Dearborn, MI...what was this guy up to? [merged threads]

The fact that America keeps hitting the snooze button and the MSM won't cover this is extremely worrying. And dangerous.

At this point, it's like someone in 2000 ignoring people getting onto planes with box cutters. This is VERY important.

People who seem to have been western sorts are being radicalized, brainwashed, trained in guerrilla combat and then sent back here among us. This guy was trained in Lebanon, and came back to his quiet medical college life.

That's what you call a "sleeper", IMO. And people need to pay attention.
Get the word out to as many people as possible, point them to what stories exist, get local news talking about it if you can, talk to local LEOs you know, talk about it in the gun shop.

Or we're one day going to turn on the news and see helicopter shots of a school or lots of schools, or malls, or both being surrounded by SWAT because an extremist has gone jihad inside.
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You know, this subject is sort of far too important to get a thread locked for childish behavior, but some people are really trying...

Way to go. We need to be discussing this and getting the word out until the MSM gets off its behind and covers it both nationally and locally, and some people want to have a gradeschool playground scuffle.

Take it to PM, will you? :barf:
Agree, this thread is important and the racist comments can get it closed. They're out of place and don't really add anything to the thread.

Apparently Doctors are a focus of the Muslim extremists at this time - witness the doctors involved in the foiled attacks in Europe.

It is comforting to know the FBI apparently was immediately informed by the police when the character was picked up. Makes one wonder how many others like this guy are 'out there'.
I have edited some posts and deleted others.

Name calling, insulting others, racist remarks and responding to such posts are not conducive to rational discussion. Hit the report button if you must do something. Don't add to already bad behavior by publicly responding, please.
Hey did anybody notice the dates that the pictures were posted?

Maybe I'm just seeing things that are pure coincedental :eek:

You never know what's behind the smile. I work with lots and lots of Middle Easterners. They're friendly, good-hearted people. I think. But once or twice I've walked into a room when a couple of them were by themselves speaking quietly in their language. They stopped talking and every aspect of body language and facial expression signalled that they were talking about something they wouldn't want me to hear (as if I even understood the language) and there was a smugness and a glee about them.

Maybe they were just talking about what a dumbass I am. Who knows? But I know they're not being candid. What's behind those eyes?
I guess the worst-case-scenario is that he was part of a group preparing for some kind of operation that involved sneaking around parks with rifles, but I don't know about that...

A park at night does not exactly sound like a target-rich environment. I guess it could be some sort of long-running DC sniper ripoff operation, but the Lebanese jihadists are big movers and shakers. If they were going to hit us, it just seems like they would go for something bigger than a few random people shot in parks.

I think it's more likely that this guy was a wanker with some kind of mental problem who got caught playing terrorist in the park.

It definitely needs to be looked into carefully, though.