Deer season is over........what now?

It ain't over 'till............

We're still deer hunting in AL........Lord I love it, to a fault. Season ends last of Jan and the rut is just starting to roll....saw 11 deer last night on patrol and 6 were an area with few deer sightings prior. Time to hunt.

In Feb I fool around w/ coyotes, and do some post season deer scouting as the access roads stay open 'till Feb. I also run my trashy beagles a bit on rabbits just a little. March....turkey scout. South zone opens 15March, but I don't hunt it so much anymore. Not worth the drive. Time better spent dialing in some birds closer to home. April ....spring gobblers!!!!! I threaten every year to trout fish in E. Tn in May, but have not made the trip in 10 years.

Lord, I hate mowing the grass.
i'll hunt rabbits and squirrels and continue to hunt and trap wild hogs. During the past year we drastically reduced the hog population in one area. We see more deer there now.
The tractor will get a lot more time put on it as we're doing our first year of prescribed burning and the fire lanes need a lot of work before we can do it.

After that.......turkeys/fish/fish/fish/gators!............
Yotes, and other various targets of oppurtunity. I have a lot of .243 ammo to use, and some new .270 loads that I would like to see used on coyotes. Lakes are all frozen but not safe for fishing yet. Rabbits might be an option.
More aggresive load developement in my 30-06 will likely be a winter of content for me.;)
Got a few more duck hunts left. I'lll hibernate through february and focus on school for a bit, and before too long it will be turkey season again.

I'm lucky in that I can go after coyotes and hogs when ever I get the itch
First have to clear all our trails since a Christmas day freezing rain then snowstorm all but obliterated our trails. Hard to believe but we got 1 inch of freezing rain followed by 10" of snow on Christmas day here in central Arkansas! Was out of power 6 days.
Anyways then it's squirrels, crows and coyotes.
Anyone else out there feel the need for revenge against the squirrels for making me turn around in the deer stand thousands of times upon hearing the leaves rusle? They eat good too! Squirrel and dumplings for me!
Change loads in the 25-06,DO some long range work for fun hogs & yotes love the red mist.Work up some more loads,shoot, shoot,shoot.:D
In the area I'm stuck in (for now) Deer are pretty much the only thing to hunt (or worth hunting) around here. I pretty much just trail ride and fish till fall.
And it starts

Well, I lived up to my original post and got out on the ice. Sorry about the crappy cell pic but, that is a 13 1/2" Crappie and the other is a 9" Bluegill. My neighbor caught a 10" gill on a minnow and we definitely caught enough to stink up a frying pan. For any fellow Michigan forum members that fish, and you'll appreciate this, I'll tell you exactly where we caught the fish. We were on Lake Nunya Bidness in Joemama's a lesser known county in Michigan.


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Nice fish 284, hope they ate well.

I hunt waterfowl until the end of January, then turn my efforts to rifle load development and shooting. That usually last until the 100 degree heat shows up!
I've gotten the itch to turkey hunt again, personally. I gave it up a few years ago but I kept my gear and I'm raring to give it another go. I might even go pattern the shotgun tomorrow since it's supposed to be a pretty day.

I may see if I can assassinate a few coyotes during the next month or two as well.
I'll be hunting what rickyrick is hunting - pigs and coyotes. The 260 and 270 go into the safe and the 220 Swift comes into the daylight. I live on my own little ranch and I never really quit hunting something unless it's too hot to sit in the blind.