Did I go to far?

If they keep good metrics and the business starts experiencing an unacceptable loss of profits, they should be able to determine the cause.
How is it possible to track CCW customers? No company tracks CCW customers. They will never know unless told.
How is it possible to track CCW customers? No company tracks CCW customers. They will never know unless told.
They caint, they are relying on law abiding CCW customers to do the right thing and not violate their wishes if they doint want firearms on their premises.
There are 4 McDonalds in town. Last winter 1 of the 4 put up posted signs. This one is on the far side of town and I'm almost never in there, but several people I know spoke to the manager and called corporate. After some discussion the manager admitted it was open carry he was mostly opposed to. It is legal here, but not commonly seen.

The signs went up mostly because of one person who regularly went in there open carrying. I know the guy. The manager agreed to take the sign down if the one guy in particular agreed to keep his gun concealed. All turned out well.
manta49 said:
They caint, they are relying on law abiding CCW customers to do the right thing and not violate their wishes if they doint want firearms on their premises.

that’s not the point, or the subject. The OP wasn’t violating their wishes by informing them of the reason he isnt going to shop there anymore.

The OP did the right thing, and the stores need know why they are losing customers.
Thank you for having the courage to speak up, and to chose your second amendment over your favorite store. When will educated people realize there making the store a target and a easy day for a bad person.
What sign? OK, that's arrogant, but the fact of the matter is that if you're doing it right, they won't know you're carrying. Don't out yourself simply because of a silly sign.

I admire your effort but have no expectation that any establishment will change their minds in our politically correct society. You made a decision to carry a gun for your personal protection. With the exception of institutions where it is absolutely illegal to do so, the worst that can possibly happen is that you are asked to leave the premises. Even if they were to engage the Police Department, as long as it's not illegal to carry in that particular establishment you're fine. I realize you aren't looking for a confrontation, especially in the era were are living through. But you're talking about your safety, which comes first.

I by-pass the "No Firearms" sign in multiple establishments where I live. No, I'm not a cowboy, a hero or a fool. I'm simply not going to be intimidated for the exact reason you pointed out in your original post, the bad guys don't care about any sign/store policy.

You have a carry permit, be responsible, intelligent and safe.

Good luck.
Personally I don't think you went far enough. I think you should have advised the owner that you would pass their name and information on to others on various gun forums and to various state and national gun rights groups such as the NRA so the store can be put on a no go list. In Virginia we have the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) which maintains a list of anti-gun businesses so members are able to check out the business before they go there. VCDL also sells "No Guns No Money" cards. VCDL is a very good state gun rights advocacy organization.
that’s not the point, or the subject. The OP wasn’t violating their wishes by informing them of the reason he isnt going to shop there anymore.
I never said he was, but some seem to be advising him its OK to ignore the signs. I wonder if they would be happy for someone come into their house armed, if they had said they didn't want people bringing firearms in to their house.

I by-pass the "No Firearms" sign in multiple establishments where I live. No, I'm not a cowboy, a hero or a fool. I'm simply not going to be intimidated for the exact reason you pointed out in your original post, the bad guys don't care about any sign/store policy.
I'm not sure why people think that private establishments have no rights to control what happens on their property. If I see the sign I think "good for them" and then I bypass their door.

People who carry are a tiny percentage of the population in general. I myself wouldn't try to cater to ccw'ers as their numbers don't have much economic pull.

My time is money, so I wouldn't waste my time trying to talk someone into taking my money that doesn't want it.
I'm to old to worry about signs. No one knows what color my underwear is, or whether I'm even wearing any. I carry concealed everywhere I go unless they have metal detectors or are frisking people. They call it concealed for a reason. :rolleyes:

I wholeheartedly agree with you and I would do the same thing but I live in a small town and if I boycott the few stores we have I have to drive 30 miles to go somewhere else. So I just ignore their stupidity.
I have never seen a sign like that in PA, but I think you were perfectly reasonable and responsible. I would probably just ignore the sign myself. For the life of me I simply can't wrap my head around the idea that a sign somehow deters criminals........and the smug satisfaction of those that like those "magic signs".
I would probably just ignore the sign myself. For the life of me I simply can't wrap my head around the idea that a sign somehow deters criminals.
I think anyone with any sense knows that the signs woint stop criminals, :rolleyes: they doint want legally owned firearms on their premises. If thats the case thats up to them i would respect their wishes. They are relying on the honesty of CCW people to respect their wish not to have firearms on their store etc. I can see from some replies that is not the case, funny i expected better from people carrying firearms, than they would ignore other peoples rights but are the first to shout if they think someone is violating their rights.
If they don't want to see your openly-carried pistol, respect their wishes. If they don't want to see your concealed-carry pistol, respect their wishes......

..... ;)
If you don't mind, please share the response from the owner, if you get one. The assistant manager might have acted without permission while the boss was away and it might be gone when they read your message. You'd be amazed at how many stories of "sudden gun bans" end that way. Of course, a lot of those stories also end with the owner insulting gun owners.
I worked part time for a company that had the 'No Guns' sign posted. On a couple occasions I had people question me about if I thought the sign would really stop someone with a gun from coming into the facility.

I'd solemnly look them in the eye and said the folk that thought someone might ignore the law were working on another law to make it illegal to break the law.

I'm glad the OP went up the chain of command as far as he could and didn't take it out on the lowest level employee.
I also think think that corporate lawyers figure that a minuscule, probably imperceptible, loss in business is a very small price to pay to keep those nasty dangerous guns out of their stores

Yes, lawyers are such wonderful creatures...:mad: Shakespeare had it right.
I agree with you 100%

More people should do exactly what you did.

There is no question that gun free zones/stores, only detour law obiding citizens that serve as protection and invite criminals with intention of doing harm.
"I can see from some replies that is not the case, funny i expected better from people carrying firearms, than they would ignore other peoples rights but are the first to shout if they think someone is violating their rights."

While you do have an idealistic point, I believe my "Right to Self-Defense/Life" supersedes their "Right Not to Be Irrationally Scared".
You did not go to far but I would not have done it.

I believe strongly in personal autonomy as long as it does not violate the rights of a protected class. If a business owner wants to post such a sign I allow him (or her) to have autonomy to do so. I use my autonomy to go elsewhere. I won't tell you how you should run your business. You don't tell me if I should (or can) carry a firearm that you will likely never know I am carrying.