Do these American Flag grips offend you?

A good friend recently gave me these grips, - just because he thought they would look good on my Dan Wesson Razorback. - Is anyone here, -particularly our veterans - offended by this use of our flag. I wasn't sure about them - but I think they look great. - Yea or Nay on the flag use.
It doesn’t bother me, and I am respectful of the flag. I have 6 years active, and 6 years NG.
Veteran and not offended, but I think I'd only put something like that on one of my guns if one of my kids made them for me as a birthday or father's day gift and I didn't want to hurt their feelings.
Flag Code

Aquila B is correct, there is a Flag Code,and it is pretty specific about do's and don't of display of the flag. Title 4 U.S. Code. I have to take exception to his interpretation however. The code addresses the flag, patches, and what might be termed "images" of the flag.

Comments: Most folks are not aware that the forming apparel from the US flag is a violation of code, so a bikini, helmet, ball cap, etc is incorrect. So to the display of a flag image/patch on everyday clothing, or a sports uniform, excepting a flag patch on military, fire and police uniforms, and "members of a patriotic organization". The correct way to "wear" a flag (as a citizen) is a a lapel pin, on the left side of the body, nearest the heart.

One could make the argument that a holstered handgun is "wearing" and thus a grip displaying the image of the flag would be incorrect according to code. Additionally, when drawing and discharging a handgun, the "flag" would be obscured/covered, again a sign of disrespect. From an ethics standpoint, commercializing the flag as an image could be easily (and I believe correctly) argued as disrespectful. Most of what I have described above is largely, if not totally, commercialism.

Yes, it is all done. I am not aware of any entity that "enforces" the flag code, you will not be arrested or cited to court for wearing a flag T-shirt on the 4th of July, or at your gun club. But do consider that there is a right and wrong way to wear and display the flag and it's images, and much of what passes as acceptable is incorrect. As a symbol of a living country and the brave men people who have stood for it over many years, I strive to do it "right" and encourage others to do the same.

For those wishing to learn more about the Flag Code, the Sharpman Company has published a very readable book, with examples and commentary, titled "The Care and Display of the American Flag". My copy is copywrited 2004.
Lots of images of the Flag are used in different applications these days. Regarding flag etiquette, I believe it's frowned upon.

That said, it doesn't bother me and I like seeing patriotic images and patriotic people.

Can't have too much of that right now.
I wish I had a quarter for every US Flag that was displayed on the wrong side of the front door or porch in July.
Yes, I like them.

I personally am tired of bending over backwards as not to "offend" everyone my back hurts. People just need to get thicker skin.
Offend? No but I have a thick skin developed over a long number of years. That said some people may find those grips disrespectful of the flag which represents their country. When I see something I don't care for I simply look the other way. I do not offend easily.

"Is it in the spirit" ????

When it comes to situations like this, I ask myself; "Is it in the spirit" ????
The spirit of being patriotic and respectful. That is why I do not find the original post offensive. ..... :)

There is a fella, in town whose truck is painted in Red, White and Blue. Only three equal strips, running from bumper to bumper, over the top of his truck . Small "American" flag from his antenna and every time I run into him, he's wearing a flag shirt or cap. He is a Vietnam Vet and I always salute him. ..... ;)

Would I paint my truck in this manner? .... NO
Do I feeling he is being disrespecful ..... NO

Hand-Salute and;
Be Safe !!!
I am a Veteran. I am never offended by a firearm. I am respectful of the American flag. I am wary of anyone carrying such a fine American firearm with such butt ugly grips. I would not say anything to the carrier, including engaging in conversation. I would walk away. No reason to be near this person.
If you are not concerned with someone being "offended" by the fact that you are carrying a gun, why are you concerned if you offend someone with the style of grip you put on it?

Personally, I do not adorn objects with our flag unless the image can properly represent the entire flag ( as a flag). I would not use flag grips, flag shoes, flag boxer shorts and the like. I am not offended by it but it seems tacky.

If you like them, I see nothing wrong with you using them. Again, I do not follow the logic of being concerned about the flag but not whether or not carrying a gun offends someone. They have to see your gun to see your grips. I dont get it.
I would show you a US flag that offends me to the point, I would love to come across the animal that Stole in off my neighbors Porch which was flying on Veterans day along with dozens of others. We found them laying in the street with Vile words all across the flags.
I would post a Picture of one of them, but too graphic to post here but you can guess what I am saying.

No, of course I am not offended. Anyone that puts a pair of US Flag grips on a firearm is showing Pride in that flag. They are a symbol of that Pride. I especially like the Pistols now sold with the US Flag and the "The Thin Blue Line". Real Americans need to show support in anyway we caN. May God Bless the Flag, the Anthem, our Military, EMT's and Fire fighters.
