Defense in the shower


In my veiw, the she situation has just gotten VERY serious. It would seem that this "gentleman" is not meerly satisfied with looking, but would also like to touch. (I'm not trying to down play the issue of peeping, as it violates a person's freedom and privacy to say the least.) If the athorities are unable, or unwilling to take the apropriate measures to secure it's facilities, and ensure the well-being of it's students then this burden will have to rest on your shoulders.

With this in mind, let me offer a few suggestions. The first being to buy a good can of pepper spray, as mentioned earlyer by other members. Test it. Yep! Thats right. Never trust your well being to an untried/untested product. Wait until 4 am or so, take your usual shower, except this time, just before you're ready to leave, (make absolutley certain that the bathroom is empty), spray a LITTLE bit in the far corner of the room. No ill effects? If not, then spray what would be a realistic amount that could be expected to to deture someone. You should dicover a number of things w/ this little experement. Let us know how it works out. Oh yeah, If any one asks why the shower room is uninhabitable, admit nothing, deny everything, and make counter acusations. Remember to chuck the evidence sans finger prints. (They'll probably write it off to some frat prank, or some such nonsense. Pretty much par for the course in a college dorm, if a little ant-scocial). It may even serve to scare off any would be peepers. It could even foster rumors, (which you could VERY subtley assist. Your roomate may be worth even more than you know), of a failed attack, promoting outside attention. Who knows.

This brings us to the next issue. What if you ended up gassing yourself, or the pepper device malfunctioned due to prolonged exposure to wet heat? You'll need to find something else to work with. Baseball bats? Possibley in your dorm room, but not in the showers, unless you couldn't give two hoots as to what your fellow students think of you. Most people calim they dont care what people say or think about them, yet in most cases, they are proven to be less then genuine on this count when they slaveshley adhere to the latest gimmics and fashions, proclaiming thier individuality, all the while following the herd of independent minds. Sorry, got carried away there. Bottom line, IF you care about keeping a low profile, then large impact weapons/sporting equipment-whatever, is not the best choice. So, what is? Well you could go for the coffee thermous idea, filled with hot water, and tell people that you get thirsty. It could work. Or you can purchase a relativley cheap folding stanless steel straight razor, and carry it in you shower bag. If asked, very indignantley claim that this is your personall grooming tool of choice. I don't think that they regulate such shaving objects for the male population, so why should you Gals be any different. If challenged (which you won't be unless you have to use it), threaten them w/ a discrimination suite.

Hope this helps. Stay safe!

Lots of good suggestions in this post!

Here are a few quick ideas:

Notify school of the situation and get others involved -- students, faculty, security, family, friends, relatives, school newspaper, public media;

Consider defensive plan -- think and plan your "dorm legal options" in case of an attack or threatening situation: defensive weapons to consider include sporting equipment (golf club, baseball bat, track shoes/golf shoes); sprays that sting the eyes -- bug spray perhaps; portable siren (sold in travel catalogs); etc.

Friends: Make sure there is another girl / roommate within easy ear shot of you when in shower, etc. (as much as possible).

Main thing is: BE PREPARED!