Do you keep a loaded handgun in your gunsafe?

I recently bought a full-size gunsafe and have transferred almost all of my collection to it.

I've decided that I'm going to keep a loaded, ready to go handgun in the safe at all times, just in case I'm ever surprised unarmed, or disarmed, and someone tries to force me to open the safe, I at least have a fighting chance.

Do any of you do the same thing?
Mike, I think that's a very good idea. I think it's just another part of being prepared. Yes, the chances are low that we'll ever need that loaded gun in there, but one never knows. I don't yet own a full size safe, but when I do, I will do as you do.

Obviously, guns should be stored unloaded. But guns that are intended for HD or SD are an exception. An extra HD gun in the safe can't hurt.
I keep my magazines loaded and inserted in the gun. All I would have to do is rack the slide. Hope I have enough time to do that.
No, I don't keep a loaded gun in the safe. I do, however, keep a couple of loaded revolvers, a loaded rifle, and a loaded shotgun outside of the safe since there are no small children or people unfamiliar with safe firearms handling in my home.
Hey guys, excuse the noob question, but should there be any concern with wearing out the spring in the magazine when doing this over long periods?
No there is not a concern of wearing out a spring. You see because of the way a spring is made leaving it unloaded or loaded it does not matter. I leave most of my magazines for my AR15's fully loaded. The Pistols that I use for personal defense are the same way. All fully loaded. It does make it nicer to go to the range to not have to load magazines before shooting. I just load them after I get home from the range. Though with pistols I have to first unload the Defense rounds then load them with range ammo.
I have heard of stories of people loading their magazine then leaving it for 40 years. when the original owner died the inheritor wanted to see if the gun would still feed. Sure enough it ran like a champ.
So to answer you it does not wear out a spring to be loaded for very long periods of time.
"Nope, I wear mine"

If I wore all of mine, I'd gain another 100+ pounds.

I can't wear them all at once.

And, if something happens that I don't have one on me, or it's taken from me, that doesn't leave me in a very good place.
I keep one pistol loaded by the bed and one or two loaded in the safe, plus a few loaded rifle mags on top of the safe. I used to keep one rifle loaded, but then the collection expanded to the point where i didn't have room for that anymore.
Do any of you do the same thing?
I sure do and for basically the same reasons you listed. One important point is keep track of which one is loaded. I have loaded ones outside as well.

Be Safe ane Prepared !!!

I have several carry pistols/revolvers. All are loaded and placed on one shelf, with the appropriate holster placed immediately behind, and appropriate reloads placed in close proximity.
The only reason not to is if your house catches on fire you have the chance of killing a fireman putting it out. Chambered rounds will fire out of overheated guns, and it's hard to remember where they all are when you are running out the door! ;) I'm not a fireman, but I have known a few who have mentioned this.

Having the gun in a safe shouldn't be a problem though, even if it cooks off.
I leave all my Glocks loaded in the safe, as well as the snubbie. The rifles have loaded magazines inserted, but no round chambered. The shotgun is "patrol ready."
Well then, with all due respect to Firemen...let them be careful with guns they run across while pursuing thier duties. They are guns and are very dangerous. To answer the OP's question, yes. :)
Here's my system.

Rifles in safe, unloaded.
Shotguns in safe, tube loaded chamber empty.
Handguns in safe, loaded/chambered.

So, yes. The handguns are all loaded.

Morning routine is choose one, holster it and leave. No administrative handling loading/unloading each morning/evening.