DC Second Amendment March

Good idea; but they had better deliver the numbers. If we do something like this and few people show up or the event gets cancelled, the current administration is likely to take it as a sign of weakness and be emboldened.
Good idea!

As this becomes more real, I'll investigate traveling to DC to participate and lend myself to the count. Expensive, but worth it.

Worst case scenario, I'll march at one of the satellite rallies at the AZ state capitol though. I can definitely at least do that much.
They better deliver the members, and NOTHING bad better happen. If anything happens within 100 miles, it's going to be blamed on guns.

If one person sneezes on another, the media are going to be debating "Does gun ownership encourage the spread of biological weapons?" for a month.
A couple of concerns:

The anti-gun politicians and media will simply say that 299 million Americans didn't march, so the pro-2A crowd is in the minority.

The National Park Service and media may well undercount by half, how ever many show up.

Lot's of women support 2A also and we should stick to calling it the Million "Gun Owner" March rather than "Man" march.
My apologies to all 2A woman involved. When I started this thread I was in a hurry to get the info out. I will check on how to change the thread title to "DC second amendment march".

I would realy like to be ther for you guys but i cant promis anything yet.;)

If it is okay with you guys i will repost this link in a Norwegian gun-forum. Maybe ther is more people interested and we could make a trip out of it. Two weeks maybe.:D:D
If it is okay with you guys i will repost this link in a Norwegian gun-forum. Maybe ther is more people interested and we could make a trip out of it. Two weeks maybe.
That would be awesome! I can practically guarantee you'd have a great time, and I'm sure that our folks would treat you to some range time, and perhaps a trip to the National Firearms Museum.
I have always wantet to go to the US. Maybe this will be the time to go.:D

The gun laws in the US is important for Norwegian gun availebility so i hope other Norwegians see the importanse of such a march and join up to suporte us in our couse.
... we should stick to calling it the Million "Gun Owner" March rather than "Man" march.


And for more than one reason: the "Million Man March" was -- for those who remember -- Louis Farrakhan's big anti-rights rally a few years ago. Be really really stupid to re-use that name, even inadvertently. We don't want to be associated with him in anyone's mind!

It's a great idea if they can pull if off with a large number of supporters.

Just an observation, but if they had a million gun owners in DC, it would be the first time normal people could actually feel secure in there.
As someone once said getting gun owners organized to protect their own rights is like herding cats. For that reason I seriously doubt that they will get 1000 people to actually show up. For most people the problems will be either taking time off of work or affording the trip, and a poor showing will be taken as a sign of weakness. But even if a miracle happened and 1M people showed up - it would never make the news. The press would go into overdrive suppressing news of the event or at the vary least locating the 5 dumbest, most inarticulate, and heavily camouflaged attendees to interview and portray as average gun owners. SOP.

The place to start is state capitals. I know that even at 500 miles away I can find the time and funds to attend a state rally.