Disass'y of Remington Nylon 66?

Nylon 66

Could you send it to me too please? I bought my son a Model 66 in 1981 for Christmas. When I was there 2 weeks ago he still has it. I guess I cheated though because I had his name and date engraved on the sideplate.
Nylon 66 manual

Please include me on the list for the manual on this rifle. I took the first one apart, finally got it back together. Maybe the manual will help. Thanks, Hominy
Nylon 66

If available please send copy of ass, disassm of Nylon 66 to:JohnLizCas@aol.com. Thanks. Thats assm not ass lol
I'd really love a manual for the rem 66 too

Harley Nolden, i was wondering if you could possibly email me a manual too? my email is smithe@carleton.edu . I've got mine disassembled, and don't really remember how it goes back correctly!! thanks!
i need one too please

Hello, i got mine from my brother, after he had it for 20 something years, he shot it, i shot it and i dont think it was ever cleaned. Ive cleaned the bore, but that was it. It sure is a fun little plinker too....

Nylon 66 Disassembly

I have had a Nylon 66 since 1968 (H.S. graduation present). I would appreciate a copy of the disassembly instructions/manual if possible.

:o I need a manuel for a nylon 66, though its not a nylon, its a remake of one. I t has CBC on it. I was told that it's "like" a chevy and GMC. Same maker and what not. If true or not, I think that a manuel is a step in the right direction. Uhh, also I toke it out to shoot and while I was firing at a target to sight it in ( using federal hollow points ) my scope, it jammed on the 5th shoot. After I cleared the jam, I went to "charge" the rifle and it went off. So any suggestions would be great.

My email is: michaelrparsons@hotmail.com thanks guys!!
Interesting Thread

I had an Apache Black model years ago, great gun. I had worked on several Nylon 66s and the only problem I ever found was a tendency for a crack to appear between two pin holes in the receiver area. I don't think it was a serious problem but several guys wanted theirs fixed so I used JB Weld.

Wish I had mine back.
i also have a nylon 66 semi auto ive had it for about a week it was a blast till i went out for a hunt im not sure if it got wet becouse it was snowing and i had sat the gun down against a stump but now its jamming after 8 or 9 shots i had pulled the barrel off after losening the bolt and twisted it off now i cant get the slide on the side where it ejects shells to close and line up properly wiith the barrel if any one has detailed instructions about disasembling and assembling this gun with photos if possable that would be very helpfull also if any one has any sugsestions on why it may be doing this email me @ pookadog@honkeynigga.com this is my first remmington or gun at that i really hope this is a fixable problem with out having to spend any money..........well it was fun while it lasted hopefully this gun will supply me with hours and hours of fun in the future
Nylon 66 was a fun little rifle. Mine was Mohawk brown and I wish I still had it.

If you get it back together and you have a single-shot (first shot is fine, but bolt closes on an empty chamber) take it back apart and turn the feed ramp around. It’ll fit in there backwards, look right, but doesn’t work.