DA or SA

What kind of triggersystem do you prefer for your EDC gun?

  • SA

    Votes: 39 36.8%
  • DA

    Votes: 48 45.3%
  • DAO

    Votes: 19 17.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
DA or SA
I want to know what kind of trigger do you prefer for your EDC-gun.


Isn't it a familiarity, training, experience or simple personal preference thing, when all is said and done?

Unless, of course, it's a policy or local law thing.

Didn't "vote", BTW.
Honestly, I think your options are skewing you results...

I would much rather see these options to clarify results:
SA ....like 1911
DA auto
DA revolver
DAO auto
DAO revolver
Striker fired (All XD, Glock, M&P, Kahr, etc)
I prefer DA/SA by a long shot. I practice everytime I shoot any of my SIG's with the first shot hammer down. I honestly don't get it that people have problems with the "transition". I remember a vid with Hitchcock45, who loves him some Glock's, shooting a SIG P220 and saying he didn't like the DA/SA. He then promptly just pounded the steel with it...while he chuckled to himself.

My primary carry, however, would be the striker fired Kahr CM9. I trust it completely, and I actually like the buttery trigger; the reset is just kinda long. I have to watch it if I have been shooting my SIG's more to make sure I let the trigger reset. I would LOVE to have a Kahr with that trigger as the initial shot, then the quick reset of my SIG's thereafter. Yummy.

The only handgun I have with a safety is a Colt Mustang. It only gets pocketed in very specific situations, and I am very aware that it has a safety.

I would never IWB or pocket carry a Glock with one down the chute.
I find that I choose my EDC according to:

1.) Reliability; will it go bang every time?
2.) Accuracy; will it hit what I aim for (regardless of what someone else can do with it)?
3.) Fit and utility; does it feel good in my hand, can I conceal it with reasonable comfort and deploy it with reasonable speed?
4.) Does the trigger work reliably (repeatably break at the same point, e.g.)

Type of trigger (SA, DA, SA/DA), ignition (Striker, hammer), mechanism (semi-auto, revolver) and other considerations kinda fade into the background.

On any given day, I might be carrying any one of the above.

I didn't vote.

..SA/DA/SAO distinction to be about the trigger only, and what actions it performs.

Put me in that camp, although I don't think we're in the same tent...

Does it only drop the hammer (or striker)? Single action. Does it cock the gun as well, bringing the hammer (or striker) up from a full rest position before releasing the sear? Double Action. Does it have to bring the hammer (or striker) up from rest, each and every time? DAO.

This is a pretty good standard, but I disagree with a small part of it. The part about "from full rest position". I don't think that matters. Of course, others disagree...

If the trigger cocks and fires the gun, it performs 2 actions. Hence Double Action. I don't see where it matters if the hammer or striker is "at rest" or "partially cocked". If you remove " bringing the hammer (or striker) up from a full rest position", from your definition, it is still accurate, and covers a wider range of designs.

GLock, apparently believes that "from full rest to full cock" is necessary to call it a double action. They make a big point of how their gun is different from that, and call their system a "safe action". I suppose its a better marketing term for them than calling it a partially preloaded double action system, but that's what it is.

I see it as a double action if the trigger does two things, cocks the gun, and fires the gun. I think calling it one name if the trigger completely cocks, then fires the gun, and another if the trigger only finishes cocking the gun, then fires it is splitting hairs.

What about SIGs? with their "standard" DA/SA system, when you decock the gun, the hammer is NOT at full rest position. Does this mean its NOT a "real" DA trigger pull? I think it is.

It matters little how you, or I define things, it seems, somewhere down the road, someone else will redefine it, and consider us both "wrong".
I use to be in the SA camp, Browning High Power, 1911 style, but in recent years have wandered over to the decocker only camp and have no issues with the DA/SA pistols. Actually I prefer them now, it still needs to have a hammer but the first double action trigger pull in not a problem and the transition to SA is smooth as silk and gives an excellent rapid follow up shot as well.

It matters little how you, or I define things, it seems, somewhere down the road, someone else will redefine it, and consider us both "wrong".

At least someone read my post, instead of being an illustration of what I was talking about.

If the trigger cocks and fires the gun, it performs 2 actions. Hence Double Action. I don't see where it matters if the hammer or striker is "at rest" or "partially cocked".

In retrospect my divisions were a bit sloppy.

I was trying to make a distinction between what Glock does, with guns with a restrike capability. I had in mind my old, unlamented, CZ-100.
I applaud Blacktimberwolf, the OP, for using the correct terminology "Double-Action (DA)" as opposed to the illiterate "Double-Action/Single-Action (DA/SA)".

DA/SA is NOT a trigger mechanism. It is a MODE of operation.
I detest manual safeties so double action is the only way to go for me. I carry revolvers. I always have a 625 on me and often carry a 629 or 627 as a back up depending on what I'm doing.

A combat handgun in my opinion is going to be double action or DAO with no manual safety.
DA/SA on all the guns I own. But.... I have no issue with my wife's DAO. I will buy a DAO and a revolver in DA and in SA and a DAO. You have to practice with what you carry. In TX it is CC only right now, so I carry DA/SA, but DAO isn't off the list. A gun is a gun. Get comfortable with anything you carry. It really isn't that complicated. Work in your budget, get what you want.

Personally, I want all styles.... Even a Glock <argh>
Quentin2 said:
SA for me. That includes Glock's "Safe Action" which is classified as DA by law enforcement/BATF but functions more like Single Action since the trigger cannot fully cock the hammer/striker.

Ditto. I want the second trigger to be the same as the first and the last to be the same as all the preceding ones.
I voted DAO. For pocket carry (which is what I use most of the time), I like the NAA Guardian and Seecamp .32 ACPs if I'm wearing clothes with smaller front pockets, and Colt Pony Pocketlite if I'm wearing jeans.

I used to carry Rohrbaugh with jeans, but the magazine release on the bottom is awkward and they're a major pain to field strip compared with the Colt.

Should be obvious that I prefer hammer fired to striker fired.
I am a DAO kind of guy when it comes to my two carry guns.

I just prefer the idea of no safeties or anything needed done to the firearm besides a trigger pull if that moment should ever come that it needs to be fired in distress. I like to think I have trained enough and would be able to thumb the safety or cock the hammer if that were my gun, but the body responds in mysterious ways under stress, so I chose to keep it as simple as possible.