Defense in the shower

I would imagine that the effects on bystanders (read: you) would be considerably reduced with the foam, but I have no experience with that. I wear contacts, so I have sensitive eyes when they are removed. As anyone who wears them can attest, you can walk through a burning building with them in and the smoke has little effect. Your eyes are shielded. However, take them out...and a whiff of cigarette smoke will put you in tears. That could have played a part in my situation. I was on a military deployment a few years back. I had just hit the showers when an altercation broke out just outside. The two drunken combatants stumbled back into the shower area. Pepper spray was used to separate the two, and even though only a small amount was used, it hung in the air because of all the steam. I was 10 feet from it and it pretty much set me on fire. Now, although my eyes are pretty sensitive to anything when not wearing lenses, I am not particularly sensitive to pepper spray (no more than the next guy). I have been sprayed directly in the face with it in training. If the training experience scored a 10 on the pain scale, I'd rate the shower incident at a 6. It certainly was no picnic. Now, during the aforementioned training, I watched guys take a shot in the face and continue to "attack" (simulated) for as long as a full minute with seemingly no effect from the spray. Some folks just take it better. If you are feeling a 6 on the pain scale, and Mr. Peeper is like one of those guys...something to think about.
If the college says that pepper spray is not allowed, and they do nothing else to protect you, you may want to try a can of wasp/hornet spray. They usually have a stream of about 20 feet. You don't have to go for the face, but you can soak them pretty good!
Liz- HEY! I use a lufa (aka Poofie)! I guess I'm not a manly man because I don't sit and talk in the gunshop all day ;)
I wear contacts, so I have sensitive eyes when they are removed. As anyone who wears them can attest, you can walk through a burning building with them in and the smoke has little effect.

My former roomate can attest the opposite. She was jailed for DUI, and while in the slammer, she decided to get rowdy. The cop came in and doused her with pepper spray. She said the spray caught in and around her contacts and she was incapacitated for quite a while, hovering over the sink.

The same for my brother, who got smoke in his eyes. The contacts made matters worse - it's not so easy to rub your eyes.

I don't trust pepper spray in the shower.
Have you thought about hiring a bodyguard/back scrubber? :D

I'm thinking of all the times I had to "stand here and watch the door" at campsites and such.
The guy is caught, so we're all breathing a little easier here. The dorm is permentaly locked to the outside now, so things are a little more secure.

For next year, I guess I'll have to come up with something else. My door should be right next to the bathroom, so I might just 'decorate' the door with some of my best targets. ;) I guess that means I need to get my groups a little smaller over the summer.... :)
defense in the shower

If the school doesn't provide adequate security NOW (not next year) you have and obligation to protect yourself any way possible. I would not feel obliged to honor their demand of "no weapons" etc if you are unprotected.:mad:
Liz -

Voice of experience here. If you keep them out of sight and keep your mouth shut about it, you can store weapons in pretty much any dorm room that doesn't get searched regularly. I wouldn't try this with a gun (matter of risk vs. reward) but a knife, pepper spray, or field-hockey stick would probably go unnoticed and/or unremarked.

Also, if you really need to keep people out of the bathroom, get a rubber door wedge. Stick it under the door, and it'll be that much harder for anyone to get through. Note - this only works if the bathroom door opens inward.

- Chris
Also, if you really need to keep people out of the bathroom, get a rubber door wedge. Stick it under the door, and it'll be that much harder for anyone to get through. Note - this only works if the bathroom door opens inward.

Umm.... Public bathroom. I think the 38 other girls in the hall would be somewhat less than pleased if I locked them out of the potty. :p

As far as keeping weapons in the room, I know I could do it without it being found, so long as my roommates keep their mouths shut. One of my roommates is a sorority girl with a vocal box to rival a mad siamese cat. I don't think that girl knows what a 'secret' is, and I know from experience (trying to fall asleep last night :mad: ) that she doesn't know what 'quiet' means. ;) Maybe next year....
Umm.... Public bathroom. I think the 38 other girls in the hall would be somewhat less than pleased if I locked them out of the potty.

Never stopped me. ;) Anyway, it'd really be a measure of last resort.

As for your roommate, well, not much that you can do there. A field hockey stick might pass muster as a sporting implement, but some colleges ban any sporting implement that could be used as a weapon. I know, I know, it boggles the mind...

- Chris
How about a good sized Maglite flashlight? Get like a 3 cell C light. Valid purpose, bright light, great mace....

Used mine (5 D-Cell) to illuminate the campus flag last night while the lights were off for electrical work late last night. Several friends and I stood there for 15 mins and did our patriotic duty.

Glad they caught the b@$t@rd!!
Well, the school decided to "do" something today. We all got little whistles/LED lights on keychains in our boxes. They're actually quite nice, but someone clearly didn't put too much thought into this. If I start carrying this thing into the shower, that light won't work for very long. :rolleyes:

There's also another guy getting into the showers, but this guy seems more determined. A girl had to fight him off Tuesday night. :(
If a friend had to fight him off...

That changes the scenario: its now an assault or mugging. The legal definition of a mugging includes "feeling a direct threat to your personal safety"- actually, the perp doesn't even have to physically touch you to mug you.

Anyway, time to raise a stink with the campus security. Try the college newspaper for added hysteria. "Campus administrators aware of shower-stalker and took no action: woman attacked last Tuesday." One thing the media IS good for, is blowing the whistle.

Of course, if I remember my undergrad enough, I wouldn't want one of those guys "guarding" the shower if I was a female.

Never mind that whistle, BTW. Ever heard a whistle filled with soapy water? Like a drowning tweetie bird.

I actually have been in contact with the fellow at Fox Labs. Very nice guy, send e-mail testimonials and does sell to individuals. He will gadly discuss the exact type, size, and formula for your specific application.
Here's his e-mail:
Hope this helps,

Don't wait until it's too late to take control of the situation. The school has shown what they are willing to it's up to you.
My humble $0.02

Contact ALL the local media, and give them an earful of whats happening in dorm (or not happening , as is the case with the "Skool leeders". And I really like the idea of a baseball bats per shower stall. Aluminum bats...with the GOOD grip tape on them. Some of that grip tape makes it almost impossible to let go of the bat.

If you can, maybe team up with a couple of others for "shower watch buddies". Two women with bats should be able to deter just about any guy.