Democrats throw away American flags.

CBS News apparently hasn't seen these photos:

I was at a parade this summer, and some little flags on sticks were handed out to kids.

After that parade, those kids threw them away.

I tried to get the police interested in this. I explained we could do a mass arrest, and probably try the little monsters as adults. They would be looking at serious jail time.

The police were not interested! Can you imagine?!

Can you get the guys who handed them out on something?

Contributing to the delinquency of a minor?
CBS News apparently hasn't seen these photos:

CBS News has probably also not seen this photo of flags discarded at a McCain rally in Orlando, Florida.

This type of juvenile finger-pointing over non-issues makes me wonder why the American people tolerate either major political party.
CBS News apparently hasn't seen these photos:
Or maybe they realize that if I went out in my back yard and made a pile of McCain banners and old flags and then took a pic of myself urinating on them it does not mean McCain is the one doing it and that the pic is not staged. :rolleyes:
Or maybe they realize that if I went out in my back yard and made a pile of McCain banners and old flags and then took a pic of myself urinating on them it does not mean McCain is the one doing it and that the pic is not staged.

And even if the pic isn't staged, this kind of thing happens at rallies for most candidates from both parties. If it upsets you in general, I fully understand, but please let's not act like this is a Democrat/Republican thing.
so please show me the

detailed plan at the RNC convention to collect all the flags present and insure the were all properly disposed of by burning.

While there is a basic truth to the issue that a number of American flags were present at the convention there is no evidence that there were any more or less plans by either the DNC or the RNC to deal with the flag issue.

It pretty obvious that a lot of the posters have never been at any convention where everyone holds an American flag. I've been at more than a few and never have I seen the disposal issue dealt with. Ask the housekeeping staff at the hotels in the area if they collected hundreds of flags left behind by the caring convention attenders.

The point of this thread should be the need to have all these conventions deal with our flag in accordance with the Flag Code. It is really a shame that at these kind of events the American Flag is nothing more than a prop.

For those who truly care you might start by looking over the Flag Code and wondering who the incompetent boob that decorates a hall with flags nailed (fastened) to the walls like some kind of ornament. Then you can go on from there and find dozens of other errors in the simply display of the American flag; simply things like does the American Flag belong on the left or right of a state flag, is the field to the left or right when the flag is hung on a wall in a vertical position.

Bye the way a person who would have collectd the flags at the DNC convention and placed them in a trash bag for handouts at the RNC was showing as much disrespect as anyone else. American Flags are not intended to be stuffed in a trash bag and handed out as trophies.
It pretty obvious that a lot of the posters have never been at any convention where everyone holds an American flag. I've been at more than a few and never have I seen the disposal issue dealt with. Ask the housekeeping staff at the hotels in the area if they collected hundreds of flags left behind by the caring convention attenders.

And, more importantly, what they did with them when they collected them. I'm betting a lot of flags ended up in hotel dumpsters in both Denver and St. Paul.
As stated before, there are many rules for honorably respecting the flag - none of them being law -and many of them are being broken. From placing a stamp on a letter which ultimately gets discarded with the garbage, to Kid Rock and Ted Nugent wearing the flag as clothing as well as businesses using the flag in their advertisements and logos. If a flag is printed on a napkin it can not be desicrated (wiping dirt or food with them) , clothing with flags printed on them must be treated with the respect as if they are flags, there's a bunch of rules. But they aren't necessarily protected by laws... yet.

Other -

I agree that this could be an issue in McCains camp since he advocates an amendment banning flag burning in protest, they'll have to be careful about any actions that could be construed as disrespect.