DC Second Amendment March

1. Who would promote such a thing? What's in it for them? You know the anti-gun crowd can hardly wait for this show to hit town.

2. Of course the crowd will be nowhere NEAR 1,000,000 people which will be seized upon immediately by the anti-gun crowd to show the weakness of the gun community, not it's strength. And of course there will be plants among the people who do attend, intending to tarnish the reputation of gun owners, not help them. (I always assume that any guy who shows up in cammies at an event like this, is a plant for the other side.)

3. Why spend your money in Washington DC?

DG45, I take it that you do not want us to do anything at all then? If not a peaceful march on DC, what would you have us gun owners do?
I'm sure many of this forum have seen the video on YouTube with the British Citizens doing a peaceful march with their slogan, "We want our guns back", AFTER they had there rights stripped away. One of the British demonstrators believed their loss of freedom coincided with an apathy of the public towards their right to bear arms. They didn't really feel it was that important. Now when you defend your home in the UK, you are charged with criminal assalt or murder, sent to prison for 10-20 years and the criminal who violated you gets 6-18 months. Once it's gone folks, it's gone and you will never get that right back.

Apathy towards this event will be the downfall. I believe it is now properly titled as the 2nd Amendment March, and we should encourage others to drop the "Million Gun Owner" reference. We are, in fact, wishing to demonstrate in order to support and protect the 2nd Amendment. It really has nothing to do with a majic number of attendees. Several thousand law abiding citizens supporting our constitution can be a very positive display of unity.

This has the potential to be a great event. The gathering of friends, family and strangers who have a similar interest, demonstrating for a cause they all believe in. Sounds rather familiar to what our forefathers did.
Recently Ted Nugent offered his support to the event and desires to Speak and Play at the Second Amendment March in Spring 2010! Wouldn't it be great if we could get support from other celebrities such as Tom Selleck and Kurt Russell to participate as well?. This forum had a thread 10 years ago with a list of the celebrities who either carry, own or participate in shooting events. The most popular being the Irlene Mandrell Celebrity Shoot http://www.irlenemandrellshoot.com/

If any forum members out there have a connection to any of the following celebs, maybe you could let them know about the 2nd Amendment March and see if they would be willing to lend a little bit of their time for a worthy cause. Of course owning/carrying doesn't always translate to being Pro-Gun in Hollywood. Some feel, "It's OK for me to have them, but not the ordinary folks." So not everyone on the list may be supportive but they all have some tie to firearms whether they admit it or not. I'm not saying this is a complete or totally accurate list, just info I have found on the public world wide web!

Tim Abell
Jack Allocco
John Anderson
Frankie Anne
Jeff Ballard
Razzy Bailey
Charles Barkley
Priscilla Barnes
Tracey Bird
Blake & Brian
Wade Boggs
The Bossman
Josh Brolin
Jim Ed Brown
Kimberlin Brown
Jerry Bruckheimer
T Bubba
George Bush (Sr. & Jr.)
Dave Butz
James Cameron
Drew Carey
David Carradine
Robert Carridine
David Caruso
Stoney Case
Bruce Channel
Gary Chapman
Richard Childress
Tom Clancy
Teri Clark, The Wilkinson's Gary Coleman
Michael Collins
Harry Connick Jr
Patricia Cornwell, Novelist
Jamie Lee Curtis
Charles Davis
Linda Davis
Al Del Greco
Bo Derek
Johnny DiSanti
Shannen Doherty
The Droz
Alan Dysert
Dale Earnhardt Jr
Leslie Easterbrook
Jeffrey L. Engel
Sherol L. Engel
Eric Estrada
Skip Ewing
Lou Ferigno
Jeff Foxworthy
Dennis Franz
Brian Gates
Crystal Gayle
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Mel Gibson
Jeff Gordon
Congressman Sam Graves
Erin Gray
Michael Gregory
Vincent Guastaferro
Ken Hanes
Dick Hardwich
The Hager Twins
Stephan Henneberry
James Hetfield from Metallica
Hulk Hogan
Lee Horsley
Kareem Abdul Jabbar
Jesse James, Monster Garage
Thomas Jane
James Earl Jones
Tommy Lee Jones
Steve Kanaly
Harvey Keitel
Ray Kelly
Sammy Kershaw
Wade Kimes
T.J. Klay
Marty Kove
Terry Labonte
Matt LeBlanc
Daryl Lamonica
John Landis
Larry the Cable Guy
John Laughlin
Tracy Lawrence
Geoffrey Lewis
Jerry Lee Lewis
Rex Linn
Anne Lockhart
George Lucas
Lorretta Lynn
Sahne McAnally
Buck McNeely
Gerald McRaney
Karl Malone
Howie Mandel
Barbara Mandrell
Irlene Mandrell
Louise Mandrell
Joe Mantegna
Dave Marcis
Ron Masak
Rick Mast
John Milius
Robert Guy Miranda
Shari Moss
Ted Musgrave
Charles Napier
Jimmy C. Newman
Jay Novecek
Conan O'Brien
Lyle Omori
Oak Ridge Boys
Ozzy Osbourne
James E. Partee Jr.
Jameson Parker
Lu Parker
Dolly Parton
Sean Penn
Penn & Teller
Joe Penny
Mr. Perfect
Ron Perlman
Ross Perot
Emily Procter
Lee Purcell
Stacie Randall
John Ratzenberger
Burt Reynolds
Little Richard
Branscombe Richmond
Geraldo Rivera
Joan Rivers
Cokie Roberts
Julia Roberts
Kid Rock
Mike Rogers
David Lee Roth
Dave Rowland
Billy Joe Royal
Kurt Russell
Jeri Ryan
Arnold Schwarzeneggar
Congressman Bill Shuster Norman Shwarzkopf
Steve Scott
Jim Scoutten
Jeanie Seely
Steven Segal
Tom Selleck
William Shatner
Scott Shepherd
Pauly Shore
Lane Smith
Stephen Spielberg
Sylvester Stallone
Frank Stallone, his brother
Chuck Stapel
Michael Stern
Zane Taylor
Lindy Teague
Marshall Teague
Aaron Tippon
Steve Tyler
Robert Urich
Porter Wagoner
Charlie Walker
Jess Walton
Kevin Blake Weldon
Dan Wilcox
Bruce Willis
Weird Al Yankovic
Chuck Yeager
I`m in. Don`t want to turn this important thread into political bashing nor one of choosing sides between Dems. and Reps. but we all need to remember the AWB from the Clinton era. With Pres. Obama`s well known stances on gun/ammo control and the fact that Hillary Clinton is in the White House for the 2nd time:rolleyes: gun owners will have to fight both their ideas combined. Probably many more ridiculous styles of guns, gun parts and ammo added to the list of banned materials. Obama may at present have bigger fish to fry than gun control but make no mistake, IT`S COMING. We as gun owners have to roll up our sleeves, put our boxing gloves on and be ready for when that time comes. Not wait for that time to get here then start getting ready. A trip to Washington in support of my 2nd Amendment rights is nothing compared to what I`m willing to go through.
To Redneck Fur: Yiu asked so I'll tell you. The way I see it is that there are about 250 million guns in the country right now with more being sold every day. It seems reasonable to me to assume that they are distributed among at least 100 million different people, (although I own more than my share and you may too). The fact is that there are a lot of people who like guns; and we've already weathered the anti-gun storm and are on a winning streak. Most politicians know that it's political suicide to tangle with us. That's not true in a few places like California, New York, Massachusetts, Illinois, and Washington, DC - but even in Washington DC the Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of people being able to own guns for self defense in their own homes. From what I can read and learn "incorporation" - which I've been told is legally making the 2nd amendment apply to all the states, which it amazed me to learn, it doesn't do now, is the next logical step toward going where you and I want to go with legislation protecting our rights. That seems logical to me. We have to try to intelligently and reasonably convince men of good will who are uncommitted on the issue, or are on the other side of the issue to support us. We're not going to do it by alienating or trying to frighten the people whose help and support we need. Frankly, the words "a gunowners march on Washington" reminds me a lot of a bumper sticker I once said that said "Support mental health or I'll kill you." I'd rather let the real numbers speak for us in quiet meaningful political discussions: 250 million guns; 100 or 150 million gunowners. Lower crime rates because of it. We have to stop preaching loudly to ourselves and start convincing the people who don't agree with us. We aren't going to frighten them.
DG45, I would suggest that you take a long and hard look at the civil rights movement of the 60's.

The legislation that came out of that movement, did not come about because people sat at home, and had "meaningful political discussions." It came about because activists were inspired to, um, act. To demonstrate. To protest. To hold Marches and rallys.

Should we do so at the local (State) level? Yes! We should also do so at the National level.

In my opinion, an effort should be made to co-ordinate marches on the State Capitols along with the National effort in D.C. Many who couldn't make the trek to D.C. might well be able to participate at their State Capitols. Such a co-ordinated effort, same day, same time, would be newsworthy.
DG45, The statement"we`ve already weathered the anti-gun storm and are on a winning streak" to me, is an extremely scary statement coming from a brother gun owner. There will always be a anti-gun storm going on. Think back to how fast the AWB in the Clinton admin. happened. As far as intelligently and reasonably convincing men of good will to come to the right side of gun issue`s(and may I add,the support of the Constitution and 2nd amendment)that should already be being done daily by every gun owner. I`m proud to say that in the last couple months I`ve helped two co-workers not only get into guns but go as far as getting their CCP`s. Had help with one of them. A year (or so) ago I took him shooting.He thought it was fun but didn`t see the need to CCW until he was robbed at a gas station with his kids in car. He called me late the same night wanting to know about getting permit. As far as this march is concerned,as I understand this is a peaceful march. A show to Washington the unity of people that believe our constitutional / civil rights as gun owners are being attacked. As Antipitas suggested, study the 'civil rights' movement. You may see similarities in some of the Un-constitutional things that were going on then that are now happening to gun owners. Its our Constitutional and civil rights that continue to be challenged. The most important thing we have to do is support one another. You`ve got mine!
The statement"we`ve already weathered the anti-gun storm and are on a winning streak" to me, is an extremely scary statement
Yeah... and I fail to see how the "winning streak" applies to California. And before someone says "well just move out of that bastion of liberal whack jobs", remember that often and right, wrong or indifferent, California sets the trend for the rest of the country.
I'm often wrong but never in doubt. So, go on to Washington. Have fun. Enjoy. It's still a free country (most places) and thanks to the Supreme Court decision (Heller was it?) Washington DC seems to be joining the land of the free. (I imagine the shortage of ammo everybody seems to be experiencing is due to residents of the District buying it up and preparing to actually sleep safe and sound in their homes for the first time in many years.) Just don't delude yourselves that the liberal news media is going to give a march on Washington in support of gun rights the favorable positive newspaper, TV and radio coverage that was given to Civil Rights issues in the 1960's. Not in this lifetime they won't. Don't you get it? They don't agree with us. They're against us. They're not going to miss an opportunity like this to twist this story to our detriment even if they have to make it up. I' ve said my piece on this subject. No more on it from me. Go with God my friends. I hope I'm wrong.
You think blacks and those uppity women-folk who marched because they wanted to vote were popular in their time? I noticed that didn't stop them from peaceful protest.

Right is right, and sometimes the country needs a little something to get their attention. I think the civil rights movement is an excellent comparison.

At least our cause is spelled out in the Bill of Rights, they didn't even have that.
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Sorry to have to single you out, DG45. Your attitude is a prime example of 2 things that are wrong with America, today.

1) The general apathy of voters, and
2) The attitude of many gun owners in specific.

I can't believe it will change anything; I can't see it changing anything, therefore I won't do anything to help with the change, since it won't change anything anyway. Self fulfilling prophesy.
maestro, you`re absolutely right about our rights being spelled out in 'The Bill of Rights'. Kinda amazing that today we`re even having this disscussion and having to fight for something thats so clearly spelled out. This pro, anti-gun war has waged for a long time and lately we`ve won a few battles but we can`t get lax and start thinking everyone has finally learned to read and interpret things the same way. This has not become 'the Garden of Eden'. With a few strokes of the pen on Capitol Hill things in the gun world as we know it can drastically change. Whether gun brothers can attend march or not it would be re-assuring to know that those who can`t will be doing something the day of the march to support those that do attend. I`m sure they will.
I have myself and three others pretty sure we are showing up. I also have a couple very interested and will at least take part on the state level(Columbus). Everyone needs to get a few and spread word to all those who care.

If we still have our cherished 2nd Am I'll be there. I seriously doubt that we will have a 2nd Am come spring of 2010. I sometimes doubt that we will have a free USA come spring 2010.

Guns, Gold, Garden & Godpel. The 4 G's of life.
I plan on going and I have gotten others interested in going also. I plan on a hotel room just outside DC in virginia. I'm checking with my banks about a safe deposit box big enough for my and my friends CCW weapons while we're in DC.

I also plan on wearing a cheap empty holster while their in plain sight. This way if the PTB take it I'm not out much.
We can't let the momentum die this soon and let them win. There is a lot we can do in the year leading up to the March. My wife and I have gotten busy recently creating awareness in our area. Here she is with a plan of action:

Face it - not every gunowner has access to internet, or even visits gun discussion forums, so they are less likely to hear about the march. NRA is not going to send them a notice - they just want your membership money. So some old veterans out there (who may support the cause 200%) are not aware of the March.

Here is what you can do to bring the news to such people and all 2A supporters -- hand out flyers (available on the Second Amendment March web site, - top right, click on Flyers and Banners) -- take a bunch of them with you to every gun show, gun store, VFW posts, or local hang-out you go to; ask the store owner and gunshow vendors to hand them out or mention the March to their customers. Tell them their business depends on the 2A - "no guns - no business".

Talk to your local law enforcement officers and encourage them to show support. If they refuse, at least you will know who you're dealing with.

Organize or attend town hall meetings that are being prepared.

Also, contribute what you can to help organizers of the march to obtain permits, maintain the website, travel and give interviews, etc. They are currently running a promotion -- anyone who donates $100 in the next 30 days (starting April 21), will get a free 2-day handgun training course at the Front Sight Firearms Training Institute (Nevada) - $1000 value. Once you donated, and after the march takes place, you can take the course anytime at your convenience.