Do you "Text" while hunting in the stand?

How many of you text while hunting in the stand?

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Not sure what the poll question was about. I don't take my cell phone in the woods with me. I'm there to hunt, unwind and get my head straight. I've tried reading a book in the stand but even that annoys me, I'd rather focus on the task and read nature through my binoculars and concentrating on the task at hand. Seems to work pretty well.
As you can see,,,I dont know what Im doing when it comes to a "Poll" on the site.
I was wanting to see the age group of the ones who do,,,VS the ones who dont.
Im thinking the older age group dont text while hunting,,,,,,,just wanted to see the results.......
I do.
We used to stay in touch with radios but that makes hearing protection tough.
Now I can wear my electronic muffs and actually SEE where my hunting buddies are if they have iPhones. At the very least, they can text me.
I also have the thread, LIVE! from the Stand! that I update from the tree. I do that because I enjoy it.
I'm 37, by the way.
I don't text. My phone has this feature that allows me to just talk into a microphone, and the person on the other end can actually hear me speak!

I really try to avoid doing anything while in my stand however there are a few situations in which I do text now and then.
1) I am the father of three young boys whom are with there mother and I have the only vehicle. This of course is a necessity in the situation that something is wrong with one of my boys.
2) Not long ago I was promoted at work and given a benefit of a company cellphone. What I didnt realize was this was just there way of saying they wanted to be able reach me at all hours and locations. I really dont like it but also a necessity if I dont want to anger the big guy above me.
Oops, subtract one from the 35-45 group. Heck, I can't stand to even have a cell phone, I liked it better when people couldn't find me.
I don't text. My phone has this feature that allows me to just talk into a microphone, and the person on the other end can actually hear me speak!

+1 on the above.

If I remember I take my phone with me, but it's turned off and would only be turned on in case of an emergency.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
I don't have reception here around the house in most places.

I do carry the phone cause it has a camera on it and comes in handy for quick pics afield.

Comes in very handy when walking up to a trespasser and snapping his pic. before our conversation. This has proven to have been very effective in stopping repeat offender's.
No texting unless it is to tell my brother (nearby in his stand) that I got one. We don't call each other either. My cell phone has R. Lee Ermy screaming at me to "pick up the phone numbnuts!"
My son and I generally hunt separate tracts a little over a mile apart. We usually text each other a couple of times to see if the other has seen anything, or if a shot is taken. We usually hunt in the afternoon, and if he shoots one and it doesn't drop immediately, I like to get over to find it while there is some daylight left. Makes the tracking job much easier.
Although I have a cell handy while hunting at the behest of my wife. I use to text while in the stand to friends, family, business associates constantly. The ambiance of doing that is over with. As to the question asked by this OP? "No I don't." And "yes" I've responded to your poll.
Heck yeah..during the slow times....

If someone shoots...everyone sends a text....
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I'm 45 and yes I do. Like another poster, I used to use radios. Now it's easy to stay in touch with my hunting buddies -- often on the other side of the state -- and see what's going on with them, while remaining stealthy. I regularly get "are you seeing anything?" from my wife, as well. It's a good way to keep the lines of communication open.

I usually keep the phone on 'silent' and if I need some peace and tranquility, or the deer are nearby, I just don't look at it.

I also read the news, or this forum, or other websites. Normally though, I just like to watch what's going on around me.
Yep, sometimes to my wife in her stand, sometimes to my daughter in Colorado, sometimes to my son back at the house. If its quiet why not. I also snack, read, and sometimes nap depending on where and how I am hunting. If my wife shoots she texts me to tell me she got one, missed or need help tracking etc.