Dearborn, MI...what was this guy up to? [merged threads]

Where is that third gallery page and the picture titled "the start of my jihad in the u.s."? has it been relocated or removed?
Even better page on that site. :barf:

Features shots of an Apache being shot down, jihadist music, and defenses of Hezbollah.

The page with the "start of my jihad" thing is still there. Here you go.

Screengrab of that:

I called the FBI

Long story but here it goes. My buddy forwarded me this link about what looks like a terrorist who was arrested in a Michigan public park last Saturday dressed in all black, face covered in camo paint, and carrying a loaded AK47. The police received the calls about a man carrying a rifle in the park and stopped this moron as he was attempting to leave in his vehicle.

Anyway, the parts that concerned me as a citizen was the AK47 in a public park, the dark dress, camo face paint, and the fact that this guy was a middle easterner who was here in America studying to be a doctor. Sound familiar? The really disgusting part was that not one major media outlet picked it up to my knowledge.

Here's the link to the original story....

Anyway, I googled his name to see if any major media picked it up and it didn't. But what I found were the following links from his pro-hezbollah website showing him with pictures in front of a SAM mobile launcher, him wearing the headscarf, him in Lebanon several times, and one illustrated picture that said "The start of my personal jihad (in the US)". Much of what was written was anti-israeli and pro-helbollah. It alarmed me.

His main page:

Here are a couple of my favorites from it: -- The woman in the red veil is smoking HOT...I digress. -- thanks to Hezzbollah...nice

So I called/emailed the following entities: The Dearborn MI Mayor's office (one article said they were the point of contact), the prosecutor's office that is prosecuting the case, and the FBI in Detroit. My real fear is that they might treat this as some college prank or what not and never really research him. Similar mistakes in investigation were made with some of the 9/11 hijackers. I was bound and determined it wouldn't happen again.

-Mayor's Office responded today that they had alerted the FBI already and that they had seized several computers and other items from his home. I had screen printed the pages and saved them in case a family member took his site down. General feeling I got from them was "no duhhhh, dork".

-The Prosecutor's office was as ambivalent as possibly could be.

-The FBI, once they listened long enough to realize I wasn't a Mrs. Kravitz actually got very interested....especially when I mentioned he was a student in medical school. The agent apparently hadn't heard about the arrest yet. She took down all the information and told me that she was definitely forwarding that information up the chain and that she believed I had stumbled onto something worth alerting the powers that be--even if they already knew it.

All in all, the FBI is onto this work of art and I just got my first FBI file entry! :D

All in a days work as a Citizen of the greatest country in the world......the last subject is guaranteed to change in 16 1/2 months when Hillary takes over and we become the socialistic states of America.

Here's the update to the story.... Sound to me like they are taking it seriously now.


p.s. I think that the next wave of terroist attacks in the US will involve many coordinated, yet small scope attacks. Guys just like this one boarding loaded school buses, guys walking into malls across the us at the same time, or schools being taken over like they did in Russia. That is what really bothered me about this creep.
So he's trying to become a the medical field he could get pretty far as in hurting people..

He was in all black, camo face, loaded AK: either he was finding a way out (to prevent himself from killing hundreds or millions in an event something like 911) or he was bait in order to record police response times. How big of a crowd of police he could obtain in that type of situation so that data could be fed into the master attack plan to setup a temp situation to lower resources while a major attack is to take place..

hard to say, but yes, sounds fishy for sure. Good job, and great work. I would have done the same myself if I was can never be too safe these days..
I bet Katie would. I just watched a rememberance of 9/11 with her and Matt Lauer as it happened that day. It was a good show...knowing what we know now...realtime from 9/11. It was fascinating. What wasn't was Katie and Matt's very shallow, emotionless, and horrible play by play of the events. They finally got Tom Brokaw in who was a might bit better. I kept saying to my wife, "Katie sounds like a high school student in her comments and analyses".

I think the O.J. story has been running for 24rs straight on Fox News. Probaly bumped many other news events. I am more interested in your story...
p.s. I think that the next wave of terroist attacks in the US will involve many coordinated, yet small scope attacks. Guys just like this one boarding loaded school buses, guys walking into malls across the us at the same time, or schools being taken over like they did in Russia. That is what really bothered me about this creep.

Check or Google Glenn Beck and "The Perfect Day". There appear to be plans (and promises) to do exactly that.

Scary stuff, and entirely plausible.
I will not go to a middle eastern doctor because of this.....

Who is to say that their jihad isn't letting people die who they could have saved?

Sorry, but I don't trust middle easterners and will have no dealings with them what so ever. Shallow? Not to me.

Wow, thats a good point. I guess my list of doctors I can go to is going to have to get even smaller. :(

I already don't go to Mexican doctors. I mean, do I really want someone who is lazy and unsanitary operating on ME and MY FAMILY. Absolutely not!

I also don't go to Black doctors, since they all only got into medical school because of affirmative action. I'll take someone who could get in on their intellect, thank you very much.

Jewish doctors are right out. The last one I went to made me BUY the 2 aspirins he gave me before telling me to call him in the morning!

Indian and Asian doctors? It's hard enough to understand what doctors are talking about when they can actually speak English. There's no way I'll let someone I can't even talk to treat me.

And now I have to blacklist Middle Easterners too! Ugh, pretty soon I'll just have to operate on myself!

You're absolutely right though, newarcher, there are some things you just can't take a chance with, even if it makes you shallow :barf:
If all chinese/indian doctors can't speak proper english...

If middle eastern doctors are too likely to be jihadists...

and If all jewish doctors are too cheap...

Then all gun aficionados must be ignorant rednecks.

Clearly, we cannot rely on blatant stereotypes. Some of the comments made above are blatantly racist, and I'd urge you to reconsider them.
I dunno.. I dont go to a Doctor:eek:

Anyway.. I have no problem wiith Middle Eastern people. I know a couple and they are decent guys.... It is the ones I DONT know that I distrust... No offence but it was "Normal people" that were arrested as sleeper cells...
It was doctors that were involved in those attacks in Britain about..2?? months ago....

And I guess just look at Normal americans.. A average 40 year old respected community member turning out to be a serial killer??? The averages alone on ANYONE....

As for attacks on the US... As said above.. I am afraid of "Little" attacks. The ones that cant be defended...

I mean.. Even look at our local county fair. The Demolition Derby had over 1,000 people in the stands.... They could do some damage just in that.

(Although possibly not smart in Montana. ;) They could kill some people but somewhere there would be guns).

But I mean small events all over... Or even on teh New York streets... How many people could 3 guys armed with rifles (Decent shots.) kill if they jumped out of a delivery van??? A lot.. And possibly they could get away with it..... How can you prevent something like that without martial law or similar tough actions?? Just the psycoligocal effect of it on people....They would be terrified to walk down the streets.

It can be done....But unless it happens people wont like it.
Sorry to say, but this is already being talked about in L&P, Pax.

But because some of the information is different than the other thread, I'm gonna merged the two of them...