Do you really think a 9mm pistol is enough to stop the bg ??

Brothers & Sisters-in-Arms,

Dear vyper005,
Apparantly you missed this debate earlier:
A "stop" or "drop" may not be enough.
Hence, agreement with Amelia and PlasticSig.
Lawlessness DOES NOT PLAY BY "the rules".
No particular calibre may be "enough" or "adequate" against any particular perp...Male OR female!
Combat, which is your specific question, does not say that a man is more/less vunerable to x-calibre. Or that a woman is more likely to carry/use a knife.
The only "rule" is "the last one standing is the winner".
This is predicated upon lots and lots of experience by myself and others who have faced handguns, knives, clubs, bayonets, saps, slaps, knucks, num-chucks, (Yes. I KNOW it's nunchaku! Live with it.), mortar, machine gun, sniper and every other sort of weapon you can imagine.
I wasn't hedging any bet regarding the Arkansas State Patrolman when relating the story of his firing 40+ times at a perp. It is 'on the record'.
Ever heard of Congressional Medal of Honor winner Msgt. Benavidez? After sustaining considerable ballistic damage and bloodloss he was still going strong.
Admittedly his circumstances may not be the perp down-range of your 9-mil.
But you must not mistake threat and compassion. (Stockholm Syndrome. Ref:
Let me close by saying this:
"If you cannot conceive of terror, you cannot conceive of a response to terror." You can quote me.
There are no pacifists in combat.
There are no Atheists in foxholes.
End of sermon.
Lance Gothic
Right here next to me...

... is a Glock 20C in 10mm with a 6" Glock factory barrel loaded with 15 175gr Winchester Silvertips. From the chrono results I've seen posted that's 1322 FPS/676 ft-lbs a pop. From a service-sized automatic using factory ammo that's about as much power as you're going to get. Do I feel confident that this is enough to stop the BG?

Not really. All handguns are really lousy stoppers. Even if I've really gained as much stopping power as the ft-lbs seem to indicate, I'm reducing the controllable rate of fire as a result of increased recoil. For each person there is a different point where you get diminishing returns and more handgun power makes you less effective than any gain in ft-lbs... after all, a .454 Casull that misses is far worse than a .32 that hits someone square in the eye socket. If I'm shooting the BG until he's down, does it matter if he eats 3 9mm bullets or 2 10mm bullets? Or 2 9mm bullets and 3 10mm bullets for that matter?

And just to muddle things, I shoot my 10mm Glock 20C better than my old 9mm Sig P228 (or anything else for that matter) which is why it's the one I keep handy & loaded. The scary-looking 10mm ballistics are nice but even I'm not sure they gain me all that much over anything else.
Sure the 9mm will stop the B.G. In fact I believe anyone who wants to learn to shoot semi-autos should start w/ the 9mm.

with that said I would choose one of my .45s if I knew that I was going to be attacked.
To continue the dog theme.....

Here in New Zealand a dog control officer shot a dog with a .22LR in the head at about 10cm away. The dog fell over dead. He picked up the remains and put them in the back of his ute (pickup truck) about a km down the road the dog jumped up and ran off, never to be seen again.

No shot is absoute.
A bullet is a bullet!

I think the only time you should be concerned when confronted with the bad guy is when he has something larger. That's my personal opinion. ;)
To test this theory...

I just shot my neighbors' dog. The 9mm bullet went clear through it. Of course, it helped that it was a Pekingese. I never did like that dog.

Obviously, I'm joking. I don't even own a 9mm. Yet. And my neighbors don't own a Pekingese. Anymore. Damn, there I go again!

Next month I hope to pick up a 9mm CZ75BD. Any volunteers to test its stopping power?

P.S. I can't believe this thread is still growing. It must be that it's winter and we can't all go shooting as much as we'd like.
Yes. Shot placement is paramount. I have a good friend who had to shoot a RBBG (Really Big Bad Guy), who was threatening him, his wife and two children, in a parking lot, in Los Angeles. My friend had an H&K P7, loaded with Fed. 115 H.P. He fired one round, at about ten feet, hitting the RBBG in the heart. Guy dropped and was dead long before the paramedics arrived.

I know of other 9mm one stops, and I know of several 9mm multiple hits on a person, where they didn't stop him... but these were not good bullet placement hits.

Accuracy is very important. Personally, although I carried a 9mm for years, my favorite carry is my Colt's Lightweight Commander .45 ACP.

As I have said, as well as millions will agree, the size of your gun and/or caliber is meaningless. Shot placement means everything. To me, it wouldn't matter what I am being shot with....the only thing that matters is if he/she can hit me or not. Sure, a 454 Cassull looks and sounds mean, but if you can't shoot the darn thing, then you are ineffective, and most likely will get 'yourself' killed. Enough said....

Semper Fi-
Do I really think a 9mm is enough..

Yes I do. I think it's just as good as any caliber. If you are comfortable with it, that's all that really matters. I've heard stories of people being shot one time with a 9mm and dropping and I've heard stories of people being shot mulitple times with a 9mm and they still keep coming. I've heard both flips of that story applying to calibers like .40 S&W and .45 ACP. It really does come down to shot placement with any cartridge.