Do You Carry At Home?

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It was a simple, Yes / No question. All that's called for is a simple Yes or No for an answer.

This is the Tactics and Training subforum. Generally we go into more detail than Yes/No (and only 2/19 responses have been just Yes or No). Otherwise this could be a poll.

It certainly doesn't call for getting into a debate with any member whose answer is opposite to yours.

I don't believe I'm in a debate. I'm actually suggesting that maybe we're all more similar than we think. I'd add I've never said his answer is opposite to mine.

Regardless, message received.
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Kevin Rohrer said:
This one has been asked repeatedly.

I'm pretty sure that's the first thing I said. It's just that there's so much traffic in this forum I didn't think anyone would mind.
No, but based on where I live it is not really necessary but I do have a concealed loaded firearm and flashlight within 20' of me at all times while in my home.
I often, but don't always, carry a gun in my home. Initially, it was to practice. I don't live in a state where it is easy to get a CCW permit, I do have a UT non-resident permit and carry often when somewhere I can. I won't get used to carrying just carrying part or all of 1-3 days a month, so I carried at home. I also, like many (most?) here have a bed stand gun. I continue to carry around the home on the same idea, but if someone were to break in while I'm awake, it is much quicker than a bedside gun (especially if I'm across the house or on a different floor from my bed stand).

If MD ever goes shall-issue, or I finally make my move to PA or VA (I've wanted to for about a decade, but life/things keep getting in the way), I probably will nearly always carry at home. Once I'm dressed for the day, I'm dressed for the day. My keys, wallet, pocket knife (when I'm not at work, I don't carry it when working because a knife in a school could get me sent to jail if someone found out), pocket flashlight, pocket sized blood sugar monitor, etc. are always in my pockets, in or out of the house. I see no reason why my gun in my IWB holster would be any different. When bumming around before my shower, or when working out would be the only times I wouldn't necessarily have a gun on me (and it may still be on me when bumming around pre-shower depending upon what I put on when getting dressed).
not generally inside the house, but as soon as I step out the door, yes. I also have relatively quick access to firearm in the house If I need to get to it. tinfoil hat...raised a graduate degree...exec at a national brand...married...don't drink...don't chase skirt...believe in science...straight shooter in many in college...but I guess I'm just living on the fringe. Oh my. :rolleyes:
Yes. One never knows when one might have to shoot a family member! I don't even like having to pack a wallet in my pocket at home. Why would I even want to add on the hassle of packin around a gun at home unless I had a feeling of impending doom?
"If a 1911 or Glock 19 (whatever) is carried in "indian country" 

Perhaps this should be rephrased? Not to beat the PC drum, but since this IS a public forum and ALL gun owners are welcome here... obviously not stated in a malicious way, but... someone could be offended. This is 2020.

Folks are always looking for an excuse not to.

Suppose I fall over and can't get up? Ya know, like on my way to the fridge?

The Bathrobe Rig will help me keep the buzzards at bay as long as I'm conscience.


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If I am out of bed, and not in the shower, I carry.

My home is where my most important things are (wife and kids), I want to be able to protect them. Just because I’m at home, doesn’t mean nothing will ever happen there, that it’s is a literal “safe space”.

I know many people that don’t carry at home. Some simply put the gun on a shelf, some lock it up in a safe. Personally, I can’t see making the instrument I use to protect my self and my family harder to use by unloading it, or making it inaccessible.
No-I do however keep my Alarm system on and CCTV. I was in the industry for over three decades. I do have a firearm handy and will wear a firearm when I walk my Dog.
Yes, better to have and not need, than needing and not having. Just a point to ponder, bad things happen in good places
Oh yeah. I gotta. My TV spies on me. Alexa is transmitting my thoughts to Starship Enterprise. Black Ops spooks at surveilling my movements. Outlaw bikers have infiltrated my 'hood. Cookers are making kryptonite three doors down: with every move I make another chance I take, odds are I won't live to see tomorrow: (Johnny Rivers was one heck of a guitarist).

I don't have loaded gun in my home. If I thought I had to carry in my home, I'd be living in the wrong city.

You're not paranoid if people are out to get you. No one's out to get me 'cept Sophia Vagara. Siri has given her the bum steer on my address.
"If a 1911 or Glock 19 (whatever) is carried in "indian country" 

Perhaps this should be rephrased? Not to beat the PC drum, but since this IS a public forum and ALL gun owners are welcome here... obviously not stated in a malicious way, but... someone could be offended. This is 2020.

That is not my phrase, but I've seen it used.
The persons that used it have budding psychic ability, they think they can predict where psychos/criminals will or will not be.
They carry "less" in a "good area" but "more" where the threat is perceived to be greater; "bad" people are conveniently immobile and mostly nocturnal according to their crystal ball. :rolleyes:
I used language I though they could understand, but it doesn't matter anyway; IME, people that post that (or similar) are not going to change.

I'll rephrase it into my words, much more PC. ;)

Whatever pistol is carried in an area of perceived greater threat, should logically be carried anywhere, everywhere (yes, that means in "good areas" in the daytime).

I edited that post to be PC compliant.
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If I'm up and dressed, I'm carrying unless I have to go somewhere that it's illegal to do so (county building to register auto, etc.).
That link and story about the Petit family, just reinforces WHY so many people carry at home as well as out and about. You just never know.
shurshot said:
That link and story about the Petit family, just reinforces WHY so many people carry at home as well as out and about. You just never know.
That's exactly why I posted it. Disasters, catastrophes, and bad guys rarely call ahead to make an appointment. Bad guys have cars, and cell phones. They aren't limited to doing home invasions in the ghettos -- they know there's more money in the 'burbs.

Each of us has his/her own level of comfort. I don't accept that there are "safe" or "good" areas where one doesn't have to worry about crime. The odds may be better in the so-called "good" area, but that didn't help the Petits.
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