Disturbing video...

Getting away may seem the best option, but if one could justifiable take a few out, this may make the others think twice next time they go to do this. Next time they went to a car they may remember their buddies brain matter flying on them.

I think force would be the best option, better to make em think about it before this happens to a car pool with kids in it.
Can you name me any inner city in North America with blacks in it that is safe from black on black crime.
Can you name any inner city in North America that can govern itself sucessfully? Schools? Crime? Drugs? Gangs? Family unit? Family values across the board?
There is clearly a demarcation line that divides the american black community. Establishment and Anti-Establishment these are the two main subcultures.
Establishment progresses. Anti-Establishment digresses and pressures establishement. This horrible crime was committed by Anti-Establishment.
I lived in LA for 20 years. I call this situation of being surrounded by attacking rioters a "Reginald Denny Situation" named after the guy who was too nice to run the bastards over in his truck and instead got pulled out and got his head bashed in with a cinder block... amongst other things.


Carry your gun ON YOU, loaded, and ready to go. If you can't drive away one way or another... SHOOT THEM. Clear a path and RUN... and keep running (and shooting if you need too) until you get to the nearest open gun store and reload and restock, in that order... then get going... get out of there and get to your next car... cuz your old car is gone. Get on with your life... and don't lose a minute of sleep over it... although, you more than likely will. Count your blessings that you did the right thing and didn't get your head bashed in and/or get killed. Go have a good beer and say "CHEERS! LIFE IS GOOD!"

If you're living i LA and you have a half a brain... MOVE! Go find a better place to live. I did, and it's the best decision i ever made.
The really sad thing is that the places that are supposed to be a utopia of peace driven by gun control are the most uncivilized and violent places in the country. There isn't supposed to be any violence in these areas because gun control is such a wonderfu concept:rolleyes: . I guarantee if more of law abiding citizens in these areas were allowed to own and carry firearms these thugs would be much more hesitant to display this kind of behavior. Back in Wyoming, if residents saw this type of nonsense happening in their neighborhoods, these thugs would get blasted one by one by the law abiding residents that own firearms.