Defensive Bolt Gun?

Even so, a snap shot on with 00 is pretty good.

With Federal 'Tactical' FliteControl Wad 00 buck, at 20 yards it's awesome. Add Brenneke slugs for 100 yard work and you are, well, good for most citizen social encounters.

Sometimes the case, sometimes not so much, sometimes circumstances leave no choice but to own lots of choices, sometimes it ma work with one, and those criteria fit the defender as well. Shoot a smuggler outside of your farm or ranch, you might find his gang outside your walls later, and you may want a high cap semIautomatic rifle, and a superior power gun as well. that 9mm might as well stay on the nightstand. Shotguns or Enfield rifles,as well as grizzly bear killing handguns don't belong in a six story apartment building in heavy urban areas.

You are correct, and hit the salient points. Environment and skills are just as important as the others. Own a defensive handgun and train like Hell to face a break in that might turn very horrible.Own them all in case you out territory fifteen or even thirty miles from help, where your targets may start banging at you from the tree line, and practice like Hell if you want to be ready.

A few years ago an old lady was getting her mail and found a jaguar on her stoop.

OH, COME ON! Must EVERYBODY also keep animal sedatives and fresh meat on hand as well? I don't want to kill a jaguar whose only crime was walking through an unlocked gate, getting hungry, and finding someone who might feed it!

All we can do is learn probable scenarios, including those that involve literal armies, bears in the kitchen, and goons who want to steal the laptop and home entertainment centers. When we have to arm and train for those scenarios, hope for the best on the defender, hope for the worst on the aggressor.

It don't work sometimes. We've had vandalism and theft here for decades, over three thousand or more in losses. My wife finally talked me into spending several hundred dollars for motion detector security lights, and what happened? Some damned wankers came right up to my porch and stole hundreds of dollars worth of stone planters and statuary, then went into my closed patio and stole hundreds of dollars worth of power yard tools. I guess I should have invested in half a grand worth of cameras so I could at least have a witness! Instead, I just gave them lights to work by, and I'll bet that they are really grateful for that.

By the way, two years ago I had a brain tumor, and my wife just found a maybe lethal plaque in her carotid artery and will need (maybe) life saving surgery. Sometimes the universe just hates right, take your vitamins, learn how to shoot, and maybe the fates will take pity. Home invasions have become common in this town, everywhere. I got heavier locks and better guns around the house, but remember, the universe hates me.
This is totally random but I just read an article stating Police in rural Denmark carry Glock model 20 10mm pistols for their sidearms and are still issued Enfield P-17 rifles for their patrol carbines. Makes sense if they have a lot more wildlife issues than crime. I am one of the crazy people who still keeps a sxs coachgun tucked away for HD.
I'm one person. If I cannot stop the threat with two or three shots from a high power bolt action rifle it is highly unlikely I am going to be successful with 28 more rounds. Your attackers, if multiple, determined, and competent, are going to overcome your defenses be it a AR15 or a Ruger M77 because they are going to use the advantage of numbers and dictating time of engagement to assure that.

If your attackers are undetermined or incompetent chances are you are going to be able to handle them with the M77 (or the AR15).

Too much is made of your equipment. If you are a single defender much more needs to be made of your skill level, initial reaction, and the determination and competency of your attackers.
* * * I just read an article stating Police in rural Denmark carry Glock model 20 10mm pistols for their sidearms and are still issued Enfield P-17 rifles for their patrol carbines. Makes sense if they have a lot more wildlife issues than crime.

The Danes are a wise and resourceful people.
I just gave them lights to work by, and I'll bet that they are really grateful for that.

Should have kept them in the dark, and gotten a dog. Sheperds and Rotweillers tend to be territorially protective. and people seldom steal them...

If you can stand to live with them, even the yappy little ankle biters are a pretty fair burglar deterrent.

Originally Posted by cw308 View Post
Pump 12 gauge first with bird shot follower by 00 00 buck for the rest.

I like this-----an easy to handle, wide blast to slow 'em down before you end it with 00 buck.

I won't be grabbing my bolt.

Most likely that the SHTF after dark so I will be grabbing my AR with a reflex sight. It's quicker and easier for me in low light and I like being able to keep both eyes open in these situations.

I suppose I could put a reflex on my bolt gun......
If absolutely forced to use a bolt gun, I'd probably grab the Ishapore 2A.

Otherwise, full agreement with everyone else, here.
IMHO a pistol caliber bolt gun would do nicely. Requires lots of practice and a smooth action.
This ventures into the "No Reloads for Self Dense" area, but lower power loads make sense. Years ago-like 100-the Army issued "Guard" cartridges for the M1903, they had an MV of about 1200 FPS or so.
Well, the .44 magnum that ruger made would make a good defensive bolt, but it begs the question, would a bolt with five round magazine be better than a high capacity Henry?
Considering Cooper's first rule of a gun fight, have a gun, a Mosin carbine, M38 or M44 is better than nothing. I think the Mossberg MVPs are great, using AR and M1A magazines. I'd own one if I had unlimited funds.