Daily Carry and The Means of Carry

Just joined The Firimg Line specifically to play this game.

In the House:
S&W 642 and Applegate-Covert in Cargo pocket shorts

Out of the house:
Glock G23 in Glock Sport-Slide, spare mag. and Applegate-Covert (Open carry here in AZ as I don't have my CCW yet.)

My wife thinks it's "sexy" when I strap on all my "social hardware" just for a run to the store for milk.
Ok...I'm a little late on this one...

HK USP 40 Compact either a SOB rig that Mark THG made for me, or a Conceal X high ride that I made while playing with some knife sheaths.

Knife is an Applegate Covert, it has its own place on the SOB holster, with the other lately I have been sliding it in my back pocket next to my wallet.
Kimber Custom Compact and a Benchmade Stryker. The Stryker goes everywhere while I sometimes have to make due without the Kimber. Modes of carry depend on outfit and include Blade Tech IWB, with spare mag and 6P in an Uncle Mike's pocket holster, Bianchi Fanny Pack, Galco Miami Classic.

As for not being able to carry a knife in TX, If I remember the law correctly anything (not automatic) with a blade length less than 4.5 in. is legal. Will have to check the lenght tonight to make sure though.
Glock M19,M26 or S&W 642 in a custom belt scabbards or IWBs.
Spare mag or speedloader in pouch or pocket.
(Got a bitchen alligator dual mag pouch in progress I'll send you a picture of Rich)
Spyderco Police.
Surefire 3p or 6p.
Either a Colt Commander or a Springfield Ultra Compact V-10. I use a Galco Concealable or Safariland 5181. Galco (some nameless model) mag carrier.
Listed in frequency of carry: Kimber LW Compact, Glock 23, Glock 27 (when I can pry it away from my wife). I carry in Sparks IWB holster with a spare mag. I almost always have a Sure-Fire 6Z on me, in my briefcare, or in the car.

I always carry a small Spyderco folder. I'm looking to purchase a larger folder and am considering Emerson's Commander, Specwar E2-A, and Crawford's Kasper folder. I see that a number of you also like Reeves large folder. As I fly frequently, the folder will have to be able to pass easily through security (I'm always late). Comments on selection would be greatly appreciated.

SW 3914 in Milt Sparks Executive Companion, Beretta 21A in Milt Sparks pocket holster (don't remember the name & can't find my catalog right now) in weak side pants pocket, and Benchmade CQC-7 clipped to pocket on strong side.
Carry pistol varies with the activity. It can be a G-17, S&W 3914 or OMC Backup (yes, it's a pre AMT and it shoots just fine)The battered ex-Chinese High Power or S&W M-10 go along in the woods.

Most holsters are Orca nylon IWB design with an Orca pouch. The mag pouch for the Glock has a spot for the 6-P.

Knives aren't fancy. A Victoinox Tinker, Benchmade 402 with the half serrated Weehawk blade and a Leatherman go most everywhere. They made my Gerber Mark-I illegal here in Washington so I just look at it now and then.

The S&W 3914 and the Browning serve as "truck guns". If things look serious, the 870 or Olympic PCR-5 come out.
I carry a Taurus PT-911 every day. On work days (I perform claim inspections for insurance co's) I carry it cross draw in a small belt pack similar to the phoney cell phone case sold in gun rags. I also carry some work tools in a second compartment so it looks like a tool bag. Weekends are usually covered with a generic fanny pack. However, today I tried a LH IWB on the right hip, I'm right handed, and this setup allows me to draw the weapon without twisting my arm around. It worked very well.
Only knife I carry is a Swiss Army. Need it every day.
Since crime is practically nonexistant out here in this rural/small town area, I just keep an old Police Positive .38 in the truck glove box, and a Smith 4" model 10 on the nightstand. There's also an old 870 nearby with 3 rounds of buck in the mag.

If I have to go down to Atlanta metro area, I carry a 3" model 36 in an IWB holster I made myself. In really hot weather I just stick a 950 Beretta in a nylon pocket holster and hope nothing goes wrong. I have tried carrying a 2 1/2" model 66 in a Don Hume rig, but it's too thick to be comfortable inside the waistband, so I'm thinking about replacing the 36 with a small frame DAO .357. As you can see, I favor revolvers, although I do have a Colt Govt. model and a Makarov .380. I once had a collection of Colt pocket semiautos, .25s, .32s, .380s, and even an old .38ACP parallel-rule pocket model. Unfortunately, I lost interest and sold them off piecemeal. Stupid move.

As for knife, I always have a little Victorinox with me, and usually carry an old Gerber lockback when I'm in the woods. At my age (61 and with physical problems), I don't think I would be too effective in a knife encounter, but then I can't run very well either. Actually, those sound like good reasons to carry a gun all the time don't they? Better start shopping around for that little .357 I guess.
Since I am supposed to be unarmed in my job (state recommendation, not a requirement)., I usually have a S&w642 in a DeSantis Apache ankle holster, an AFCK,
and a Surefire@ 6Z. In my briefcase (by Dillon Precision) I carry a Novak-tuned S&W 457, extra clips, speedloaders for the 642 and a Leatherman original muli-tool. I also have room for Punch II pepper spray. Hope this helps.
No one has mentioned how they carry extra magazines, if any. Of all the stuff I find the extra magazines are the most problematic. I have yet to find a concealable magazine pouch that I like although right now I'm considering trying a Dillon or Andrews because of the extra leather to keep the base edges from gouging. Anyone have suggestions?


I have found quite a bit of problem with carrying extra mags as well. I use Bladetech's Kydex magazine pouch. One time I was playing with my kid. I lunged for him and out came my spare magazine clip. If I can lose it during a simplle rough-housing.. well, you know. So, anyways, I am reverting back to duty pouches such as Safariland, complete with flaps and snaps. It's slows me down considerably, but frankly, I find it better than losing my gear. That is, unless someone else has a better idea?
I use Galco clip-ons for my single stack magazines, they're deep enough to hold the mags securely, but still have enough sticking out the top to perform a reload without having to think about it.
Daily carry is a P7 PSP, in a Rosen ARG with mag pouch. SUREFIRE 6P in either the coat or back pants pocket. Knife is either a CQC-7 or an AFCK, sometimes both. LWS32 rides backup.
Normal daily carry --- goes on when I dress and comes off when I undress, Colt Commander or GM or Para P 12, in a Sparks Summer Special, or Sparks 55BN OWB. Sparks or other mag pouches. Summer, often carry a H&KP7M8 in an Alessi IWB holster. Always carry extra magazine. Always carry a Wather TPH in a Null pocket holster. Always carry Benchmade knife, Spyderco knife, and a Leatherman tool, and a Micro Leatherman. Always one small light -- Streamlight or similar. Also, one small camera. When bike riding, Kel Tec, and Benchmade, and can of OC. Do I expect trouble? Yes. Do I know when/what? No. If I knew when or what, I would go on vacation! GLV

As noted above, I keep the extra mags in my truck. The truck is where I keep most of the "extras." Occasionally, I will have an extra mag in a coat pocket (winter coat) or a fanny pack, but I can't justify carrying an extra mag on my body most of the time.

By the time I put my ID, a lighter and some cash in my pockets, put on my watch, holster, firearm, knife, and a firearm I feel like I am pretty well equipped.
God Bless those of you who carry practically as much as I do when on patrol.
Are you guys giving an example of "sometimes" or everyday?
How do you deal with going out to eat, where you will be taking your coat off?

I carry a Fullsize H&K USP .45 in an Uncle Mikes Beltslide or sholder holster with two spare mags in a Safariland paddle mag pouch. A Surefire 6P rides in a Blackhawk horizantal belt pouch, a Spyderco Police never leaves my side, and an ASP key defender kubaton/oc/key flail.
If I am out to pick up a skip,I take the same along with a 14" M1, and Safariland cover 6 plus. Not been let down yet.( Don't over look the Pneu-Gun)
I am almost embarrassed to say this, but I completely forgot about the retention screw on my Bladetech spare mag holder until I read it in a Gunsite catalog that came in my mailbox today. So, I tightened that thing as tight as I can, and am back to using it again.