Defense in the shower


New member
I've got a very odd question for everyone. I live in a college dorm, on an all-girls floor. But men are allowed on the floor, and a few 'significant others' even use our bathroom. We havn't minded up until now.

In the past three days there have been two cases of a man 'peeking' into the showers on our floor, and once trying to grab a girl on another floor. We're the first girls floor, so we're the most likely to be a target.

Each shower is in it's own room, but we only have plastic curtains to close them off. The basically provide no real privacy.

My question is, is there any realistic way to keep this guy out of the bathroom and out of the showers? If your daughter was in this situation, what would you recommend? Thanks
I doubt it:

I will not bring any type of weapon into the residence hall. I understand that "weapon" includes but is not limited to firearms, dangerous chemicals, any explosive device, numchucks, brass knuckles, butterfly knives, paintball guns, and other materials that can be used in the endangerment of others. I understand that possession of a weapon will subject me to possible suspension or expulsion from the residence halls as well as the University.

I'm sure they would include OC spray in that category. Anyway, how water-friendly is that stuff?
Unless the stuff is prohibited on college campus, my initial thought is a generous dose of foam OC spray to the eyes. "Stream" type OC a distant second choice in very close quarters. Most common "cone pattern" units or foggers could easily put you both down.

My daughter's current OC (small cone pattern mist) is in the form of a fairly innocent-looking key chain kubotan. Unfortunately, she has a few more weeks at high school with "zero tolerance" policy.

You may also want to investigate some of the various motion sensor alarms. Altho I have no experience with, I have seen some (traveler's alarms) that can be hung on doorknobs and such to detect even small movements.

Other devices along the lines of "driveway patrols" might be adaptable to at least alert you of another person in the area. A battery opperated sensor picks up any movement within a (funnel shape) targeted "zone" and sets off a battery opperated chime. The chime in my office has two volume settings.

From what I see from your post thus far, it sounds to like the security people there need to jump on the issue with both feet, In the meantime, I am glad to see that you recognize that you will most likely be the one ultimately responsible for your safety. Again tho, a shame that a couple of bad apples in your dorm may jeopardize liberties for many others.
First, file a formal complaint with the Dorm super, the staff and the Dean. Tell them, in no uncertain terms, that you will go to ever newspaper and television station in town and scream bloody murder if they don't do something.

That is an intolerable situation, one that you should not have to put up with.

On a side note, its times like this I am glad I have a son instead of a daughter. I can smack sense into a son but I would look out of place guarding my daughter with a shotgun while she showers in the dorm. :D
One thing that I keep in the shower is a "rat-tailed" hairbrush - the kind with the long-pointy end for parting hair. It's about 6 inches of meaningful plastic that I didn't even have to modify. And it's completely covert - it's "just a hairbrush in the shower".

Also, there's several varieties of hairbrushes and combs that are made as knives, except for those you have to pull the brush part off to reveal the plastic blade.
More food for thought here. Just saw resonse on OC, evidently while I was typing prior post. Under the circumstances, you may want to consider asking specifically in writing about the foam and/or stream OC - which are far less prone to contaminate others (and HVAC systems). And ask them to put their response in writing! If acceptable, I or others here can likely get you at least one source.

Some good friend's daughter got a softball scholarship last year to a college in the Great Lakes region and she promptly had problems in the assigned dorm. The parents flew up there, and in spite of the "policy", got away with installing their own dead bolt on her dorm door. And, before leaving, also gave her specific instructions for an "alternative use" of the $300 bat ....
I would definetely notify campus police and find out if OC is legal.It's a real shame that a college won't allow people to protect themselves with non-lethal pepper spray.

Just get some OC spray (stream/foam is prolly best) and when/if you have to liven up this guy's olfactory/optical/respiratory system, just blink and look really confused when the subject of 'weapon' comes up. "What do you mean? Dangerous? Its just peppers. Ever eat chili? And how could it be a dangerous chemical? Police officers spray it in recruits' faces in training."

Besides, if you really want to make your campus administration look like a bunch of asses, make them attempt to discipline an empowered woman for fighting off a rapist (that is exactly how I would play it) after being cornered in a shower. Bring it, you politically correct buffoons.

Of course, if you ask for clarification ahead of time, you can't plead ignorance.

Okay, pepper spray it is. Now the question is, where in the world do I get it? I need a very close-quarters type. I guess foam would be best for that?
Erick, a blackjack? Does the Nannystate allow such a horrific weapon? Of course, the black-painted assault soap is just the same.;)
Well, if you know a 50 something year old woman that weighs about 300 lbs with a good sense of humor you could just get her to hang out and take a shower until peeping thomas see this and dies of fright.
First question. How do you get to the shower room and are there any doors involved? Is the shower room integral with a line of toilets and sinks or is it separated in some manner?

How much distance do you have to travel from your sleeping room to the shower/restrooms? Can you yell for help and expect some or are you all by your lonesome?

Do you have a roommate and are you neighborly with those on either side of you?

Passive(?) actions would be to see if you can secure the entrance to the showers when using. If you have to block the door to the whole restroom for your own security, DO IT. Remember, the cute little posterior that you wish to preserve is your own. If anyone in authority objects you can point out that they are the ones who made the "Make A Victim" rules and you are just trying to survive under those rules.

Besides ROTL's style hairbrush you should really take up carrying a small lighter to light those scented candles in your room and you must definitely start having available a large can of hairspray, preferably with the flammable contents. I would be sure that you could explain how that particular brand works well with your hair.

Still, your best actions at this point is to see if you can coordinate your activities with others in same position on your floor. In a situation like this there will be safety in numbers.
SCREAM!! thats what i would do, and i'm a man. hahaha. seriously, its best to get attention in such as case... put the guy on the run. then pepper spray. hand combat if necessary, but i'd rather try an avoid this.

high heels work well too. the really high, pointy ones you can get on sale at payless. they can be deadly. but i suppose you have no use for high heels in the shower.

taking quick showers may lessen the chance of such an encounter and maybe you can go with a friend. my wife always goes to public restrooms with another woman. i still havent figured out why, but maybe its not a bad idea. =)
Make Peace sign with strong hand. Move Peace sign from vertical to horizontal and jab in to peekers peepers.

I learned this watching Larry, Curley and Mo.:D
Besides seconding the already good points brought up, I would say raise all holy heck with the school to force them to take security measures. If they ignore this, go to the media... Bad pr like this is a nightmare for a school.
Pepper spray in a steamy room tends to have ill effects on all occupants. Trust me, been there...done that. You have a decent weapon with you in the shower as it is. Hot water. Take a large coffee mug to the shower and fill it with scalding water before you hop in. When Mr. Peepers sticks his head in, give him a face full. EEEEOOOOOOWWWW!!!!:o :o :o

Would all types of pepper spray effect everyone? Wouldn't a foam-type stick pretty well?

As far as getting the school involved, we've done that as much as we can. The main doors to the building are permenatly locked now, and the school is promising a locking bathroom door for next school year.

The rumor in the hall is that they've caught the guy, so the problem isn't so serious now. I guess now all I can do is wait and pray I get some advance warning.

On the up side, I DO have one of those shower-poofie things, and those sure seem to intimidate men. ;)