Democrats throw away American flags.


Maybe he'll salute this flag.


or this one

Double Naught Spy said:
So I guess this means you will finally stop voting for them or what?

:confused: I have never voted Democratic, not once. Earlier in my life,
I voted party line Republican :o Now I don't, but I have NEVER
voted for the Socia ... Democratic party in a presidential election. Do
you know what percentage of an Ivy League school votes Republican?
I was part of that select group. When I went to Willard Straight to register
to vote, a pretty girl smiled at me, looked at the registration card, the smile
ran away from her face.

When I went to Willard Straight to register
to vote, a pretty girl smiled at me, looked at the registration card, the smile
ran away from her face.

When I was younger, I was on a first date with a girl I hardly knew. It was going great and then she started talking politics (I was not politically minded back then). She asked me who I was going to vote for, and I said probably Bush (This was 1992). She asked me if I was a republican, and I mindlessly said... Yes (mindlessly because I had no real political conviction at the time). She asked me to take her home right there on the spot, and I don't mean "take her home in a good way".

It turns out that I had come across my first, demented, hate filled, intolerant liberal democrat. :D
Democrats are the party of secession, slavery and the dissolution of the Union.
The donkey party today want enslavement of EVERYONE not just one race, and if they keep up what they're doing they will cause states to break off. I don't know why everyone was so ga-ga about "keeping the union together", which is more aptly described as squashing dissent. That's what Stalin did to his country and for some reason we're clear about what that meant when he did it but somehow romanticize it being done here. We have, as the Declaration of Independence clearly says, the right to fire the government when it doesn't work for us and instead works for itself. The bearded person from Illinois made it his high holy mission to make toilet paper out of that right and we haven't used it since, when in many cases perhaps we should have.
FireMax said:
As for secession, I find no fault with the secessionists. State's rights should always trump the federal government IMO.

You guys are starting scare me just a little bit.

I'm having 1861 flash backs. Can you guys come back to 2008?
I only heard the tail end of a story about those flags last night. From what I caught, a janitor saw the flags and trash in some plastic trash bags. He retrieved the flags that weren't "desecrated", and gave them to the Denver post of the RNC....who supposedly sent them to be handed out at the RNC convention in Minnesota!

NOW, the DNC is saying that they DIDN'T throw those flags into the bags for discarding....and they want them back!

Personally, I think that ALL of those flags were "desecrated" having been at Obama's "coronation"!
With 12 million illegal aliens in the country sucking on the school, welfare and medical systems, God forbid that either party would discuss anything of substance.

The spectre of all those Chinese made American flags in the trash....Brings back memories of the 88 election. Dukakis went for a ride in a tank and Bush I trumped that by visiting a flag factory.
The Democrats threw the American Flags Away!

The Democrats threw the American Flags Away!

What have the Socialest Democrats adopted:
Many republicans of the day were pro-slavery too.
Would you be so kind as to cite a source and name the prominent ones please? I've also heard that not all Democrats of the time embraced slavery but I've never seen any good sources to that effect either. So if you have a citation on that as well I'd like to see it.

I must say I'd agree with Yellowfin that modern day Democrats do seem to want us all on the global plantation.

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
I had to look it up. This was a paraphrase from George Santayana.
The Democrats threw the American Flags Away!

Sometimes the blind partisanship here is funny...

Have you ever used a US Flag stamp? You just desecrated the flag and violated flag code. Look up the code for a laugh.
Next you'll hear from the Dems that that the flags were bundled in and next to the dumpsters for pick-up to various national cemeteries and veterans hospitals. They were just about to go do that when they were stolen by right-wing activists...

"All of the flags at Invesco were picked up and put in bags and into storage, along with the unused flags and campaign signs. The flags were going to be donated, and the signs were going to be sent out to be used elsewhere," the official said, speaking anonymously since he was not authorized to talk to the press." :eek: :cool:
So who do we believe now? CBS, or Fox News??
Let's see...since only one of those organizations has actually gone to court and defended it's right to fabricate false stories and admitted to firing employees who refused to read fictional news stories I think I know the answer.
Does this mean that no American flag has ever been thrown out?

Is there an Indiana Jones style warehouse where all old flags are stored in crates under a marine honour guard.

Get over yourselves is the phrase that springs to mind.
I was at a parade this summer, and some little flags on sticks were handed out to kids.

After that parade, those kids threw them away.

I tried to get the police interested in this. I explained we could do a mass arrest, and probably try the little monsters as adults. They would be looking at serious jail time.

The police were not interested! Can you imagine?!
Does this mean that no American flag has ever been thrown out?

Is there an Indiana Jones style warehouse where all old flags are stored in crates under a marine honour guard.

Please tell me you know the proper way to dispose of an old flag?

The Dems SHOULD have done it the right way and now they're playing apologies. That said, I see those miniature flags blowing around the streets and laying in peoples yards all the time and nobody cares. It's clearly being spun for political purposes. There are people "outraged" about this that walk right past those miniature flags on the ground.