Coyote Cartridge


New member
I am just wondering what would be the best coyote rifle and cartridge for a new coyote hunter. I am looking at getting into coyote hunting to pass the winter months here in Wisconsin and just curious what some of the options are. If there are any comments on good calls that would be great to. I am starting into an area of hunting where nobody in my family has hunted so I don't have any info on it I was going to do trial and error but I always like to ask someone first. Why try to break new ground when someone has already been there.
I've used a FoxPro Fury2 for a while. It's expensive, but does that thing work. Any deer rifle caliber will work if you don't care about pelts; however, the AR15 platform is proven under 300 yards.
Will you be hunting anything else with it, or is it strictly a coyote/varmint gun? Are you a handloader, or will you be buying factory ammo? What is your maximum expected range?

Right away I want to say a .223 is a super proven performer and with cheap ammo everywhere in every configuration known to man making for lots of time practicing at low cost.
Thanks TimSr I might want to use it on deer maybe but it will mostly be used for a coyote gun. I do reload a little. My max range will be 400 yds but not much beyond that but most of it will be closer to 250 yds. I do have a AR 15 in 223 and I love it but I have been looking at a 22-250 a buddy of mine says it will have a little more punch than the 223 but I thought it might damage the pelt more because of this. Any thoughts on the 22-250 in the ruger american predator.
22-250 is flatter, faster and more accurate. about 100 pounds over .223. it's a pefect thin skin round. but pricey. if your relading, go for it.
Now this is a question i'm interested in. I don't hunt coyotes but that's just because it's not something I've ever been taught and the predator population where I'm use to hunting has always been small.

This year hunting in Hayward there was a large population and the same in Delavin, Wisconsin. In fact I almost saw more coyotes than deer.

I'm more interested in inexpensive calls that work. Mouth or sound system.
Among the very-active coyote hunting fraternity--who mostly reload--the then-new 55-grain bullets for the .243 were greeted with cheers.

It was reported early on that it was common that there was not an exit wound from a body shot.

FWIW, I've tagged a couple of dozen bucks with my .243, with never any tracking needed. Only a couple of coup de grace ever needed.

I've successfully used a "baby boom box", an el cheapo tape player, with a Burnham wounded rabbit tape. Most mouth-call success has been with an ancient Olt rabbit call.
.223 for utility and later purposes

I had good luck with 45gr Winchester varmint

Hornaday stuff works well but occasionally the animal is damaged quite a bit. Even partial dismemberment

The Winchester stuff I never seen much exit damage
I agree, for a reloader 22-250, puts a plus sign on every desirable feature of the .223, and costs the same to reload. .243 is a good choice too. For pelt damage, its more a matter of bullet construction than anything. Most "varmint" bullets are made to expand radically on impact and make a mess with the assumption the target will become buzzard chow. A controlled expansion bullet like you would use on bigger game, or a non-expanding bullet if they are legal for hunting in your state will keep your exit hole smaller.
You asked for calls as well.... Best luck with open reed type.... First few times hunting an area, imitating coyote sounds work, but then you need change it up as they get accustomed to it.

Don't worry about the safety of your gun making noise.... The click makes them stop long enough for a shot in my experience ymmv
I would use a .243win. It has enough versitility to down load to smaller 55-60gr rounds for yotes and up to 100gr for deer. You didn't mention anything about budget for the rifle.
I'm also voting for the .243win. My buddy in Montana would use that round to fill the back of his truck with his limit of deer, antelope and down many a coy-dog with it on his trips as well.
Unless your calling works better than most I've seen, you don't need a rifle-just hand warmers and a good seat pad.
.223 is a 250-300 yard coyote round
22/250 is 1/4 mile coyote round
Realistically, your AR(if it has a decent scope)is plenty good enough for the purpose. At this time, I'm packing an AR in 5.45x39 and I've killed 5 of the 6 varmints I've shot at with it. The miss was a mistake in ranging so not the round/rifle's fault.
That said, today I did scope checks on both a 22/250 sporter and a 220 Swift HB because we're looking at hunting some more open areas where shots reach 300-400 frequently.
My favorite post of all time is a picture of Art holding up a "hull" of a coyote

I can't recall which cartridge he said he used... But I'd avoid that one