Deer Season Rapidly Approaching


New member
I'm starting this thread, just to see what all of you guys are doing to prepare for the long awaited deer season. I know, I know its only early July, but who am I kidding? I can hardly wait and I'm sure y'all are ready for it too. Open it up, what gun/bow, stand/blind types, locations, trail cam excitement, etc. Can't wait to see what y'all are workin with.

Personally, I got off lucky this year with a friend asking if I wanted to help out with their doe surplus they have on their land, so food plots are on him!:D

As for stand, they have a good one sitting 10-12 feet over an oat field I like to sit in post-rut.

Central Texas is the location. More specifically just a family ranch, good water supplies and everything is relatively green considering last summer!

Last but certainly not least, the gun I hope to take some beauties with is Remington 700 in .270, nothing special but in the big oat field I feel comfortable making the long shot across it with this specific gun.

Anyways, have at it guys/gals! It will be here before you know it. ;)
Antelope draw results: Unsuccessful
Deer draw results: Did not Apply (Deer hunting in Utah is a joke)
Elk draw results: Unsuccessful

So, in preparation for this year's hunts, I'm doing absolutely nothing. :(
I may pick up an over-the-counter "Any Bull" Elk tag, but the success rate this year is likely to be less than 5%. Between the difficult year for the animals, the wildfires running them ragged, and various hunting areas being closed due to fires, it will be a difficult and unpredictable year.
Here in north-central Arkansas. I have deer on a daily basis in my yard. This year one is a very nice 8 point buck. That is rare. Usually the bucks stay back in the woods and don't show themselves. If he is still around opening day I could be tempted.
I'm still waiting to hear about draw results. Will hopefully know if I get to hunt deer by the end of the month.

Deer draw results: Did not Apply (Deer hunting in Utah is a joke)

I thought deer hunting in Utah was awesome... or is it more of a process complaint?
Can't wait to see what y'all are workin with.

I try to keep the feeders full and make sure that the little spring-fed water hole keeps water. It actualy ran dry last year for the first time since 2005 when I bought the place and I trucked in water for the wildlife.


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As far as a deer rifle tag, the results arent in. I did however purchase a bow tag and am in the process of sighting in the bow after getting it restrung. I cants set up anything until after the seasons been open for a month because I hunt in a campground. I might start off hunting my public land spot from last year then switch to the campground. I havent decided yet. Im kinda a fly by night kind of guy so I never really know what Im gonna do.
Been following the early winter forecasts and it looks like we're headed into an El Niño cycle. Should bring cooler temps and improve the hunting this year. Although after not seeing squat I ended up taking my biggest 8-point and doe yet at the close of last season! :D
Hopefully my mojo will still be working during opening week!
Had 250 gal of LP pumped in my (500 gal) tank next to my cabin two days ago. So I won't freeze up during the two Fall hunting seasons I hunt when staying at my cabin. By the end of this month I'll have to make a run up North to the cabin and cut the grass around my Stands with a Jari mower plus put up two Magnum spin feeders in strategic locations again and three trail camera's to monitor what's moving around day and night. Then return here to cast some bullets for the rifle I intend to use this year. And get that sighted for the 100 yard mark before its required to be used. So there are a few chores needing to be done. I hope I answered your question properly OP.
P. Script: Almost forgot. Have to freshen the old salt lick too.
To keep from worrying about an early snow pushing the elk down I put in for WY area 1 instead of the Bighorns and was sucessful. Close to home, plenty of time before snows push the animals out of the area. Lots of critters.

Antelope was a gimmy, its a draw but lots of critters. I got the tag, then, recient fires in surounding area pushed more into my area.

Deer................I live in NE Wyoming, there are too many of those suckers anyway. Its a general tag, no draw needed.

My only prep will be some camping in my elk area before the season starts. I'll take my horse up there to get him use to the area. Finding good water and grass for the horse near signs.

Is Area 1 on forest south of Sundance? I've been turkey hunting in that area, but never seen any elk. i bet they get some pretty good ones! Good luck!

As for myself, I drew a reduced price cow tag in 25, general season for bulls! I drew area 90 for deer finally! 90 has a 8% draw success, so I got lucky. I have been out a few times and spotted some pretty good (28") bucks, so hope they hang in the area until October!

As for antelope, no luck for me. Unsuccessfull! They cut the antelope tags way back here in Fremont Couunty!

We are taking the ATV's out to the deer area this weekend to look around a bit more, maybe find some snake and such!

Good hunting!
Been shooting the Dart system with my bow to get ready for a high country tent camp archery hunt with my wife in Colorado. No the unit hasn't burned yet. :D
I won't draw a tag here in AZ so it'll be off to the Mexico border to hunt Coues Deer with a leftover tag. I don't understand why there are somany tags leftover after the draws down there?? :rolleyes:
Then there's a late rifle bull hunt there too. Practicing with the 300 win mag at long range just in case.;)
Good luck everyone.
Elk area 1 is more east of Sundance. Starts where Hwy 85 crosses into SD.

I drive 85 all the time, it follows the west side of area 1, and yeap there are plenty of elk there. Most of the SD side is private, I just hope the elk don't live there during the season.

You should come to the NE part of the state for deer. Because of the mild winter and fires they are offering emergency doe tags. Not looking for does, if so I can shoot them from my back porch. I save the does on my property for the grandkids getting them started. Same with turkeys.

As to bows, ................I couldn't hit the gound with a bow. I'm make a dern poor indian.

Good luck on your hunting.
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Just finished spraying some gly on what will be a 1/4 acre radish plot by mid august. Heading back up(2 hr drive north) on monday to take a soil sample and make sure i don't need to drop a second round on the plants. First plot ever on this 80 acre land(i plan to put more in after the season, so far my fellow hunters haven't been very helpful:mad: Some folks just don't understand the sweat it takes to make a successful hunting area) Can't believe the season is right around the corner.:D
tune up

Whitetails for me. My bow is at the shop for a new string and cable, so that I will not need to make a swap right before season. I'm contemplating a new bow sight of some type, one is very high dollar. Also, my arrows have been discontinued,so I'l need to buy and refletch at least two dozen arrows of some new type to start summer practice and have hunting shafts available later.

Found some interesting spots during gobbler season this spring and they are on the list for follow up visits during deer season. Acorns my be scarce, we've had a heck of a drought.

Oh yeah, my pal called, club money (lease) is due.
Doyle, I feel for ya at least I get to wait 2 mounth before Bow season starts, And then It's still Too HOT, I pray for a cool front ; )
a month away for me, for the stalking bucks only part,

.222/16gauge combo rifle. this year it will happen, they sure are skiddish. relativly small area and loads of hunters to so you gotta be careful

then 1 oct the fun starts with the dogs.
I don't know what I'm going to do.
Certainly make sure my rifles
are sighted in.
This is my first real hunting season in