Do you help guys/gals out at the range or keep to your self .

No I do not but that is an interesting thought . How much does that weigh and does it change the harmonics of the barrel ? When working up loads I take and log the temp of the ammo , barrel and outside temp before each string . I try not to shoot the next string until my barrel is no more then 10* above ambient temp . When shooting in 90+ degrees it takes a long time for the barrel to cool . Thats when , if I don't have another rifle to dope or test with me . I run in to more then normal down time .
I don't shoot with it on there. Just cools the barrel off nicely between strings. In the summer here in Phoenix, there's a lot of mirage you can't control anyways.
I usually greet the RSO's and the regular's at our range with a verbal "good morning," if they happen to pass by my shooting station; or brief trips to the range house that might have committee meetings about safety and range policy.

I also volunteer for range duty like: snow shoveling, tree clean-up after windstorms, and a survey measurement/sketch of our 200 yard range for the metallic silhouette pistol shooters; that comes with $3.25 an hour range credits for my yearly range badge.
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Yep Metal, you are correct about the paper. Just not worth properly attaching a proper made heat shield to a rifle that is a hunting and not B.R. rifle. Paper works good enough for the hunting rifles.
I will always help if asked, and will usually volunteer help with getting a gun running or with something mechanical if it's obviously needed.

For example, on a recent trip, a guy was shooting some sort of low-end .22LR semi-auto that occasionally wouldn't extract the cases. I volunteered my cleaning rod to knock the case out of the chamber a few times when I realized he was going to be done shooting for the day if he couldn't get the stuck case out.

After you've been shooting a couple of decades, you get to the point that your range bag is fairly well equipped. I have handed out foam earplugs, I always have spare eye pro. and try to keep a few bandaids in the bag for minor ouchies.

On very rare occasions I will volunteer to help someone with their shooting if they're obviously frustrated, clearly don't know what they're doing and are getting truly awful results. So far, I've never had anyone react negatively to that, but as I said, I usually don't do that unless it's really plain that they need help.
I only go to our range about once or twice a year. I shoot in my yard about every other day or every third day. But when I do go to our range usually I'm the only one there and I go looking for brass. But last year I went and there was two men there not with each other and we strike up conversations with each other. I'll help anyone in shooting out.
I went shooting today . I was there 7-1/2 hours and I did not talk really to anyone for the first five of those hours . Two reasons for that . 1 ) I was there to work on some things and 2 ) there was not many other shooters there . It did fill up later in the day though , by 2pm all 30 lanes were full .

Then two guys started shooting on each side of me . They were together and I offered to change lanes at the next stop so they could be next to each other but they said no it's cool . They were both experienced shooters and we all talked here and there . One was sighting in his AR at 300yds using irons so I spotted for him . Funny little side story about them . They were also shooting a rem 700 and were getting double groups just like I was when my stock was loose to the action .

The funny part was because of this thread I was not sure if I should say anything about how my rifle was doing the same thing until I torqued the action down . I did end up telling them about my issue and even had pics still in my Phone of my groups and there's looked just like mine

I asked if he knew what he torqued the action down at and if not I have a torque wrench with me :eek: . He said he was not sure and asked to use the wrench . :eek::eek: I then made it VERY clear that he did not have to do it , I'm not saying he should do it and the rifle may shoot even worse after . He then said ( you know maybe I'll wait and see if it keeps doing the same thing ) :) Thank god , think I dodged one there .

Man , some of you guys have me walking on eggshells while at the range now :D
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