Disturbing video...

it is a good possibility that many of these idiots have guns too and you would end up shot or killed. How could you possibly target all of them?

I can't really explain years of tactical and firearms training in one sentence. Oh wait, I just did.
First off it's best to avoid the ghetto/Oakland at night unless you are carrying something Belt Fed! Most of those punks would start crying for their momma if you pulled a pistol and "cleaned" up the street a little. Man, I hate ghetto's.
When the masses are disarmed as on the left coast you will have such things,
now consider the next possible scenario. They get bored of doing this to cars at intersections and decide to roam through YOUR subdivision and do the same to your home and worse to you and yours. What can be done in places like California...not much but call 911. In Florida the 911 call would go something like this "I hear multiple gunshots from at least 10 homes on my block and there appears to be large numbers of people down on at least 10 of those front porches" welcome to Florida :D Sun fun and freedom
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A bunch of worthless pieces of shat. What do you do when wild hogs get over populated? You thin them out. Somebody should thin these idiots out. I suspect the cops will do nothing about it.
I'd use my car as a weapon. Never have to reload, easy to aim, and packs quite a punch.

I would not be getting out the car to get to a trunk gun.
How much protection is that car providing if those punks decide to start shooting at the guy trying to run them over? Also consider that many of the drivers were mostly pinned in with little room to maneuver. A vehicle is a deathtrap in that kind of attack. Sure you can run people over in one direction but they can shoot at you from all sides. IMO it would be better to exit the car and take the offensive. Of course, you need good and extensive training to be able to do that. So get it.

Don't discount CA so fast just because we have been overrun by liberals and our gun laws are nuts. MANY people here are seriously into guns, possibly more so than in less restrictive states.
The South African Blaster system originally had gas tanks and could melt anybody on either side of the car, but the product was changed due to road safety fears in the event of a collision. They said it was an explosion hazard. I know that they were developing a CS gas version and in this California situation it would be ideal. If you run one of those arse-hats over with your car, you'll lose in court because he will say he was not one of the people denting your car. If you shoot one, you also lose because they will say when was your life in danger, especially since they appear to be unarmed (I saw one guy with a rod or stick). So I say CS gas them all.
If I wasn't worried about legal matters I would load up a high-capacity hopper on a paintball gun, have the gun at waist level and open up in 360 degree fire. If anyone got too lippy he might catch one in the face, tough luck if he loses an eye.
Always, ALWAYS! The same group of people causing destruction and violence on innocent people!!
What in God's name is it with segments of the black community that thinks this is ok?:mad:
And you can bet your life there would be some liberal "piece of feces" lawyer defending any of them that got run over or shot by someone trying to defend themselves and/or their family.
I drove a cab on & off for 5 yrs in NYC, and every problem/altercation/attempted rip-off I had was with blacks?
Where can I find videos of whites acting this way?
Just so I can see that it's not just a "black" thing?
And the black friends that I have are just as clueless as to the "whys" as I am!!!
This garbage wouldn't try this crap in a "carry" state!
On second thought, I wish they would!!;)
Das Boot, good to hear from you

Now I am going to ask, :D :D Did you ever finish the safe job.:rolleyes:

If you carry do you think they won't be? Gunfight at Miami Beach, we can make movie about it. The rappers can have a new song and 100 years from now they will still be talking about it.:p

The "safe job" is on hold till further notice.:p
And as for a gunfight, it would probably take 15 of them, all shooting "Gangsta" style, to get one decent hit!!!:rolleyes:

(Edited for veiled language by Capt Charlie)
Get an old junker and load it up until the suspension bottoms out with an ammonium nitrate bomb. Rig it for TV guided remote control. Drive it into the crowd, and when they swarm...

Just a thought. Might act as a deterrent for the next time.

Me and and you should go up there man. I'll bring my "trunk gun". :D we should get a bunch of us from TFL together be like a nice friendly get together lol. In all seriousness though I hate these idiots that think having a good time is causing pain and destruction to good people's stuff. Sad,sad world.
I think you should do it. Make sure you get video too. I will be happy to post it on my Myspace webpage.

I especially like the idea of loading up a car with explosives. Remember James Bond's White Lotus Espirit security system? For that matter you could use any Junker, just put shiny spinning wheels to make them get hypnotized by the bling bling dubs. Maybe add a subwoofer to get them extra Hyped. I'll bet Mythbusters could rig something up, I think they are in the area.

***Steamboatsig cannot be held liable for any advice he gives to members of the Firing Line.***
I would say any that opened the door or tried to get in a window would take a head shot. I think this situation can justify fear for ones life.

I have to agree. But it would be better if you could just get out of there.

Go to a body shop have your insurance pay for the damage and right off the rest, and never go back to that part of town. I feel sorry for the ones who have to live there and have no choice.:confused: Well they do have a choice.

Killing someone is not as easy as one thinks. But if fearful for your life and life of loved ones, it does get easier they say.

More firepower

Any situation such as this requires more firepower to resolve effectively than any one person is likely to have at their disposal. What does need to happen here is a major police operation. Unfortunately, our jails are so full that most of these vermin would probably be back on the street before the ink was dry on the police reports. The only solution likely to be effective is organized community resistance. Lots of vehicles loaded with lots of well armed people.

Could we just build a big fence around this area and make it a prison?