Do you think Tasers have a place in non LEO self defense?

Just use a gun. If you are justified in using a Tazer, as a non-LEO you should be justified in using a firearm.

If that is the case then why carry OC? If you are justified in using OC, just shoot the sucker.....

And, you're leaving out the part where there are places you just CAN'T have your firearm with you.

That's my question. When you can't carry, is this a better alternative than doing nothing or carrying OC?
I have not heard of OC being considered lethal in any jurisdiction.
Despite the protestations if Tazer Inc, the jury is still out.
When you can't carry, is this a better alternative than doing nothing or carrying OC?

Personally there's very few places I can't carry, and I wouldn't be able to carry a tazer into those either. Typically I just avoid those places, which isn't hard since it's mainly courts and federal buildings.
guns are a more....permenant ;) solution against crime. Tazers are half measures.

Tazers would probably be good if you older parents want to ensure your grounded teenager doesn't leave the house anyway. "Dude, dad this like totally stinks main. This like just isn't fair. I'm like totally outta here, man."

"One more step son and I'll....okay, you ask for it."


"Honey help me get Jr. to his bed. He will be staying in for tonight."

Personally, I don't believe these should have been released to the public. Now use LEOs (i'm a soon-to-be LEO) have one more thing we gotta watch out for when we come into contact with people.
Personally, I don't believe these should have been released to the public. Now use LEOs (i'm a soon-to-be LEO) have one more thing we gotta watch out for when we come into contact with people.

Oh please GOD don't start out as one of "those" LEOs that think everyone else should go unarmed because you are "special".
RandyDTC said:
The Taser will not 'knock someone out''.
Sorry, I should have said "incapacitate".

RandyDTC said:
Are they expensive? Yes. However, to put the costs into perspective, which will cost you more when you have to deploy it? The handgun or taser?
This is only me, but I'm more likely to trust my life to a handgun than a taser. Whatever legal consequences I face are going to have to be rescinded until the crisis has passed.

TexasSIGMan said:
Well, my wife is 105 pounds soaking wet, she's not likely to be able to pull off any neat tricks.....
Point taken. My girlfriend weighs about 90 lbs @ 5 feet, and both of us are more comfortable with her having a handgun than a taser. Yes, it's lethal force, but it's her life on the line too, right?
If that is the case then why carry OC? If you are justified in using OC, just shoot the sucker.....

No, that isn't true at all. You are justified to use OC at a much lower level (reference the force continuum) than you can use your handgun. For example, you would be justified to use OC if someone put their hands on you in a threatening manner. You would not so easily be justified to use the handgun in the same situation.

Alternatively, if the situation calls for deadly force, the OC shouldn't be in your hand.

I have not heard of OC being considered lethal in any jurisdiction.

OC is considered a 'less lethal'. That is, the expected result from a proper use isn't death, but death can occur.

Despite the protestations if Tazer Inc, the jury is still out.

Quite the opposite. The jury has been 'in' on lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit. So far, not ONE has been upheld. That doesn't mean people won't continue to file suit though.

guns are a more....permanent solution against crime. Tazers are half measures.

Yes, guns certainly are a permanent solution. Assuming you make good hits, the BG will be permanently injured or even possibly suffer death. Of course, that is an instance where deadly force was justified. The taser isn't a replacement for the deadly force option and shouldn't necessarily be used under those conditions. The good side about using a taser is that there is a very good chance you will not be the defendant in a criminal homicide or wrongful death suit. I am thinking that there is a general lack of understanding of the force continuum, ladder of force, or force wheel; whichever model you prefer to use.

Personally, I don't believe these should have been released to the public. Now use LEOs (i'm a soon-to-be LEO) have one more thing we gotta watch out for when we come into contact with people.

Take that position to its logical conclusion and the sheep will be allowed to own nothing. Sorry, that isn't a valid argument. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but spend a few minutes and actually read that Constitution which you are about to swear an oath to uphold. On the positive side, if you were shot with a taser would that not ultimately be better than being shot with the alternative? Think about it.

No, that isn't true at all. You are justified to use OC at a much lower level (reference the force continuum) than you can use your handgun. For example, you would be justified to use OC if someone put their hands on you in a threatening manner. You would not so easily be justified to use the handgun in the same situation.

Alternatively, if the situation calls for deadly force, the OC shouldn't be in your hand.

That's my point. The poster I replied to said that Tasers were a level of force UP from OC, the same as a firearm.

He said why bother with the Taser, just shoot.

I replied that the Taser and OC were level, not firearm and Taser.

Point taken. My girlfriend weighs about 90 lbs @ 5 feet, and both of us are more comfortable with her having a handgun than a taser. Yes, it's lethal force, but it's her life on the line too, right?

And yes, the firearm is great, my wife has a LadySmith and carries it some.

The problem for her is that she's a teacher, so 90% of her day outside the house she's in a "gun free zone" but the Taser seems to be a nice fit in the middle somewhere.
That's my point. The poster I replied to said that Tasers were a level of force UP from OC, the same as a firearm.

He said why bother with the Taser, just shoot.

I replied that the Taser and OC were level, not firearm and Taser.

Sorry, I missed that. My bad.

No no, that's OK. I appreciate your responses.

That is pretty much the gist of what I am asking, where the Taser fits in this.

Equal to OC, a bit above but somewhere below a firearm.

"Legally" where do these things fit?
Notice that the Tazer is in the 'less lethal' range, but not considered 'non-lethal'. OC is probably a little high, since I have yet to see a jurisdiction that considers it as lethal.
rapidarp said:
Now use LEOs (i'm a soon-to-be LEO) have one more thing we gotta watch out for when we come into contact with people.


to which, TexasSIGman replied:
Oh please GOD don't start out as one of "those" LEOs that think everyone else should go unarmed because you are "special".

I agree with TexasSIGman.
Personally, I don't believe these should have been released to the public. Now use LEOs (i'm a soon-to-be LEO) have one more thing we gotta watch out for when we come into contact with people.

If you'r THAT concerned, then maybe you should rethink your career choice.... :barf:
Just a few ?'s

If an officer was shot IN HIS KEVLAR VEST with a taser, would he get tased?

If an officer was shot with a taser, once he recouped would he be allowed to use his firearm? I think so. What does uncle sam think about that? I hear that more BG's are carrying tasers because they are a useful tool yet aren't illegal to carry and don't carry the same penalties if used in a crime.

I certainly hope that when am old enough to become an LEO that they will issue all officers tasers; they seem to be pretty effective. As part of the academy to you have to be shot by a taser (like how you get sprayed with OC)??
If an officer was shot IN HIS KEVLAR VEST with a taser, would he get tased?
We just had to try that one :D . Answer's no.

If an officer was shot with a taser, once he recouped would he be allowed to use his firearm?
If you mean, would he be able, yes. A Taser hit hurts like hell, but the instant it kicks off, you're able to function again, although, some do experience some disorientation.

As part of the academy to you have to be shot by a taser (like how you get sprayed with OC)??
Depends on the department. Most don't require that you actually be punctured by the probes, but a lot do require the "circle jerk", where you link arms and both end guys hold one of the leads. Trust me, the effect's the same. The record take down is held by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. They took down more than 120 troopers linking arms with one Taser :eek: :D .
If an officer was shot with a taser, once he recouped would he be allowed to use his firearm?
Yes. If the officer thinks that by being tazed, he may be disarmed or put into some other life threatening situation. Same situation if a cop comes across a person experienced in martial arts. If you think the person of such force is able to incapacitate you, thus preventing you from defending yourself, deadly force is authorized.