need to be carrying.

Oh, I am so happy we have YOU to tell us who "needs" to carry! ƪ(ړײ)ƪ

So similarly if you can't contribute anything constructive maybe you don't need to be posting.
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You’re welcome. And I speak for all the other folks who agree with me that carrying a gun without a round chambered is stupid.

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I was being sarcastic.
Maybe it's you who is too stupid to realize that with a comment like that, we don't pay attention to what you say.
I was being sarcastic.
Maybe you are too stupid to realize that we don't pay attention to what you say.

I knew you were being sarcastic- it was only obvious but I realize some people don’t listen to reason and carry in this dangerous way. Hopefully it don’t cost you your life. Good luck to you.

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You’re welcome. And I speak for all the other folks who agree with me that carrying a gun without a round chambered is stupid.

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Other folks?

You seem to be the only one who has appointed yourself as the one to decide who needs and who doesn't need to carry, I don't see "other folks" who have anointed you in that role.

As far as I remember, 2A does not tell me how I should carry my firearm.

If you wish to help, you'd win more converts to your side of the argument by using more respectful and less patronizing language.

If you do not wish to help, you might as well shut up.
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I don't know about other folks.

You seem to be the only one who has appointed yourself as the one to decide who needs and who doesn't need to carry.

As far as I remember, 2A does not tell me how I should carry my firearm.

If you wish to help, you'd win more converts to your side of the argument by using more respectful and less patronizing language.

If you do not wish to help, you might as well shut up.

Maybe you don’t understand the word maybe, do you. This has nothing to do with the second amendment or anybody telling anyone what to do. This is just my opinion/suggestion that carrying a gun with an empty chamber is stupid and more than likely just due from lack of training, common sense or just plain ignorance in thinking you can load your gun right before something happens, a lot like trying to put your seatbelt on in a car right before an accident.

And I am helping. If you can’t see that then that’s your problem. Just the mere fact that you’re arguing and then commencing to saying the 2nd doesn’t dictate how one carries, taking all that I’ve said as negative and even questioning my respectfulness is actually plain silly on your part.

Carry that empty gun. I don’t care. What you do or think is none of my concern.

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