Delayed again! Why?!

I don't know about your state, but here in Kentucky you can use your CCW permit in lieu of a NICS check.

It really speeds things along when all you have to do is show your CCW permit, sign your 4473, and pay! :D
In Michigan our CCW eliminates the need for a pistol purchase permit but we still have to submit to the "check". And yes, I always get denied for 2 or 3 days even though my record is clean. When I ask why, they just say, "Don't know".
Uprang willy. Reference your comment about the individual who was in the army.

I had the same problem until I got my CCW. I also am on the watch list at the air port because of my retired Army EOD status. Many Vets have similiar problems. Homeland Security has determined that Vetrans pose a risk to National Security.
I always get denied for 2 or 3 days even though my record is clean. When I ask why, they just say, "Don't know".
That's the truth. The NICS operator doesn't tell the guy at the shop. Being nice to the guys at the shop has nothing to do with it. It's completely out of their control.

The only way to find out for sure is to go through the voluntary appeal process (VAP).

A delay is not a big deal. It can be caused by any one of dozens of factors.
It seems like lawful citizens get delayed and criminals dont even need to worry about the process.... In reality its all about gun control...
about 2 miles from my house is a flea market and there are at least a dozen gun dealers so i can get as many unregistered guns as i want but i want my guns registered i guess i'm a gutton for punishment
Get delayed every single time I buy, always have. I'm used to it by now, and it's just one more thing I have to factor in.

Usually just go in before work or at lunch and fill out the papers, and they call when it's good. Normally can get it that evening, but sometime have to wait til the next morning.

We have a state trooper that comes to my shop and he's delayed everytime too. He knows why though, he's a Jr. and his papa was a bootlegger. :D
I can understand the delays, or delays after you change your address. How many Uncle Bucks are there in the United States?

Is this the same Uncle Buck that lived at 6400 E. McNowhere St? Or is it the Uncle Buck that lived at #2 Folsom?

There are at least 200 Uncle Bucks living in Missouri alone. Although I am sure that anyone with a name like Uncle Buck has to be innocent of anything remotely close to not being allowed to own a firearm, I could be wrong.

Of the 200 names that match mine, 47 of those names are close to my age.

But then again, if there was a firearms registry, wouldn't it be easier for everyone who buys firearms when they look and see "Uncle Buck: Purchased .357 revolver in 1998, etc....

I think I would rather tolerate a few delays than want a firearms registry. If it bothered me too much, I would go and apply for the special identifying card offered.
Mike Irwin
"I get delayed about 1 in 3 times on average. No idea why it would vary, but it does."
You are the FIRST person I have ever heard of, in almost 20 years of instant check systems, who has had that experience.
I have eight to ten frequent customers who also get the "DELAY" inconsistently. One will get delayed when he provides his SSN, yet gets a PROCEED when he leaves it out.

From 1994 to 1997 I worked in several gunshops and had a number of repeat customers who would be delayed every time. I once asked the operator during a slow day (Virginia Instant Check) about it, and she said that once you clicked into the system and were delayed, there was no way of ever changing that.
There's the reason why.........Virginia doesn't use the FBI NICS.

I had never been delayed since the conception of NICS, (I told people this BS system would be a FUBAR but really didn’t think it was going to bite me) that is until my first purchase after Katrina. I live right outside New Orleans. Funny (not ha-ha funny) thing is I was purchasing a pistol to qualify with for a New Orleans commission. I had to borrow a pistol to qualify with since I didn’t own a .40. and they wouldn’t let me use a .45. Every purchase since (pistol or rifle) I’ve had a hold. They never call back, I just have to wait the 3 “business” days to pick up my firearm. The .40 I needed as a duty weapon took 7 days as there was a weekend and a holiday during the 3(?) day hold. Shall not be infringed my backside!!!!!

Next purchase I’ll not give my SS # and see what happens. I use my full name and there is no way in hell anyone has the same middle name as I. :mad:
I think when you fill out the transfer paper at a gun store it leaves a record of your buying the gun if said gun is transfered into your name then i consider that registered
I have a squeaky clean record and hold a few licenses that involve a VERY thorough background check and yet I still was on the NO-FLY list for two years. VERY inconvenient to say the least, but at the same time gun purchases were no problem. Took me longer to sign the papers then to get the ok! Not sure there is much rhyme or reason to the myriad of federal agencies.