Do you help guys/gals out at the range or keep to your self .

No chips....Just don't want to hear it from the old guy trolling the firing line looking to fill someone full of BS. I pay for a private range so I don't have to hear that.
I generally keep to my self, but will offer help if I thank I can be of assistance without being coming across as condescending.

I don't generally go to uncontrolled public ranges, not a big fan. I understand buckhorn's attitude toward them, I have had someone shoot during a ceasefire while I was downrange at one once. I would rather have an actual range officer keeping an eye out for idiots.

My last range trip, a early 20s guy and his dad were three benches down, shooting a new looking scoped Savage at 100 yards. I didn't really pay attention at first, but after I was there about an hour, I was waiting for the next target change and pointed my spotting scope at their target to see how the Savage was shooting, and it was clean, no holes at all. I kind of listened in, and it was clear they were struggling, and had no idea where the rifle was shooting, or how to sort it out.

At the next break, I asked how it was shooting, they said they were trying to sight it in, and were having trouble. I asked if thy tried removing the bolt and doing a rough bore sighting, and he had no idea how to do that. They were using a nice front rest, but no rear bag, so offered my sandbags, and showed them how to do a rough boresight, and their next shot was on paper. As far as the scope was off, they would have never got on paper without help from someone.

We have probably all run into "That Guy" at the range. Don't be "That Guy". If you have never run into "That Guy" you are either really lucky, or it is you.
I have helped and then sometimes I'll stay away. Depends on the vibes I get in watching them. On one occasion couple of guys was trying to sight in a rifle and couldn't get done and after watching them for awhile I saw that they was resting the barrel on the front rest. I mentioned to them to move the rest back under the forearm and then they was able to get it done. They thanked me before they left. I had the feeling that they was very inexperienced and really appreciated the help.
I'm a Helper, let others use my screwdrivers and other tools, help them in other ways. One time I helped another owner of a Winchester M-77 magazine model, his was jamming-like mine did, showed him how gently adjusting the feed lips of the magazine ensured reliability, have helped with jams, etc. One time I took over instructing from a fellow trying to teach his wife to shoot but he really didn't understand shooting-or instructing. And she was NICE!!!

"PS-Thomas- Heard that old--Can't teach a old dog new tricks?. No matter how good you are- There just might be somebody out there that could teach you something new."

Agree 100%, I just don't want to hear it at the range while I'm busy. And I'll help if asked, but only if asked. But if I want to learn something new, that's what y'all are for. ; )

I har ya for sure.I guess when i head to range it's a 1/2 day thing,every Sat and Sun. I get there about 5 AM and get done about 1 or 2 in afternoon.
I generally keep to myself unless asked for help. I've learned to be chatty at the outdoor ranges, when relaxed, and everyone else is, and all business in the indoor ones where you're paying by the hour.:D
I seldom use the range on week ends any more as I found that's when most issues seemed to take place. For the most part during the week it is the regulars mostly every one keeps to him/her self. There is always a cold range BS session going on but hot range every one tends their own business.
I’lll help out when asked. I also try to compliment the younger kids at the range…encourage the next generation of shooters.
One or two guys on the range and it is usually slow. Lots of times just sit between guns cooling and drink coffee, talk about deer in the area. People that get annoying with their "Knowledge", well, I just mention a little friendly shooting for money.
I seldom use the range on week ends any more as I found that's when most issues seemed to take place.

This x 10

I haven't gone to my local range on a weekend in years, and then only to requalify for my CHL. There's a whole lot less congestion and fewer know-it-alls on a Tuesday morning at 8 am. Not to mention dangerously underinformed safety violators just waiting to perform their next ND.

I like to do my thing with a minimum of interference from and to other shooters.
Being in Phoenix, AZ and having Ben Avery in my backyard, I go out to test loads once in a while when it's not practical to drive out in the desert. It's almost always extremely crowded and you have every type of range creature there. There's a lot of downtime with the 15-minute shooting intervals, so it's hard not to talk to the people at the benches next to you. I'm a young guy and I really appreciate talking to the old timers and checking out other people's rigs. Once the shooting starts I am all business, though. I've never been asked for tools or tips from anyone but I always bring my range tools and I would let anyone use them.
I keep to myself but am friendly as well. I spend all my time taking care of others as a father and husband and work well above a 40 hour work week. The last thing I want is "help" when I'm at the range.
I often get annoyed at people I meet at the range that do not know me and find themselves compelled to tell me how I need to do things. What many of them do not seem to understand is:
1. I am not trying to zero the rifle; I am shooting for group.
2. There is not "one shot 4" from bull at 9 o'clock and 2 misses." There are three almost in the same hole at 9 o'clock.
3. If I wanted the rifle stock tight against my shoulder; that's where it would be.
4. If I happen to be cleaning between every shot, there is a reason for my doing it.
5. If I have a piece of paper laying on my barrel, there is a reason for it being there.
5. If I have a piece of paper laying on my barrel, there is a reason for it being there.

OK I'll bite . Why is the paper there ?

I'm going to say to keep the heat waves from the barrel causing a mirage in your scope .
Yeah, I don't care to help out at the range unless directly asked. Human beings are funny creatures. None of us like being told what we're doing wrong. I have no qualms seeing an old-timer that's banging out 3 inch groups at over 25 yards and trying to engage them in conversation (talking pistol here). I prefer to be around people that are better than me... they usually have a casual way of bringing you up to their level without un-solicated advice giving and the like. If someone approaches me in the same manner that I approach the old timers, I'm still not going to make them my pupil. I'll speak with them, be friendly and non-judgmental or "teachy," and feel them out. If they feel comfortable asking my opinion, however, I tend not to mince words.

FWIW, I don't shoot at public ranges often. I have private land to shoot on and I rarely go to anyplace public. What I described above occurs rather infrequently, but it has happened.