DC Second Amendment March

dumbest, most inarticulate, and heavily camouflaged attendees to interview and portray as average gun owners.

Excellent, I'm gonna get a haircut, maybe whiten my tooth too. :)

I'm having a lot of doubts about this whole idea. Personally, I probably wouldn't go DC... I just hate that place, but I would go to Sacramento.
The press would go into overdrive suppressing news of the event or at the vary least locating the 5 dumbest, most inarticulate, and heavily camouflaged attendees to interview and portray as average gun owners. SOP.

Not to rain on anyone's march, but this is precisely so. Just look at (for?) coverage of the annual March for Life every 22 January. A couple hundred thousand people fill Pennsylvania Avenue from curb to curb, come rain, sleet, or cold, and it gets ignored most studiously. It's hilarious. Especially funny are the tee-vee crews despately staging their shots to make the five cold, lonely counter marchers look like a crowd ("quick, walk back and forth behind this interview, willya??")

But this is a minor point, really. We should march anyway if this thing catches fire. I'm local and will certainly be there, and I'll make sure Bruno gets some range time! :D

Bob James
I appreciate the risk - like when Biden was asked a question about the AWB by a guy doing 'say hello to my little friend schtick'. I was watching with some neutral folks and they thought the questioner was nuts.

If you can't get a lot of folks - don't bother.

Innoculation effect again - make a weak presentation and later strong arguments are discounted.
I don't think the numbers are enough to get a million guns owners to show up in DC. I'd say that you'd need an average of 1 person for every 10 homes in America. If they can't get those numbers for "civil rights" or Pro-Life rallies I personally doubt we'll get it for gun rights. I'd love to see it, I'd go if I thought (if I think) it's going to work out but I'm not optimistic.
Welp, I've always wanted to see the Wall. Maybe this would be the perfect time to go. I'm definitely going to look into it.
5 dumbest, most inarticulate, and heavily camouflaged attendees to interview
Well I can't teach anyone to speak or increase their intelligence, but I could certainly make a pass at clothing. If everyone wore their work clothes it would really drive home the point of what a diverse crowd gun owners are.
Well I can't teach anyone to speak or increase their intelligence, but I could certainly make a pass at clothing.
One of the smart things that Calguns did when organizing attendance for Nordyke was to insist that members wear suits. That showed the court that gun owners were intelligent and civilized.
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This will not go as planned

I'm a gun loving American Patriot. But this will not go as planned. Advise people to dress in their work clothes, great, but you will still get people dressed in gear that will do our movement a disservice. This is not to be defeatist. The Main Stream Media IS NOT our friend. They will zero in on the literal handful of people that do this movement a disservice and THAT is what will be emblazened across every TV set in America to further their point that its crazies that want gun rights. To go a step farther, think of this...at this year's DNC and RNC their were people that went to protest how, regardless of party, the people aren't being represented. And, next thing you know, some crazy provacateurs, THAT DID NOT COME WITH THE GROUP(very likely plants) were put on TV and shown to be starting trouble. They(MSMedia and gov't agents) will find a way to discredit this great attempt to voice our displeasure with the current state of gun rights.
Why use a number in the name? By implication, if the number is not met then the event will have fallen short in the eyes of some. I like "Second Amendment March"

I'm in. I move that there is a suggested dress code, at least for men. Something simple like, wear either a tie or a sport jacket; or even jeans with a suit jacket. Regular suit and tie, fine, if you want.

Having every bubba show up in their cammys does not serve the cause. Dress in a way that communicates respect for why you're there.
Let's quit saying, "I'll try to see if....". LET'S DO IT!

I'll begin organizing in my state tomorrow if I get TWELVE others to join me, to start ORGANIZING in their state: The bus-caravan to D.C. No need to wait for anything else. It's not until (¿ summer ?) 2010. Together we should have a good idea of whether we get "the 1,000,000" by then. But would we settle for less than 1,000,000? (the Media will give us that name immediately.) Al Sharpton got 5-network coverage of TEN PROTESTORS outside Bernie Madoff's office building! Sure - the "drive-by media" won't cover us like that unless there is a massive no-show or other "incident", but you know Rush, Glenn, Sean and others will cover us, and just THOSE THREE have more listener-ship that the whole drive-by media of ABC, NBC, CBS, PMSNBC, & PBS combined! For my part, I only have a few restrictions on the attendees: 1. NO ammo or guns, not even DEEP-CCW. Maybe a simple empty shell-casing would be a good testimony of the seriousness of this matter. 2. NO booze, ANYWHERE while we're there. 3. NO Camo, except caps, because Obama's "camo-wearing, gun-waving, bible-clutching" marchers will get all the camera-coverage, plus all the hostility from the "I just happened to be passing by with my anti-gun poster" types that surely will show up. Yes, I have LOTS of camo, but "this ain't about Bambi!" 4. Carry your vest-pocket copy of The Constitution, and wave it. What!? You don't HAVE one? Go buy one, or a few, or a dozen. 1,000,000 gun-owners suddenly ordering copies of The Constitution would raise eye-brows at the publishers' offices! How's about it, you dozen more organizers? Is it a workable plan?? "We'll have them surrounded."
That's the problem with my new duty position; it's not very flexible on when I can take leave. Hopefully this coincides with a break between classes or a double-start class vs. a triple-start. I have a friend out at Arlington National Cemetary that I need to pay my respects to in addition to the march.
Sure - the "drive-by media" won't cover us like that unless there is a massive no-show or other "incident", but you know Rush, Glenn, Sean and others will cover us, and just THOSE THREE have more listener-ship that the whole drive-by media of ABC, NBC, CBS, PMSNBC, & PBS combined!

So we're going to preach to the choir yet again? No disrespect but what is this obsession we have with using up our limited resources to preach to each other. It's those that don't watch Rush, Hannity, or Beck that we have to reach and those people will never even learn anything happened unless some fool does something stupid to make us all look bad. A far better use for time and money is to do things like sponsor Appleseed events to gather more people, especially women and young people into the fold. Sponsoring defensive firearms training for women at risk is great publicity and attracts the demographic that we need to attract most.
It sounds like a great idea, but wouldn't it be better to have the march someplace where people can legally carry? Perhaps a capital in a gun friendly state where peoples licenses are likely to have reciprocity?
It sounds like a great idea, but wouldn't it be better to have the march someplace where people can legally carry?
You have to get in their comfort zone. They have to drive by you on the way to work and see what you are able to do when you come together. Otherwise, it's 30 seconds on CNN, maybe. Easily ignored. I'm not a fan of going to DC by any stretch of the imagination. I don't think their economy deserves to be stimulated by the food and lodging costs of a million people who are there representing something the DC government spits on. But eventually you have to take the fight to the enemy's home. Otherwise, you've given them a place to retreat to where they can regroup and counterattack.
1. Who would promote such a thing? What's in it for them? You know the anti-gun crowd can hardly wait for this show to hit town.

2. Of course the crowd will be nowhere NEAR 1,000,000 people which will be seized upon immediately by the anti-gun crowd to show the weakness of the gun community, not it's strength. And of course there will be plants among the people who do attend, intending to tarnish the reputation of gun owners, not help them. (I always assume that any guy who shows up in cammies at an event like this, is a plant for the other side.)

3. Why spend your money in Washington DC?
Once again, can we let go of the arbitrary number of one million? We may indeed reach that number depending upon the shenanigans that occur in both houses between now and then. But why set ourselves up for ridicule, by picking a number out of the air?
Ted Nugent Desires to Speak and Play at the Second Amendment March in Spring 2010!

The Second Amendment March is proud to announce that rock-n-roll legend and Second Amendment Activist Ted Nugent has enthusiastically agreed to perform and speak at the Second Amendment March in Spring 2010, provided the logistics can be worked out! In a conversation just this morning to event founder and promoter, Skip Coryell, Ted Nugent said:

"Goodstuff Skip. If you are so inclined, you may throw the Nuge rocketfuel on the fire by emphasizing my personal total support as an individual and as a BOD of NRA & GOA! ONWARD!"

Well, Ted, let me think about it. Okay! Done thinking! You're in and we'll do our best to make it happen! When I pressed him to bring his guitar, Ted replied:

"It would not be a complete freedom rally without my firebreathing Star Spangled Banner eruption!"

We look forward to Ted's performance and thank him for his support in lending us his voice, his guitar and his tremendous starpower! God bless the Nuge!
I'm game and i'll make sure to be there,i don't care if i'm the only one there.I'm going to start by making sure my gps is up and ready and i'm going to start saving my money too.I think it will also be a great vacation for my family,and a great history lesson to learn.:D:D

don't think the numbers are enough to get a million guns owners to show up in DC. I'd say that you'd need an average of 1 person for every 10 homes in America. If they can't get those numbers for "civil rights" or Pro-Life rallies I personally doubt we'll get it for gun rights. I'd love to see it, I'd go if I thought (if I think) it's going to work out but I'm not optimistic.
1) There are over 110,000,000 households in the US, so we would need less than one person out of every 100 households to get a million. If that were a necessary number to hit to call it a success. Which it is not. The "million" is a convention based on the hope and hyperbole invested in the previous marches (Million Mom, Million Man), neither of which hit that mark. This endeavor has rightly and smartly nipped that silliness in the bud by dropping it from the title. 500,000 people would still fill the Mall nicely, and (although this will definitely be a case where more is more).
2) This is a civil rights issue.
3) Optimism must be a precondition for success, not a result of it. If we all wait to see if it is gaining momentum before we jump on, it cannot build momentum. There is no opportunity to "wait and see" here.

This thing does not require hope or faith. It requires a plan, and the fortitude to see it through. The former seems to be coalescing apace. The latter must show itself within all who value this right now-at the onset.