Disgruntled man shooting tires and engine block of utility truck in front of his home

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he's obviously demented,

How did you come to that conclusion? Are you a mental health professional that interviewed him? As was stated earlier, maybe he was just having a really bad day and this was just the straw that broke the camel's back and made him lost it for a while. NOT excusing his behavior, and he will and should do some jail time, but there may or may not be any mental issues involved (which could lead ton his loss of 2A rights)
For certain, his savings are now going to go towards paying an expensive lawyer. A rather expensive lesson in not blowing one's top over trivialities.
Like I said I think the assault charges will get dropped.
Besides just cause he was charged with something does not mean it won't get reduced, he could reach a deal.. a lot can happen..
I stand by my 90days jail and probation prediction.
This guy is not gonna do hard time for this.

but chances are the case will fade and we'll never hear what happens. so we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't feel a need to run from the scene, sure it's the safe thing to do, sure it's smart thing to do, but you think Im gonna miss that show.. oh hell no.

I really didn't see the guy as a immanent threat to anyone, I guess a ricochet could be dangerous but no intent to hurt anyone from what I can tell.

Just look how he takes his time.. he's not panicked at all.

I don't feel the need to run just cause someones firing off a gun, I mean someone could snap at the local range.. they're all strangers I don't know them.. and yet I pay them no never mind as a threat.
Fitasc, we can approach it from either a clinical or less specific basis, but regardless, the man was angry, because the truck on the street posed a threat to his driveway. Observation shows that he was wrong, right?

An hour later, the trucks had still caused no harm, but he was still angry. He very quietly fired several cylinders into the vehicles. He was fully in control of his emotions,as seen, no shouting, tremors, shaking. He said that he had shot the cars so that they couldn't escape before the police arrived, but the police weren't coming.

That was very obviously a person who was in control of himself, his actions were deliberate and careful. His actions were, however, made on defective thinking. Several different levels. He even had the delusion that he was simply "holding them for the police", that he had just performed a "citizen arrest".

Whether or not he was mentally defective, or suffering clinical dementia, he did it. That would almost certainly trigger a competency evaluation in some places.

I've worked with mental health professionals for years. I believe that the guy might be a bit dinged. What he did made no sense, one step to the next. I don't think he demonstrated full clinical dementia.

I see absolutely nothing to be gained from jail or prison time.people commit horrible crimes and still wind up without time. Looks like the guy has a nice place, probably no violent or dangerous history, nothing I'm seeing indicates that he poses a threat to the public, right?

Just what I can see, he was released on a minimal bond. The situation, to me, doesn't call for a long punitive incarceration. It wouldn't serve any purpose, would it?

I believe that the best solution is keeping him out of incarceration, under supervision, and keeping him in the court system. If he pleads to a five year sentence with parole, he will be supervised for five years and subject to arrest if he "loses it" again.
JoeSixPack said:
They let prisoners with serious medical conditions out early all the time.
They do that out there? We don't, once they are in prison. They might take that into account in trial and sentencing, like you said, but once sentenced, we don't let them go just because they are old and sick.
I would strongly advise against confronting the shooter. Call 911 immediately and report everything you see. Description of the shooter, direction of travel, what type of firearm he appears to have (long gun, handgun etc) and what he is shooting at. I would do this while seeking cover or preferably leaving the area.

Don't try to intervene. Wait for law enforcement to show up and do their thing. If someone else is foolish enough to come out and confront him then that's on them and their poor judgement.
They do that out there? We don't, once they are in prison. They might take that into account in trial and sentencing, like you said, but once sentenced, we don't let them go just because they are old and sick.
It's not like they let murders out for it, but ya they do.
They don't like to be responsible for people with serious health issues.. not to mention they're footing the bill.

It's not like it's a get out of jail free card but ya it does play a role in release.
You have no idea if a person walking around in public, shooting a gun, is in control or will not turn lethal. That part of the discussion is just silly.

He is using an instrument of lethal force in public and is passed boundaries of normal behavior. You have no idea where he would go with that.

If someone firing a gun in a public street, obviously having a problem with something, is not a threat, that's also ridiculous.

If you want to hang around, plan to intervene - it's your blood supply and CNS - not mine. I'll see that show on the news.

I know it's futile to debate this with folks - just have fun. Bring your kids!
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