Disturbing video...

The first, and most obvious, option for this is to not be caught in bad neighborhoods at night, but I'll grant that there are times when its unavoidable.

As for a response, the cell phone is your friend. Although, in LA, I don't know if the police would really hurry to answer a call like that if it wasn't in a ritzy area of town. The victims seemed to do pretty well taking advantage of their cars' size and power to work out and away from the attackers, although traffic complicates that kind thing. Against a crowd, a car can scatter people much more quickly than a gun. Unfortunately, short of some kind of turret mounted automatic weapon on the vehicle, I don't see how a CCW would help here; too many people, too much motion, and far too great a chance of a shot entering a store or another vehicle and wounding other people who are either sitting inside or trying to drive away from the situation.

The people I feel worst for are the cab drivers. I regret that anybody is subjected to that kind of attack, but the cab drivers don't have any option to avoid the neighborhood. Its a sad time when a person can't go to work to earn a living without being assaulted by gangs of thugs roaming the street.
Bunch of animals doing what they do best , destroying things .

How sick and sad .

If I lived in that rat hole I would carry shooting muffs and several loadded guns in the car and would consider my life being threatened in such a situation and start blowing some of the scum away plain and simple .
I see a whole bunch of punks that need a serious reality check.... Like--- A150 lb. gang banger vs. a 2500 lb. car, 'thump-thump, screach'.....Repeat often.
I agree that a gun may not be the best tactic, but I would think you'd better come up with something if you find yourself in a similar situation.
If it happens that much it is areal break down

If that is what the inner cities are all about, "Feral teenagers and young adults".
We need to go the route of Brazil and hire bounty hunters to exterminate them.
Pretty simple, when they are taking over cities like that and harming innocent people.

And we call it civilization LOL

Where is carebear? Lets hear it for allowing this also.

It looks like some of those cars were boxed in.

I have 300 RWHP on hand in my mustang for times like those. That much power to the rear wheels make for a nasty meat grinder shound I decide to do doughnuts until I can find a way to drive out.

In South Africa they have a great device for situations like this, since this seemed to be a problem there too: It's a gas pipe going all around the button of the vehicle activated by a foot pedal.
So when stepped on this pedal, a ring of fire goes all around the vehicle!
Now the question is, what would be the legal site of this?
1).. I saw something from over in the England area I think, Flame throwers under the doors.. pretty cool

2) Class 3 with High Cap mags..

3) Stay out of the ghetto.

4) National Gaurd.

Numbers 3 and 4 would be my first choice.

Along with my post about "feral" teenagers and Brazil.

Major breakdown in a civilized society.

I think any person in that situation would be in resonable fear of his/her life. Also that WAS a riot, by definition.

That said, such an attack on my vehicle would be a tragic mistake. My CCW gun is a Beretta 96 with 12 rounds mags (I have fired it so much it's an extension of my arm) and I carry several spare mags, but I would only need enough to get to my trunk gun. At that point if they were not running, well, think black hawk down. It would be a slaughter.
I seriously wonder what the legal ramifications are in a situation like that. If I were to pull my gun and shoot some of those pieces of crap, could I justify it as self defense? Would this constitute defending property with lethal force? I bet the parents of those kids would sue the pants off if anyone got killed.

I really like my car and I would really be tempted to do something crazy if that happened to me. I have pepper spray in the car but I doubt it would be effective on a crowd of wild animals such as those. If someone jumped on my hood and started kicking in my winshield, I would definately open fire. If they kept attacking, I would seriously consider running their asses over. My front spoiler is pretty low so I doubt I would actually run them over, but I'm pretty sure I'd smash them up really well. As for being boxed in, its even better to have a car in front and behind so you can smash any legs that are between your car and theirs.

I believe they would have to do more than kick the car swear etc. Jumping on the hood. Before I would hurt someone.

If they broke my windows and tried to get into my car then I would shoot them. But remember some of them have guns and it would esculate. To try and avoid and escape without your injury would be the best way.

Doing what the Cabbie did by just getting out of there is the best bet.

Car can be fixed, death is a terrible thing to experience. Last resort I believe.

They did pull people out of the car, hit people, attempt robbery ect. Lethal force was justified, no doubt in my mind. Also, It was a riot, and CA penal code allows for lethal force for any of these reasons. I would have been even more likely to use force if I was a bystander and I saw this occuring, as chances are I would not have got myself into such a dumb sitation in the first place.

Some of those idiots in Mogadishu had guns too. :cool:
I saw that episode on the South Africa carjacking epidemic. One of the inventions were these gigantic hedge clippers that would come from underneath the car. That was gruesome.

In the case in Oakland, it is a good possibility that many of these idiots have guns too and you would end up shot or killed. How could you possibly target all of them?

(Edited for inappropriate language by Capt Charlie)