Creeping anti-gun bias and general paranoia...

IMHO, everybody does it, not just the control people. Most of all the last ammo/gun shortages have been caused by paranoia and not fact. Paranoia driven by "shaded" info from gun owners and advocates. We scream that the other side does it all the time, while doing it ourselves.

I'm not sure what you mean by that. The last panic (2012) was caused by a good faith effort to ban certain guns nationally after Sandyhook. The efforts resulted in several state bans. This isn't paranoia when they are actually trying to get you.

The 2008 panic was a perfect storm of politics, terrifying world wide economic collapse and ammo shortages spurred by metal shortages.

I'd say the 1999 panic was caused by the over reaction to the Y2K bug. Y2K was a real threat to civil order, one that was dealt with but it was still a real threat.
Y2k bug was only with the older computers using a 2 digit year like 98 for 1998 and wasn't as big deal as the hype if I recall correctly. It only affected older computers from like the 80s
The situations we have now are based on rumors and speculation

There is no panic right now. Guns are cheap and plentiful. More so than I can ever remember. I haven't been able to get an AR this cheap since... ever. A decent entry level bolt gun for under $300 NiB? Glock PTI's for $350? Adjust for inflation and I don't think we have ever had it so good.

Ammo is back down to inflation adjusted 2007 prices or lower, except .22lr and it is getting closer. I am seeing it popup at under $.07 a round regularly now. I make that at about 30-40% higher than the inflation adjusted 2007 prices but the .22lr shortage never made much sense any way. :rolleyes:
You are right, best AR market ever.

When you can order magazines and get the ammunition for free.... Like I just did... It's a good market for the AR
A 30 round magazine for an AR15 or a semi auto version of the AK is not a "large capacity magazine" as you say. It's standard capacity.
^^ agree 100% ^^ When did 30 become such a "big" number?
The original mags for the M16 (and AR15) were 20 rounds. Fit good in a fatigue shirt pocket, too! Also allowed for a lower prone position.

30s didn't become the "standard" until the later 70s.
What really is "large capacity"? The Armatac SAW-Mag is a 150 round magazine for the AR platform rifles. That's not bad, but it costs over $400. Heck, for
$130 each, I purchased two Chinese steel AR mags that hold 120 rounds each! That's 240 rounds in 2 drums. This was years ago, but I still have them. I wonder if Armatac would take one in on trade for their SAW-mag?
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Not sure of the cut off for high capacity; seems like 7+ makes the antis nervous.

Since one of the recent attacks showed the weakness in California law, I'll expect a redefinition of high capacity to come out soon. Say like 10rds. But, recently they've been more bothered about the ability to switch mags than the capacity. Capacity is still on the radar though.

I'd say look for fixed magazines without any possible way to remove it; you'll need to practice up loading your AR folded in two. Probably will make the pivot pin permanent too, don't want anyone swapping a preloaded lower onto your upper.