We leave when we clean up OUR mess.
If we can't handle that, we have no place lecturing our children or other countries about their responsibilities. Walk away, and we leave the moral high ground behind. We withdraw from the middle east, leave the N. Korea talks, drop any form of support we give anyone, dissolve all treaties and hunker down. That's the only suitable behavior for a bunch of children that can't handle their mistakes or live up to their debts.
Our mess? I don't believe it is our mess. I don't believe it was our mess to clean up to begin with (removing Saddam), and it isn't our mess now. It is a mess that belongs to the Middle East, not us. If we are hell bent on cleaning up messes, lets start in our own hemisphere and clean up a few messes closer to home. As I have said before, spend the money to arm every man woman and child over the age of 16 and then let them sort it out for themselves - we have given them the head start - now let them do with it what they will.
Compounding an error has never fixed the error. The difference of opinion between us is basically that I don't believe that the Iraqi's will ever be able to stand on their own and that soon after we do leave they will fall; and you apparently believe that they will stand on their own and maintain a free democracy.
Let me ask you one simple question Handy - Please put a precise number on how many soldiers we have to lose before you are personally willing to concede that we need to pull out?