Do you think Tasers have a place in non LEO self defense?

I'm no cop, but I work with them everyday. They tell me that they USUALLY draw their tasers before their glocks. Of course depending on the situation. So yes, tasers do and SHOULD have a place in the police.
For non-LEO civilian use, the Taser would probably be an attractive form of defense for those who are afraid of guns, aren't the type of person who wishes to use a deadly weapon, cannot legally own or carry an actual firearm or wish to have a firearm in their household and wish to stop their attacker with a less than lethal form of defense.
A woman carrying a purse holding a Taser for her protection or a person who keeps a Taser in his vehicle for defense against car jackers and the like would be my guess of those, other than LEOs, that would carry a Taser.
If an officer was shot IN HIS KEVLAR VEST with a taser, would he get tased?

It depends upon the construction of the vest. If there were low resistance (electrically conductive) fibers in the vest, the current conducted through the person may be low to none at all.

I don't think Tasers should be used by non-LEO's for one reason. When an officer uses a Taser to incapacitate someone, they are generally cuffed or otherwise restrained afterward. The "Tasee" as described above, is usually fully functional once the charge is stopped. I wonder, would a determined attacker disengage at that point? Many an attacker has stopped attacking when shot with a bullet(s), or at least slowed down to the point his quarry can escape without too much difficulty. Seems to me I'd like to "stun" an attacker for at least a few minutes so I could clear out and get help, or otherwise restrain him until help arrives. The Taser doesn't presently have a "stun" feature, so I'd rather rely on the real attack-stopping and deterrence of my conventional handgun until a real "in between" option comes along.

This is a commonly held opinion but also one that has been formed without all of the facts. Please research the X26c (citizen) taser. They do not operate in the same manner as the law enforcement models.

The citizen model can be set to cycle for up to 30 seconds once deployed. This gives a person plenty of time to lay their (discharding) taser unit on the ground and run away.

Well, after reading all this and researching I've decided to buy one of the citizen models for my wife.

Like I said, she has a LadySmith but she works in a school all week and there's just no way to carry there without severe repercussions.

So far the Tasers slide "under the radar" and appear to be appropriate for that kind of environment.

Yes they cost too damn much money, but I don't see another choice that is as good a fit. OC spray seems like a good starting point, but you'd need a place to escalate to if it doesn't work.

Thanks for all the input.
Do tasers have a place in non-LEO self defense? Of course. Why would they not? Just how many other less lethal weapons do folks have that allow you to disable another person from a distance? Assuming things work properly, even a little old lady who is against shooting people with a firearm can use a taser, fire it accurately, and stop her attacker without undue stress.

With that said, I won't be buying one as I don't think it is a good option for my needs.
rapidarp wrote:

Personally, I don't believe these should have been released to the public. Now use LEOs (i'm a soon-to-be LEO) have one more thing we gotta watch out for when we come into contact with people.

Please, for all our sakes, if you are going into it with THAT attitude, pick another profession. US citizens do not have do be unarmed, defenseless, and grab their ankles because you are a cop. Remember grasshopper, wether we are armed or not, we are UPSTANDING, LAW ABIDING, CITIZENS. You have nothing to fear from us. Its police with attitudes and guns "WE" fear.....;)

Its the whole us against them, guilty until you spend the money to prove your innocent thing.....:barf:
Please, for all our sakes, if you are going into it with THAT attitude, pick another profession. US citizens do not have do be unarmed, defenseless, and grab their ankles because you are a cop. Remember grasshopper, wether we are armed or not, we are UPSTANDING, LAW ABIDING, CITIZENS. You have nothing to fear from us.

I don't think he said anything about fearing a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN with a Taser...

But, if you think he's being to "Orwellian" to think of it that way, think of it from the perspective as a defensive CCW....

In a sense, its true. While I don't agree that Tasers should be limited to LEO only, how do you regulate it? Are they considered a concealed weapon, howe about a deadly weapon? I mean think about it - if a criminal can get one without any trouble (albiet, its probably still harder and more expensive to get than a stolen gun), it would be a pretty useful tool in breaking the law.

Zap a cop, security guard, civilian you intend to rob - then do as you wish. While I realize the weapon itself is not deadly, but its debilitating effects could be very useful for a criminal. Surprise car jackings are a snap. Zap - wait for them to stop flopping - order the key's or you'll zap again - OR whack them over the head with something. Want to rob an armor truck? Two guys with Tazers set on 30 seconds could get the job done fairly easily with nary a hitch I would imagine.

Imagine being a CCW citizen, and approached by a guy with a Tazer who intends to rob you. What do you do? You aren't going to have time to draw on a tazer, while you might on a regular firearm. You are gonna go down like a wet dishrag and there isn't a thing you can do about it - whereas being shot in the gut by a .32 might allow you to get some defensive shots off. Adrenaline, guns and martial arts will do nothing for you against a Taser. You are essentially at the mercy of the battery life. Hopefully then, it isn't too late. Or, if you do shoot, is it justified? Would it be considered a good shoot? I mean, he was just going to tase you and take your wallet...

I'm all for freedom's, but just make sure how things are worded. Imagine being convicted of homocide, instead of being appluaded for being an armed citizen protecting your rights because your attacker had a "less than lethal" weapon.... Of course, you could always lie and say you thought it was a gun, but thats not something good law abiding citizens do...
In a sense, its true. While I don't agree that automobiles should be limited to LEO only, how do you regulate them? Are they considered a weapon, how about a deadly weapon? I mean think about it - if a criminal can get one without any trouble (albiet, its probably still easier and less expensive to get than a stolen gun), it would be a pretty useful tool in breaking the law.




Good point Randy - I was just trying to get people to look at it from a different perspective - thats all. So - is it a concealed weapon? Here in NY - you can't (or aren't supposed to be able to) buy pepper spray without going through a firearms dealer...

How is a taser classified? I'm asking, as I don't know...
I cant wait for the day that my PD starts using tasers. I dont know how many times I showed up to a call and some methed out junkie is threatening to kill himself with a knife. Its always the kinves these poor (literally poor) jackasses have.

I had a retarded fella the other day threatening his care giver with suicide, and to cut anyone that came near him. Well I sure didnt want to shoot the guy, but I woulda had no real choice if he charged me.

I know this guy from numerous calls. He's relatively harmless, and is normally just acting up for attention. However, he is a fella who dont have all the trees in the forest, and he does have a knife. He ended up walking towards me, and I showed him my glock which I had hidden behind my leg by pointing it strait into his eyes. His eyes opened up super wide, and he dropped the knife.

If he wouldve kept walking towards me, I wouldve shot him. Not something I ever want to encounter again.

Now, this is a perfect situation for a Taser. Cops are constantly getting situations like this.

What's the problem here dudes, they cost $800-$900 bucks; peanuts. Or, what's your otherwise worthless life worth???
The real problem is clothing; I'm a ER doctor (MD), and I've seen cops have their butts kicked after firing a taser into a punk with heavy winter clothing.
Someone needs to make a more penetrative projectile.
Wardoctor (Desert Storm I)
I think every LEO should have one; regardless of cost. They look so effective for the situations that LEO deals with every day.

I think it has good applications for ccw; but try concealing a handgun, a taser, and a spare magazine or two. For a civilian, unless you are in an environment where you have a special use (i.e. dealing with the mentally ill; whom don't deserve to be shot but still provide some basis for harm to you).