Dangerous mishaps while hunting.Had any?

I had a close call Turkey hunting,set up a decoy on a pipe line in the clear,backed into the edge of the woodline & set up my blind.After a while,letting things settle down got out my call,& went to work.In less than 20 seconds 3rifle shots rang out,my decoy was hit twice.I just happened to be off to the side enough that I was'nt hit.

The hunter came down & apologized over & over.He kept saying it just looked & sounded so real.The man even had a scope on the rifle a22 Hornet.

By the way this happened in FLA. it was a legal firearm for turkey.Its so easy to get caught up in the hunt,You can never be to careful.
My brother and I was out scouting (mostly playing) hunting ground about 2 weeks ago, (We hunt the lolo area)

We walked around for several hours and decided to try an elk call just for fun (had no hunting rifles, just my CCW) and after a short time (less than 5 min) we could hear a response... too bad it was wolves.

We kept our eyes peeled and walked back to the jeep.

Nothing happened but it was a little frighting. They trailed us for about 20 min and then lost interest. I think they discovered that we where not elk.
The scariest moment ever, came a couple of hours later - when after showering I hopped on the metro downtown and had the misfortune of having to witness Obama's innaugural parade.

Sounds more like a 4 year nighmare.
The scariest moment ever, came a couple of hours later - when after showering I hopped on the metro downtown and had the misfortune of having to witness Obama's innaugural parade.

Sounds more like a 4 year nighmare.

If it is another 4 years, I heard nugent will either be dead or in jail.. his words....

makes me laff real loud there, both sides are so close and cater to their money men it just dont matter....
Nothing major.

Pelted by shotgun pellets from some dufus in the next field while pheasant hunting. My buddy downs a pheasant a few minutes later and his dog runs over and grabs it. He starts yelling "Don't shoot my dog." The dog came running back to him after a while of mauling the pheasant and he was reluctant to give it back.

The best was bow hunting. I was in a ground blind before sun up waiting for the first light. I was sitting on a little wooden fold up camp chair. I heard a snort to my left and when I turned to look the camp chair just shattered and left me laying in a heap with a deadly sharp broad head somewhere near me. I had to wait until the sun came up enough to safely extricate myself.

That last time I deer hunted state land where we had bullets whizzing over our heads a half hour before first light. One hit the tree i was leaning against. We waved off a bunch of guys that insisted we were in their spots. My buddy had a big old slug hole through the side of his truck bed and a couple through the tailgate when we finally gave up and went back to the truck.
Shot a wart-hog a few years ago, frontal shot. when it turned around I could see the exit wound next to his tail. we started tracking it. this went on for 2 hours. Finlay found the borough he entered. went in after it with a couple of trackers an a spotlight. the 2 tracker was in front of me. when the hog charged, somehow the tracker came past me and left exited the opening before me. I took the brunt of the charge and was lucky it was my only injury. I thought the arm was broken but when i visited the local veterinarian he put his sonar equipment to work and concluded it was only a hairline crack


I went hunting with an "its ok, its on safety" kid. He had a 12gauge racked, on safety, finger on the trigger, AND aimed at my head... I politely asked that the gun be pointed in a safe direction, but it ended up pointed at me again, at which point I said that you dont get 2nd chances with 00Buck and decided to call it a day. Never hunted with the kid again.

Took my fiance's 10 year old brother shooting and he sent a .22 about 4 feet over my head. We had a talk and he went back to shooting pellet guns for a few weeks.
I just heard about a guy who shot his girlfriend... mistaking her for a hog :eek:
She must have been really ugly and hairy :D
Several close calls.....once crossing a beaver dam in 20 degree weather, dam broke under my weight and went under the icy water with only my head above water. Why I never went into hypothermia is a miracle.

Other incident involved an ATV tip over while hunting that took part of my pinky finger.....now they just call me ol' 9 1/2 fingers.

It would have been more scary if I hadn't been so mad.
Along about 1981-2, I invited a friend to my place to hunt deer. I had him a nice stand that he'd used in bow season and was hunting it again during the rifle season. It had been a wet fall and I still had several acres of soybeans unharvested so we were stand hunting those.
About 1/2 hour after first light a vehicle pulled into my field and drove right through the standing crop to stop right in front of my friend's stand. Guy gets out and goes hiking across the field never noticing the big orange blob 100' away. I got down from my stand, walked the 1/2 mile to see what's going on, and my friend related the situation. I was pretty PO'ed due to the damage to the field so I popped the hood and pulled the rotor from the vehicle. Then I sent my friend to another stand over the hill.
A couple of hours later, the guy returns to his vehicle, walks around it, and then follows my tracks back to my stand. He's hopping mad cause I "trashed his new pickup" and making some serious threats. My rifle was standing next to the side of my stand and my hands were crossed in my lap so the guy thinks he's got me cornered. I tossed the rotor to him and told him to get out of my field ASAP.
He was getting more stirred up and finally he popped. He'd been holding his Marlin 30-30 in his left hand and then he swung it across and grabbed it with his right hand in the lever ready to use it. My stand was maybe 8' high so I was a little above him and I just uncrossed my hands from my lap and let him see the muzzle of the 357 mag I'd been holding there all the time.
We had a slow motion moment and then he got real red faced and took off in a trot. I slid over enough to get a 3' thick cottonwood trunk between us and watched him until he was past my gate.
That boy nearly lost his life over a foolish trespass stunt and then failing to take his butt chewing like a man.
I was 16 at the time and living in the Lompoc area......actually Casmalia, and left the house for a morning deer hunt. After a long climb up to a mesa, I stopped under a small oak tree to catch my breath. I had a decent view across a narrow canyon and was looking around for any antlers sticking out of the brush below and across from me. I saw the dirt rise up from the ground about 6 feet to my left and heard a loud report from across the canyon. I grabbed my rifle from my lap and fired it into a tree below me and yelled across the canyon. I never did hear a reply or see anyone move but it sure ended my days hunting. Back then, they didnt have blaze orange, but I was wearing bright red. That kind of thing can happen when you run across "LA" hunters.
I had a dangerous mishap once many moons ago when I still hunted from tree stands. In fact that was the last time I ever hunted from a tree stand.

See I have a problem of not being able to stay awake in a stand. Something about the quiet with the swaying of the tree in the wind puts me to sleep like a baby in a moving vehicle.

That morning I had a cold and instead of staying at camp I drank a double dose of NyQuil (I know stupid) and headed off to hunt. I climbed to my stand which was only 8 ft off the ground and sat down to await the deer. Well I had forgotten to attach my safety harness to my anchor line and as such I fell asleep some time after 0730. My father found me on the ground out cold, my rifle still hanging on a branch next to my stand, around 0830 when he couldn't raise me on the radio (checking up on me). Yep I was so soundly asleep I never awoke when I fell. A trip to the doctor revealed a couple of broken ribs and some bruises from having fallen on twigs and roots but I wasn't seriously hurt.

So now its no more meds and no more tree stands for me when I hunt. I am either well enough to hunt or I'm not but I don't take cold meds anymore and I won't go up in a tree stand anymore.
I guess the only real close call I had was 2 years ago or so. I was walking a crick on a Wildlife Management Area where I routinely jumped wood ducks at mid day. This day it was a little later in the afternoon. I came up on a group of 6 that were tucked under the near side bank that didn't flush until I was 10-15 yards away from them. The first shot hit a nice drake and 4 birds flew across the creek to the left. 1 bird took the near side and flew to my right. The limit in Minnesota was 2 wood ducks back then so I didn't want to risk shooting 2 with 1 shot. I swung right and just as the barrel was clearing through the bird I heard a shout of "don't shoot!" I lowered my gun very startled cause I was alone and there weren't any cars in the lot. Then I saw a guy in a treestand bow hunting deer. It turned out he lived next door to the WMA and routinely bowhunted out of a stand he had hung out there 20 some feet up. I never saw him coming up and even when he started talking. Nothing real bad happened but it always scared me as to what could have happened in the blink of an eye. He told me he had seen me coming and knew there were ducks there so he didn't want to ruin my shoot, but I wish he would have said something before I started shooting.
Not a mishap but high potential for one. I was deer hunting on a friend's private land, with permission. I had been setting on my stand for about an hour when I heard voices behind me. I looked and there was a man and a woman about 100 yards away. It was open woods and I could see and hear them clearly. I stood up and started shouting and waving my blaze orange cap ( I was also wearing a blaze orange vest) to let them know I was here. No response. After a couple minutes of this I started walking towards them still shouting and waving the cap. They never noticed. I could see they were looking over my ATV where I parked it. I kept walking and got within five feet of the woman before she noticed me at all. I almost had to poke the man before he became aware someone else was near him. :eek: As politely but as forcefully as I could I told them they had no business being in the woods with loaded guns. The woman still had a confused stare on her face and it was obvious she didn't have a clue what was going on. The man finally agreed with me and they moved on. Very scary to think people like that are in the woods with guns. I learned later they left the woods and quit hunting, at least, for that day.
Many yrs ago when tree stands wrer just coming in I built one ion a tree, not a store bought one.

Some mornings later I climbed the ladder, threw my rt hand up onto the seat, released my lt hand and the right one slid off on th e frost.

Down I went onto my back. Was about 15'. Luckily there were no projections there. I was unhurt.

I had cut a small pine 1" diameter about 6' farther away, 1 foot high stump. Had I landed on that it would have all been different.
Never had one personally but a few years ago my Dad witnessed something scary. We were all set up at first light. Around 7 AM this old gentleman that knows my Dad came wondering over to chat him up. After about 15 the gentleman walks over to his tree stand and starts to climb up. About half way up the board pulled out of the tree. Yes it was an old stand with nailed on 2X4's as a ladder. I figure this guy was late 60's or early 70's (no offense to you older guys):o. Of course I didn't know all this at first, I just heard the ambulence come in and later the life flight as they got gim out of the woods and to the local hospital. Cracked three ribs and broke his back.:(
A guy I used to hunt with...

almost blew my head off with a 12 gauge.

We were driving down a 2 track in his truck, both guns unloaded and placed in the camper topper, when he decided to stop and try to shoot a dove that landed about 30 yards ahead, in the 2 track.

Well, I was taught that you shoot only flying doves, not those that land nearby. Not sporting, I was taught.

So, I stayed put in the passenger seat, while he slips out from behind the steering wheel, and goes to the rear of the truck to get his gun.

He got his gun, loaded it, and tried sneaking up to the open drivers door to take a shot.

Bird spooks, flies away, no shots fired.

He goes back to the tailgate, opens the camper rear window, and...BOOOOM!!!

Blows about a 2 inch diameter hole thru the back window, and about a 6 inch hole thru the windshield.:eek:

At first I thought the shot came from an unseen person in front of the truck, until I turned my head to look toward the back of the truck and saw the hole in the rear window -ABOUT 24 INCHES FROM MY HEAD!!:mad:

I STILL don't know how he managed to shoot a gun he was putting away.:confused:

We don't hunt together anymore.:mad:
We shut down the farm on 2 days, Christmas and first day of deer season. Not so much that I like hunting, (I do) but because every cityboy hunter thinks a horse looks like a deer. No horses are allowed out of the paddock area and me and the hands take turns driving around the property making sure the illiterates don't miss the 3'X3' bright orange/black signs every 100 yards that say

NO Hunting
NO Trapping
NO Trespassing

My wife also has her truck and trailer set up for trauma work in case any horses gets shot in the area, usually it happens. :mad:
I tipped a stand down with my dad in it, he had just climbed up, rifle on his back I had asked him before if it would hold us both, I was over 200pounds at 15yo, I get one step up the ladder and one leg of the stand breaks, it falls really slowly so I have time to jump aside. My father not so much.

Landed on his rifle and broke the stock and squased the radio (and no cell coverage). he was quite woozy and I had to support him all the way back to the car, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree so he is a big fella to

Another time we were at our hunting range, it is located behind/below a target shooting range that has got a sizeable bulletstop. I dunno what those target guys were doing but all of a sudden we started hearing bullets drop around our littel shoot-cabin How they managed to shoot over that wall is beyond me
are you serious Egor? I've heard similar stories over here aswell but just assumed it were jokes. are people that stupid or do they do it on purpose?