Do you let other people shoot your firearms?

Prof Young

New member
Firearm Friends:

I enjoy having guns that are fun to shoot and I enjoy letting other people shoot them. All with in reason, of course. Safety is top priority.

I have a nice Mosin and over the years I've had probably a dozen people shoot it. Lots of fun. Most fun was when some University students from China were staying with a friend for Christmas break. It was the first gun they'd ever handled or shot. I should have started them on a 22, but it was an unplanned serendipity that they were there and I was there with some guns in tow.

My Stoeger coach gun always gets a good response, especially when we are shooting an old appliance or some other fun thing.

And, only for those who clearly know what they are doing, the little guns (Bauer 25 acp, NAA 22LR etc.) are fun share-at-the-range guns.

Twice I've lent a gun to those who could legally borrow it and I trusted. A Savage in 223 to a guy who had a ground hog problem and a youth size Mossberg 20 ga. to a man who is raising a lot of boys for a youth deer season.

Life is good.
Prof Young
Sure, I let other people shoot my guns. I wouldn't let them if they used their own reloads, but with my reloads, or factory ammo, sure.
Yes, I let others shoot my firearms. The two most common requests are for my Colt Python and my Taurus Judge. As long as they know what they're doing (or seem to have a real inclination to learn) I usually oblige the requests.
Rarely and always conditional

Do you let other people shoot your firearms?
Rarely and when I do, it's conditional. The only time I loan on out is for my Grandsons. I have learned the hard way, that not everyone shares respect for your property. ...... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
The question was “do you let other people shoot your guns”, not whether or not you loan them out. You’ll get two completely different answers to both of those if asked,
Absolutely. Everyone wants to shoot a Barrett or Desert Eagle, but to clarify from NoSecondBest refinement:

Take a shot or two, yes while I'm right there.

Borrow, no friggin way.
NEVER! let them go buy a gun and pass the background checks / waiting periods / extra fees to own a firearm.

I would only allow a family member or close friend shoot my firearms
It's illegal to do so here, except in limited circumstances.

Good land that's sad. And if we're not careful that might happen here too.

"Do I let others shoot my guns?"

Sure. My ammunition of course---as others have said that's a pretty much common sense safety measure.

I suppose some wet blanket might accuse me of the sin of pride but I kind of like showing off some of my guns to folk that have had little to no experience with them.

I've got a pretty accurate 1911 .45 ACP and you'd be amazed at how many people with no firearms experience think the recoil from gun is going to knock them into next week. Maybe they read old WWII & WWI fiction. Shooting my powder puff loads they almost always find they are having fun.

On the other end of things I've had *lots* of folk let me shoot their firearms. I've shot an S&W .460, TC Contender .30-30, an Olympic level Anschutz .22LR rifle, S&W model 41, Colt Python, long slide 1911 pistol in 10mm...the point is folk let me try all these and I am grateful and try to give something back.
Generally yes, but a few nos.

Not all people may be legally in procession of firearms. I need to be sure about that. Foreign students are surely not.

Certain firearms are considered unsafe. Low number 1903 springfield is one. I shoot mine without bystanders around, let alone letting others pull the trigger.

My guns, and my ammunition of course.


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I've had a lot of fun letting folks shoot my stuff. I'm not selfish with my toys....but use discretion. Remember what happened to Chris Kyle.

And there was the unfortunate incident at a rental range where a young girl did not keep the SMG she was shooting pointed down range... The range employee standing with her died.

I insist on one on one close supervision.

And yes,some folks cannot lawfully hold your firearm,and if you hand it to them you may be charged.
I've shared my guns at the range a few times to allow someone to experience something they've never tried. Some other guys have done the same for me. I'd never go out and buy a 454 Casull, 416 Rigby or 375 H&H. But I can say I've put a few rounds through one thanks to generous shooters at the range.
I've had a lot of fun letting folks shoot my stuff. I'm not selfish with my toys....but use discretion. Remember what happened to Chris Kyle.
^^^^^^^ This.
Remember TXAZ’s first law of gun ownership:

Every bullet fired from *YOUR* gun has 2 things attached:
1) A blank check from your bank account.
2) An angry lawyer that’s not yours.

Be careful where your projectiles land.
Yes as long as I know them or can observe them. Both in the interest of protecting my property but also, and more importantly, for the sake of safety.

One time I took a friend out to the range who was a new shooter. After we were done for the day he put the safety on but forgot to clear my AR and had I not been watching would have put it back in the rifle case loaded. Freaked me out enough that even 5 years later I find myself checking the chamber 3, 4, sometimes 5 times for loaded firearms before putting them back in the case/rack. You can't be too careful!

I'm all about getting new shooters involved but I feel more comfortable if I can keep an eye on them.
Our houseguest from England last year was delighted to shoot my New Vaquero using factory .38 Specials. She was already familiar with firearms use.


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Of course.
The OP never said "allow two or more new shooters to handle your guns at the same time?". Apparently one or two paranoid people are reading a lot into the question.

At the private gun club everybody is a seasoned or extremely seasoned shooter, except for a few guys' girlfriends or spouses.

The surprise is when handgun owners seem unfamiliar with DA/SA handguns, and will do almost anything to Avoid shooting in DA.